I had the unique pleasure of experiencing the Polio Scare, Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cold War complete with fallout shelters, the Kennedy Assassination, Watergate, Kent State, the Vietnam war (as a participant), the assassination of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, the attempt on Gerald Ford, Ronald Regan and The Pope and, among other things, 9/11. (also the Ford Pinto)
When I think back on that stuff I am more able to understand why I am dead on the inside. I've been bullet proofed. I no longer get shocked about anything that happens in this world. Someone tells me about something and I generally just shrug my shoulders and think, so, what's new! The sad thing is that no matter how much we try and kid ourselves about how the past was a better time, it really wasn't. I lived on the South Gate of a Major SAC Air Force Base that housed B52's fully armed with nuclear weapons. We didn't bother with all the "duck and cover" stuff because if we had a Nuclear War at that point all we would have been is powder anyway, and it was a real threat. I don't remember my childhood as being all that calm and peaceful.