Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Well-Known Member
Our Premier announced today that school is NOT re-opening on 4/6 - which was news to absolutely NOBODY.

We were advised days ago that social distancing includes everybody outside of the people who live in your home. No play dates, no son’s girlfriend coming over, no friends over for coffee, no cleaning lady. One of these hurts more than the others.
Well that actually makes sense....if you are telling people to limit contact with each other, it makes no sense then to open schools up. I read that they scrapped all exams here, which I hope that doesn't mean that no one gets to graduate and they have to redo a whole year. That would be pretty ridiculous. But it makes much more sense to include schools with the shutdowns.


Well-Known Member
The communication has been so o_Oo_Oo_O surrounding all this. "Stay at home, don't roam" makes sense. "Shelter in place" means just that. But just a few hours ago, CNN is still saying walking/hiking at a distance from others is a recommended safe activity.
Exactly. There was a doctor telling people in a video that it's good to get some fresh air and keep exercising. But then the government says no, stay inside unless you HAVE to go out, and then only by yourself. Which, isn't that one of the ways illness spreads in the colder months? People stay inside where there's not good ventilation. Getting fresh air sometimes is supposed to be better. Some things I understand....like, if someone in your home is sick, everyone is in quarantine. It's highly contagious, so just because the others aren't showing symptoms yet doesn't mean they don't have it. THAT makes sense. But if no one in your house or that you've had contact with is sick, why can't you just go for a walk to get out for a bit? And what about people who have had it and are already recovered? Do they have to stay home even though they shouldn't be able to get it again?


Premium Member
I think they’re just acknowledging that humans need fresh air, and not everyone lives in a free standing home with a separate yard.

Mike and I walked around the block yesterday. Saw two other couples, one with a stroller, one with a dog, on the opposite side of the street quite a ways away. We were never closer than 30 metres, if that.

People around here walk all over. I'm out every day -- I especially like the large nature area in my city. People just keep a distance from one another.

I think the confusion (for some people here in the States), is that they somehow think it's house "arrest". It's not. Go out, enjoy the weather, and keep a distance from others.


Premium Member
So with so many food establishments on temporary shutdown (except for drive-throughs and delivery), I saw something that made me chuckle yesterday.

Only one Starbucks in my area has a drive-through, so it was open. Even though I love Starbucks, I had no interest in going there. The reason was (no exaggeration), there had to be 40 cars in the drive-up queue!! :p

As it is, I always make coffee at home (either Peets French Roast, or Starbucks French Roast). I love strong coffee! :hungry: Only once in a while, I'll go to a Starbucks store for a treat, because their prices here are insane!


Well-Known Member
Well that actually makes sense....if you are telling people to limit contact with each other, it makes no sense then to open schools up. I read that they scrapped all exams here, which I hope that doesn't mean that no one gets to graduate and they have to redo a whole year. That would be pretty ridiculous. But it makes much more sense to include schools with the shutdowns.
Governor wolf closed schools for another 2 weeks

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