Well-Known Member
I would watch it too, but I want the Sox to win and by some weird quirk of nature whenever I watch something like that, the people that I want to win, never do. So I will just read the headlines. The curse, BTW, works with any sport you care to mention. I was hoping to cash in on it and let the teams know that if they want to win, they should pay me not to watch them. No one has bought into it yet though. I may just have to start watching them and just wait for the protection money to come in. It's all fair, because they sometimes lose even when I don't watch them, but the always lose when I do. Foolproof plan really!Watching Tigers-Red Sox. I am fairly confident @Nemo14 is doing the same thing.

BTW, has anyone seen Bob Saget lately? There we are now back on topic. Your welcome.