Baby steps . . . it's a start at the revolt when some of us (yours truly) back off a bit. I'm only one person, but I assume that some others are also following a reduced length of vacation time. For years, I've been going down (once a year) for 4 nights. I finally hit the wall this year with cost and reduced attractions, so I'm cutting back to 3 nights; which is 1 less park ticket day, (I'm also cutting out the water parks add-on), and 1 less day of meals, etc. (I'm not at a Disney hotel either; I'm over at the Westin Swan.)
In the big picture (which you outlined so well above), my puny 1 less night might not amount to a hill of beans to WDW. However, if they start to get push-back from others (including not buying the add-ons like the fireworks parties and the extra 3-hour night option), it may start to make a dent. True, some will continue to buy everything under the sun; but, I'm curious as to just how far they can nickel and dime Joe Average and his family.
I may be preaching to the choir here, but I am wondering if all their (less for more money) diabolical plan may backfire on them (as you mentioned) in time to come. Final note: mightier have fallen . . .