@donaldtoo and I have had many a conversation about time in nature. While I love my flowers and my gardens and a walk for exercise on our concrete riverwalk I have little tolerance for looking at mountains, climbing mountains. I too love the picture and I could stand up there and admire the beauty for about 5 minutes and I am out. A day let alone a vacation and I'd be anything but relaxed. Camping is beyond torturous to me and I won't do it.
It isn't that I have not done the nature vacationish thing. I've done a two week wilderness canoe trip down the Wisconsin river. I've camped at places like Yogi campgrounds where at least there were toilets unlike my canoe trip.
I've done fishing excursions. I've chaperoned youth to the National Youth Christian Conference in Aspen, rock climbing included and plenty of nature in July. Camping I've done multiple time but it has been on the taboo list for over 20 years. Done all these things, been there done that not going back. I even did sleep away camp for many years as a kid. It was OK but I wasn't a fan of cabins and bunkbeds out in nature and no A/C. My DS said no to camp, my DD went one year and was out. My DH in his young adult years did Wilderness canoeing through Minnesota and almost died in a massive rain and mudslides. Wet clothes, soaked food, cold, water ran through tent. 3 days later they hit a town and left the canoe somewhere out there. Done.
Now put me in Aspen in a lovely resort in early Spring. I'll ski down that same mountain a week and return to my room, go out to dinner, sit in the whirlpool surrounded by snow and a nice adult beverage. My idea of a vacation is a moderate on up resort at WDW where I am fed 3 meals a day that I do not cook and snack around the world, preferably not in the dog days of summer heat.
Vacation Me: