Well, I'm a complete wuss, so I couldn't blame Mike for staying in the car, either. I think it's harder for me to watch my children be in pain than it is to go through it myself. I sliced my finger a few years ago....completely stupid. I was cleaning the kitchen counter, there was a knife, it started to fall, and my instinct was to reach out and catch the falling object.

It's only a tiny bit on my pinky, but I almost passed out with that one, too...but I was WAY worse with DS and his broken wrist. Part of it was he had been through SO much at that point and I hated anything to cause him more pain, so it stressed me out.
But I didn't even say anything and one of the doctors shouted for the nurse to get me outta there and make me lie down. And then I felt like the WORST mother in the world that I couldn't be there when my baby was hurting and they were having to take attention away from him to attend to me. I didn't want the attention off of him...take care of HIM, that's why we're here. Later, I told my husband I didn't understand how they even knew I was feeling queasy because I purposely didn't say anything, and he said I had turned about 6 shades of green and it was kind of obvious.
But they had given us a choice...they needed to reset the bone before they cast it, and normally, they would do it surgically and he would be completely out for it. But, it was late in the day and the ORs were all booked until like 3:00 in the morning. So he would have to wait all day and into the night before they could do it. They said because of his autism, they were worried about how he would react to that anticipation, not to mention he hadn't eaten anything that day and if he had surgery, he'd have to not eat anything until the next day. So they said the alternative was to give him a pain reliever that worked fast, and give the wrist a shove as they were wrapping the gauze around and hope that it set straight, which was the least invasive way and was also what they thought would cause him the least amount of stress because he wouldn't know they were doing it and he wouldn't have time to build it up in his mind.
Maybe that's the problem with Ski? That he's just built it up so much in his head how it's going to go and it freaks him out? The surgery can't be anywhere near as bad as the initial accident that caused the problem, right? He might even be relieved once it's done. But getting to that point and not knowing exactly how it's going to be...I'd be terrified, too. But, then, we've established that I am a complete wuss, so....
Good luck either way! You sure have a full plate right now. Have you got family or friends nearby who can help with some stuff to take the pressure off of you?