when did a trip to WDW become a 6 time a year thing? Looking for opinions.


New Member
As for putting the vacation on a credit card, how else do you do it?? It is not like you can send them a big envelope filled with cash. It is just the persons own responsibility to pay it off. I just booked my trip for September on my Disney rewards card. Quite honestly I am trilled to get the points for future trips. Can I afford my trip? Yes I can.

Always on the CC, just don't roll the balance.

Mr. Friendly

New Member
My kids were telling me that a lot of their friends are kicked out of their homes the day they hit 18 whether or not they are still in HS. Several have had to drop out. Then there are the friends they have had whose parents cleaned out their college savings accounts (mainly for gambling..I live 30 minutes form Atlantic City).

How were you able to pay for things at 10? Were you able to work in a family business? My kids have worked on and of since they were 14, but their money all goes into their own savings accounts for their own use. Now that my daughter is in college she buys her own clothes and car insurnace, but my kids receive money from the trust that from their late dad's fire department set up for them when he died specifically to buy whatever they woud need for college such as clothes, books, insurance etc.

One of the most neglected kids I have ever heard of was...Robin Williams, His dad was a VP for Ford. They lived in a mansion. And yet, his parents never paid any attention to him. He states in interviews that he decveloped the manic personality and comedy as a way to get some attention outside of his homelife.

I mowed lawns at first and then baught and sold collectible comic books and candy. I would also buy unused luch tickets from friends, sometimes I would just go without eating lunch or dinner or whatever. I own four companies and lots of realestate now, but I strugled when I was younger. Thanks for listening:wave:


Well-Known Member
I read Dave's books and Suze Orman's. Another really great book is "The Millionaire Mind".

Following their advice made it possible for me as a widow with 4 kids, to buy my own home that I only owe 1/3 of its value on, send my kids to college, buy them each their first car (junkers, though a junker in NJ is 3-4K..lol)and still go on a relatively extravagant Disney trip once per year. I'm sending my 18 year old to Japan this year for 3 weeks with his Japanese class. Plus we still have money in the bank. These days you never know what's going to happen to your retirement pension, 401K, etc.

Ok I'll admit it..I'm just cheap...lol

I'll also admit that maybe my kids are a little spoiled, but that's because my firefighter hubby died in the line of duty. After he died they needed a little bit of spoiling.

My parents never had a credit card or a car loan...I think that's where I get my ideas from. My dad also worked until he was 70. Unfortunately he seemed to fall apart after he retired, so that another reason why I'm going to retire and then continue to work...hopefully at WDW.

Wow, you are doing a great job. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I know how hard it must be but you seem to be doing everything right.:)

By the way, it does not sound like you are spoiling your children. You are just doing what normal parents do, loving them. My daughter has a best friend that is 14. She lost her father when she was young. She is an only child and is what I think, spoiled. She has really put her mother through some tough times here lately. She wrecked her mom's new 45,000. SUV. She smart talks and she orders what ever clothes that she wants online and her mother finds out when she gets the bill. Her mom is wonderful but must not have a clue. She is trying to do the right thing but not hard enough. My daughter has seen just how easy it is to let money fly out of the window on stupid things from her friend. (200.00 on makeup at Walmart, 100.00 in beads to make bracelets, 75.00 on a swim suit that she hates & can not return to name a few) She is now pointing out some of the dumb and disrespectful things that her friend is doing with her mom's money. I hope that she is learning something.

My children have everything that they need. If they want something that's expensive, we plan it and then they can get it if it is within reason. I think that my children are spoiled but not rotten. They are loved, that's for sure. I read a post on here where someone was commenting on spoiled kids and how disrespectful they are. Well, the apple does not fall far from the tree in most cases. I have trouble with my on children sometimes, they are not perfect, but who is?:)


New Member
(partially posted on a DVC thread)

I remember when WDW was considered a once in a lifetime trip. I was lucky and could go every year because my dad worked for a corporate sponsor, but even then it got to be too much. When did WDW become a 3-6 time a year trip? And why? I'm interested to find out seriously what the rationale is.

I know people who work 3 jobs, have several mortages on their homes, hunt for meat so they don't have to buy it, and generally just so some pretty interesting (and I think at times dangerous) things to go to WDW more than once per year. My kids have a teacher who ges 5 times per year plus takes the senior class to WDw (he is there now...will return home for 3 days, and will go back with the senior class) who will fail a kid for saying something negative about Disney...why??????

There was an article on CNN Money that stated that part of the underlying problem of the subprime housing loan disiaters has been people taking out these loans to finance luxuries...like a trip to WDW several times a year..which they specifically state in their article (then again they also linked that to one reason why our kids are turning into big brats...lol). People are actually losing their homes...why?

Unless you live in Florida, going to WDW is not exactly the cheapest (or easiest) thing to do. Even with DVC membership there's still transportation and food which alone is probably 2K or more each time.

This is the problem with America everyone can't stay out of everyone else business. So what if a famliy wants to go to Disney 6 times a year and put everything on their credit card that they know they can't afford.
Kids don't turn into brats because WDW trips they do so because of bad parenting.

The problem with America is inflation. The price of everything goes up but wages don't. And unless you have a degree you don't deserve anything. So how is someone supposed to live their life. Save Save Save when you have nothing to show for or how about do what you want and what makes you happy because your going to be a slave to the system the rest of your life anyways. In order to truely understand someone elses reason you have to understand them.

And with that said you only live once so do what makes you happy.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to judge anyone on the decisions they make, but if you can AFFORD to go as much as you want then I see no problem with it.

I'm certainly not rich, I'm paying off a small sized debt (though it's not huge, really) and although I still live at home (I'm only 20/21) I have many bills to pay.

I'm saving up my money and am going to purchase a Florida Resident Annual Pass and I intend to get good use out of it. I figure, why not? I can make it a day trip since I live fairly close (well, an hour and a half, but that's not bad). And I'm likely going solo and not staying overnight, so I won't really need much money, if any. I have SunPass in my car, so no worries about the tolls ...

It's mangable if you save your money and not be impulsive like I used to be. I was young, got a few credit cards, was REALLY careful at first, then just got overwhelmed. I'm thankful I found out early how stupid I was to do what I did.


New Member
Original Poster
This is the problem with America everyone can't stay out of everyone else business. So what if a famliy wants to go to Disney 6 times a year and put everything on their credit card that they know they can't afford.
Kids don't turn into brats because WDW trips they do so because of bad parenting.

The problem with America is inflation. The price of everything goes up but wages don't. And unless you have a degree you don't deserve anything. So how is someone supposed to live their life. Save Save Save when you have nothing to show for or how about do what you want and what makes you happy because your going to be a slave to the system the rest of your life anyways. In order to truely understand someone elses reason you have to understand them.

And with that said you only live once so do what makes you happy.

I'm a teacher...so unfortunately (by law) it does become my business when they kid doesn't have lunch money day after day and is caught stealing from the cafeteria or comes to school without proper clothing. IN NJ that means we have to call child and youth services (Dyfs). If your kid doesn't have lunch money DYFS can investigate and monitor your home. If we don't turn these kids into DYFS then, by law WE can be sued for negligence of duty.

I agree with your statement on inflation....prices go up and, when the costs that drove the prices up drop, the prices themselves don't go down. Saving these days even stinks....interest rates are horrible unless you use an internet bank..and even then the tax man takes a huge chunk. I reported 10 dollars of interest on my tax return...and that cut my refund by $7. It was like...why even bother? For example..look at gas prices....'and then there's the housing market these days. Prices are so high and it's really hard to sell too. I may have to sell my home over the summer (have a promising job interview in N. Jersey) and even though I haven't gone for the interview yet, I'm already trying to figure out how I'm going to sell my house and buy another one. I'd stay here, but the job is 2 hours away.


New Member
We go about 3 times a year, and always pay cash. We live pretty comfortably and fortunately can afford to go. We also stay at moderate resorts and use sky miles alot of times from business travel. Even when we go, we still watch what we spend, and we usually don't take a vacation to anyplace else throughout the year. I don't see a problem with going 6 times a year if you can truly afford to.


New Member
Original Poster
I think that a lot also depends where you live...if i made what I make here in NJ, but didn't have the $5000 property tax bill, that right there would allow for another trip per year to WDW.

The Mom

Premium Member
I decided not to respond as I wished, as it would cross the line into political discussion (read argument) which is against forum rules.

So, I don't care if someone takes 100 trips to WDW a year even if they have to mortgage their soul to do it. I just don't want it to affect MY bottom line, either in rasing interest paid/lowering interest received as companies make up their losses from bad debts, or in increasing the amount of money the government takes from me to subsidize their lack of savings, both now and in the future.


New Member
Original Poster
That is truly a problem.....but as I also said, as a teacher we have to get involved if kids don't have proper clothing or lunch money so it does affect us...and unfortunately it wil affect many bottom lines if the subprime mortgage crisis and housing bust continues...

I may have to sell my home to move for a better job opportunity..the interview is Friday and I'm already worried about how I will sell the house..the market is that slow in NJ right now. I may have to turn down a much better job because I may not be able to sell my home. Sure I could rent it out, but do I want that hassle?

I'd rather make less money than have a 2 hour commute...each way.

It really doesn't matter why it is the way it is...we actually could insert the words "McMansion", "Hummer", "BMW", "Second home" etc in the place of WDW and get the same answers.


I'm going four times within a year between this past February and next. My primary motivation was to get APs for DS and myself and go twice, later this past February and then earlier next February, thus getting admissions cheaper than getting 7-day hoppers for two trips.

Then my FIL called and said we could stay with him this past February and possibly again next February and I decided to take those savings on hotels and do more to maximize our APs, so I added a trip in June and another in August during weeks I had to take off anyway and we'll drive down.

Over all it is costing us only slightly more to do four trips within the APs as it would have cost to do two annual trips with hopper tickets.

Yes, it is expensive, but I'm not going into any long-term debt to do it. My bookings and our expenses while travelling are all charged to Visa at the time, but I pay off the Visa bill immediately when it's due. None of my Disney trips have ever incurred interest charges.

I have enough disposable income to do it. Yes, I don't do other things, but that simply because currently Disney is what we find fun.

I am with you on this. We bought annuals this past Dec. because we know we were returning in Oct. It was a savings of a little over $200. We drive down because I hate flying and my husband is in a wheelchair so it is just easier for us. That is much cheaper then getting plane tickets. This next time we are staying in our camper. Almost a $400 savings. As long as my family is still enjoying themselves we will go. With the way life is now you don't get much time to just BE with your family. We find this time very special to us. That is why we do it. It is uninterrupted time together. I say as long as you aren't hurting your family financially than by all means GO! Plus, with the annual passes, if we have another "spring" like the north east has been having, I may just jump in the car and get some nice weather. I am really wishing I hadn't signed my kids up for things during April vacation, because we would be out of here.

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