Thank you. I actually used to read all the Kellermans (both Jonathan and Faye), Patricia Cornwells, John Sanfords, Lawrence Blocks, et al, but the older I get, the more I revert to the "Cozies".
I don't want blood and gore, and psychosexual babble; I don't want to get into the mind of a crazed serial killer; I don't want graphic torture scenes.
I want a nice dead body on the library floor, and a sweet old lady or a dandy Belgian with the grand moustache, to wrap it up in a pretty bow for me.
I don't like ugly. And I don't like violence. I know it sounds silly, but I don't think murder mysteries have to ugly and violent. I know R.E.M used the lyrics "shiny happy people" ironically, but that's what I like ... shiny happy people. The real world, the news which bombards us 24/7 can be ugly and vile. That's not what I need in my head as I am headed to dreamland.
I am not good at filtering out the "ugly", so I just avoid it as much as I can. If this makes me an ostrich with its head in the sand, so be it.
I've re-read this post and it comes off as a very lecture'ish and long winded response to a simple recommendation of other authors. It's not meant that way. I love other people's book suggestions. I solicit my librarian's help all the time. Pretty much though, I contain myself to one subset of the genre ... and Agatha did it best.