So you know how I somehow hurt my arm the other day and didn't know what in the world happened to it? Well I was a bit worried that going bowling would just make it hurt more, since it was kind of acting up yesterday. But it actually ended up nearly fixing the problem. The first couple of swings were slightly aching, but I must have stretched it out or something, because it feels great today. Full flexibility and everything!
Also the bowling ally got new shoes on Friday, so we got to break them in. They were a bit painful at first, but once they stretched out they were great! And they also weren't as worn out on the bottom and had better traction, so the first time you went up to bowl you almost face-planted because you're not used to it. I warned my friend of it, but even he nearly face-planted. Also, I won the first game by a landslide! And then I won the third game by one point. I think we played 5 or 6 games.
After that we had an intense Mario Kart battle. I started out awful. At one point it was Friend A in 1st, me in 10th, Friend B in 11th, and Friend C in 12th. I ended up getting first place after 32 races, and I had only been in first place for 3 races. One was some random one in the middle of the game, then I started falling out of it, and then I led for the final two races. I'm pretty clutch, I know.