Yep, totally planning on it, lol
It's NEVER too cold for ice cream. Or dole whips.
It's so frustrating. I still didn't get it. My friend tipped me off and within an hour the entire shipment was gone, they didn't bother to unload it from the shipping pallets. I settled for cheap kitty litter just to get out of the driveway. I suspect the homeless cats in the neighborhood are gonna love upon my house.
Honey if I could I would just to escape the misery of this winter...if only in another location. So over this!
Dear god, I need to eat that. I don't really care for that beer but it's one of the better ones coming from PA.

thanks y'all! My dog would have destroyed it anyhow, the postal service just beat her to it
Yeah...I didn't hear how bad, but anytime the word "snowstorm" pairs with multiple days, it's not a good thing. Pittsburgh isn't ready. Our city salt reserves are dangerously low, the roads are horrific (potholes a foot deep in some spots and there's no patching anything until the spring, as patching now has only made it worse) and I fear all the salt runoff from the roads will kill any chance of a spring we might get this year. You can see this layer of ...of grime on the side of roads and the front of all lawns, it's so gross.
I'm putting up my Easter decorations today ...only for the pretty spring flowers and pastel egg colors. I kinda need something to distract me from impending storm #593 of this winter.
Are any of you lovely Sageteers planning a Disney trip this year?