I always was a middle of the road vacationer. I never wanted to waste time, but at the same time I wasn't all that much in a hurry. That is one of the reasons why I hated Fastpass (the original). I like to keep moving, but I also like to stop occasionally, relax and smell the roses. Fastpass didn't allow that because if I wanted a specific Fastpass it involved constant running back and forth across the park the score a pass and my down time was taken up. I've been that way with everything actually. I have stated often that I love to drive and especially love a road trip, but I had many friends that headed out of Vermont for WDW and drove straight through because they didn't want to waste a moment of time at the resort. 1500 miles non-stop is not only fatiguing it is also dangerous. And how does anyone enjoy the parks when the body is exhausted.
Maybe it's just me. I always made it a two night road trip. From central Vermont to Fredericksburg, Virginia to southern South Carolina to Kissimmee. Arriving there at about 3pm and settling into the hotel unwinding and just getting ready for the next morning in the parks. I stayed off site so usually about 4pm I'd leave and go back to the hotel and rest, have dinner and then head back into the parks until closing. Rinse and repeat. It worked great for me and the only thing that hurt were my feet. I am way to cheap then to waste a whole day ticket to use one up for just a couple of hours in the park when I arrived that day. And I also knew that when I was tired my enjoyment level dropped right of the bottom of the chart. Even true when I was in my thirty's. I think that is the case but that was so many years ago it hard to remember.