I'm still picking myself up off the floor on this one....
My mom's ex, my step-dad who raised me, is over for a visit from Florida on his way to Houston for some surgery. Anywhoo, I grew up in the Orlando metro area. I think only vaguely remember him mentioning that years before he met my mom he had lived in Ft. Lauderdale. Sooooo, I just asked Dad the million-dollar-question: When was the first time you ever went to Walt Disney World?
His answer: "The first day."
I was like "First day of what?" I mean, surely it wasn't the first day as in THE opening day. I would know that. Right?
"The day they first opened the Magic Kingdom. We watched them for all that time building the thing, we wanted to go see it. It was the very first day that they ever opened it."
Opening Day! Sweet Holy heck! Opening-frickin'-day!!!! He said he and his ex drove in for opening day. I asked him what it was like and he said, "Terrible. Nothing worked. People were really mad. We stood in line for like 3 hours just to get into the park. I remember them offering people passes as they were leaving to come back in the future and we told them to stick-it because there was no need to come back to a place where nothing worked."
Crazy. He said he thinks he may have a picture of them standing in the lines waiting to get in. Whenever he gets back home I'll have to ask him to look for it for me.
Wow. Opening day. I never knew.... :hammer: