I've got friends who live in Towson, which is where Michael Phelps is from and where Elaine from Seinfeld is supposed to be from. They are pretty convinced that it's the place to live in MD. Among other reasons, I consider them to be wrong because people around there drive like idiots. My one friend I can let it slide because she hasn't started driving yet, but the other one? I'm just like "Yup, if you don't mind nearly getting rammed on a daily basis..."
Between my wife and I, we have lived in 10 different locations around Maryland, and I can say without a doubt that it is NOT the place to live in MD. In fact, I would rank it at least 7th out of the 10, unless you are in the little neighborhood off Burke Ave behind the High School or in the woods off Joppa - then I might move it up to 5th. I would consider the traffic circle in central Towson to be the worst specific driving location in the state, hands down.