Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Well-Known Member
DD is crushed. We watched the press conference about new regulations and they have extended the previous regulations from April 6th to June 1st, and they made them more strict. No public/social gatherings of more than 3 people. This also means get togethers in the home...you can have the household plus 3 visitors, and ONLY if you can still maintain 1.5 meter distance from each other. They also strongly advise people not to leave their house unless it's to go to work if there's no way to work from home, or to go to the grocery store, and then you have to do that alone. One person from the household can go to the store. IF you must go out to get fresh air, go alone if possible, and certainly no more than 3 people and only if you keep 1.5 meter distance between you. Mayors are being given power to place fines on anyone who is standing too close together or who have more than 3 people in a group. Kids are excluded from that...they can play together.

This means DD can't get together with any of her friends...although one friend is not allowed out by her parents. And one friend's mom works with corona patients at a hospital, so it's likely she will at some point be infected, so she can't leave her house. The other friends live out of town, so...she won't see her friends until at LEAST April 6th when the school closure is supposed to end. Though someone asked if schools were included as a gathering of more than 3 people and he said no, schools are still only closed until April 6th as of now. It could change, but that wasn't discussed. I think it's pretty stupid to tell people not to leave their homes, but then tell kids and teachers it's fine to put themselves at risk...how do you maintain 1.5 meter distance in a classroom or in the cafeteria??

They also said if anyone in a household is sick, everyone in that household is in quarantine. No one is allowed to leave. So basically we're on lockdown, but they aren't calling it a lockdown.
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When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
DD is crushed. We watched the press conference about new regulations and they have extended the previous regulations from April 6th to June 1st, and they made them more strict. No public/social gatherings of more than 3 people. This also means get togethers in the home...you can have the household plus 3 visitors, and ONLY if you can still maintain 1.5 meter distance from each other. They also strongly advise people not to leave their house unless it's to go to work if there's no way to work from home, or to go to the grocery store, and then you have to do that alone. One person from the household can go to the store. IF you must go out to get fresh air, go alone if possible, and certainly no more than 3 people and only if you keep 1.5 meter distance between you. Mayors are being given power to place fines on anyone who is standing to close together or who have more than 3 people in a group. Kids are excluded from that...they can play together.

This means DD can't get together with any of her friends...although one friend is not allowed out by her parents. And one friend's mom works with corona patients at a hospital, so it's likely she will at some point be infected, so she can't leave her house. The other friends live out of town, so...she won't see her friends until at LEAST April 6th when the school closure is supposed to end. Though someone asked if schools were included as a gathering of more than 3 people and he said no, schools are still only closed until April 6th as of now. It could change, but that wasn't discussed. I think it's pretty stupid to tell people not to leave their homes, but then tell kids and teachers it's fine to put themselves at risk...how do you maintain 1.5 meter distance in a classroom or in the cafeteria??

They also said if anyone in a household is sick, everyone in that household is in quarantine. No one is allowed to leave. So basically we're on lockdown, but they aren't calling it a lockdown.
Our Premier announced today that school is NOT re-opening on 4/6 - which was news to absolutely NOBODY.

We were advised days ago that social distancing includes everybody outside of the people who live in your home. No play dates, no son’s girlfriend coming over, no friends over for coffee, no cleaning lady. One of these hurts more than the others.


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between what we're doing and a lockdown? I thought we were still allowed to go out as long as we were keeping that distance, but the government is angry that so many people went out and they are saying that's going to kill people. Which is it? Do we need to be on lockdown or not?
The communication has been so o_Oo_Oo_O surrounding all this. "Stay at home, don't roam" makes sense. "Shelter in place" means just that. But just a few hours ago, CNN is still saying walking/hiking at a distance from others is a recommended safe activity.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
The communication has been so o_Oo_Oo_O surrounding all this. "Stay at home, don't roam" makes sense. "Shelter in place" means just that. But just a few hours ago, CNN is still saying walking/hiking at a distance from others is a recommended safe activity.
I think they’re just acknowledging that humans need fresh air, and not everyone lives in a free standing home with a separate yard.

Mike and I walked around the block yesterday. Saw two other couples, one with a stroller, one with a dog, on the opposite side of the street quite a ways away. We were never closer than 30 metres, if that.


Well-Known Member
I think they’re just acknowledging that humans need fresh air, and not everyone lives in a free standing home with a separate yard.

Mike and I walked around the block yesterday. Saw two other couples, one with a stroller, one with a dog, on the opposite side of the street quite a ways away. We were never closer than 30 metres, if that.
is that at least 6 feet?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
You guys, I think I got a switch for the original price through Gamestop! *knocks on wood*

I just randomly checked, and the option to add to my cart was there, so I took it. I ran, literally, to my wallet. It says the order is being processed and ready to be packed right now. And that one would arrive 2-4 days after shipment... not 1-2 weeks. Fingers crossed!

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