Sadly, last night went down hill fast.
Our last pup, the male Black Lab, Tucker, is no longer with us. He had been sick for a while and we knew he probably wasn't gonna' make it through the summer, but, we hoped he would be with us a little longer. The kiddos grew up with him and the other pups. Before last night, he was eating fine and showed no obvious signs of suffering. While I was posting here, DS had let him out to do his thing and then back in. He came back in under distress, but, we thought he just got scared by the storm. He could not breath properly or catch his breath. Went to the ER vet clinic. Not much they could do. Will miss the big lug.
As you can imagine, we didn't get much sleep, so I took a day.
I like to think they're all up there together as puppies bein' playful in the grass on a warm spring day...