The Confectionary is typically the first "building" we enter upon entrance into the MK, since it's right there on the right-hand front corner. Can't beat the Confectionary, really, for its Main Streety quality.
The Exposition Hall is unique for another reason. It's kind of strange how it can open, and yet not much is really happening inside. Just the cut-outs, photo-ops, etc. It feels like an afterthought... or like a ghostly relict of a more bustling past, much like real, small-town Main Streets across the United States—whatever stores, cinemas, institutions that are left upon these thoroughfares. The door's open, come on in, we've got something for you, but you know our best days are behind us. Of all the places on Main Street, I think the Exposition Hall connects most poignantly with the "real" Main Streets of America. Unintentionally, of course. I love it though, anyway; like it just the way it is.