One Little Spark...
Our healthcare system is far more complex than what those who have not worked in it understand. Even most Americans.Yeah, but how much will a heart attack cost you?
Or giving birth?
(Is a wastepaper basket a baby trash can?)
Or elective (non-cosmetic) surgery?
Our system isn't perfect, and Lord knows it's not "free", but it's what we've got, and generally it works very well.
My father's end of life care couldn't have been any better, even if he'd been a multi-millionaire.
First, life saving treatment was never "denied" to people due to financial reasons. Elective surgery is a different story, as are long term treatment programs. But, no one has ever been turned away from live saving treatment at a hospital...ever.
What is shocking is...the bill that comes later.
As a personal example, my daughter and her mother were on the way to church one morning, and got t-boned by someone running a redlight. The kiddo chipped her tooth, but was otherwise ok. My ex was also fine. However, they insisted she get in the ambulance and they transported her a 3/4 of a mile to the local hospital. EMS bill? 2.5k.
That being said, none of the "changes" that have been made, have done anything to make healthcare more available or affordable, rather, they just mean we all have insurance to pay for it...well, those who comply with the individual mandate...and our healthcare choices are now limited from largely self-insuring to distributing risk.
This is why they are pushing so hard for young enrollees. If this does not happen, and by and large they choose to not enroll, you'll see the reinsurance market freeze, and the true cost center (the medical providers) will freeze up.
The costs are out of control, not the payer.