Speaking of the world ending, here is a deep thought: What if the human race is wiped out completely, whether by a nuclear, natural, zombie, or Meg Crofton disaster. Whatever the reason...let's say the human race is gone for good. Thousands of years later...a new species/human race emerges to live on this planet. They uncover some buried copies of what were our books, say, Harry Potter, LOTR, etc. If this new race of humans didn't grasp the concept of fiction, and took these stories as truth...would that be religion for them?
Can you imagine thousands of years from now a species going to the church of Severus Snape, or the cathedral of Frodo Baggins? It could happen. Just sayin'.
This thought alone proves I have way too much free time on my hands today. And with that I bid you all adieu for the afternoon. Gandalf be praised.