What's up with Videotaping?


Not that I'm judging any of you, but I have to know what the fascination is with videotaping a ride, or even show? I'm way to busy enjoying myself to even consider paying attention to a video camera. I can understand wanting to relive the memory, but I'd much rather relax and be entertained.

That's just me...


New Member
That's totally B.S. I used night vision on all dark rides and no one said one word to me. I video taped what I wanted when I wanted. And CM's came up to me and were like did you really tape that, And I always say nicely yes I did and my camera did not fall at all. So maybe you just had a ed off CM or something. They are really not that bad with the rides its more or less the shows they get ed off about.


Well-Known Member
Not that I'm judging any of you, but I have to know what the fascination is with videotaping a ride, or even show? I'm way to busy enjoying myself to even consider paying attention to a video camera. I can understand wanting to relive the memory, but I'd much rather relax and be entertained.

That's just me...

Because some of us are obsessed, LOL.

I agree, if it was a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, I wouldn't spend it looking at everything through a lens. But many of us travel to WDW quite frequently, and have a lot of fun making our own ride videos and sharing them with others over the internet. It makes the time between trips much more bearable. :)



New Member
<i>The "no videotaping" rule is only for specific attractions, as others have noted mostly those attractions that have filmed content (i.e. Soarin', Star Tours, etc.).</i>

True... but if a CM is telling you not to videotape, then you are being told not to videotape. It is annoying to other guests, even if you aren't using your LED screen. The camera gets in the way and you get in the way as you move for a better shot. Further, people from several cultures do not like to be caught on video tape without their permission (which is probably what happened with the guest asking the CM to ask the OP not to video tape).


Well-Known Member
Because some of us are obsessed, LOL.

I agree, if it was a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, I wouldn't spend it looking at everything through a lens. But many of us travel to WDW quite frequently, and have a lot of fun making our own ride videos and sharing them with others over the internet. It makes the time between trips much more bearable. :)


Yup, Yup :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
<i>The "no videotaping" rule is only for specific attractions, as others have noted mostly those attractions that have filmed content (i.e. Soarin', Star Tours, etc.).</i>

True... but if a CM is telling you not to videotape, then you are being told not to videotape. It is annoying to other guests, even if you aren't using your LED screen. The camera gets in the way and you get in the way as you move for a better shot. Further, people from several cultures do not like to be caught on video tape without their permission (which is probably what happened with the guest asking the CM to ask the OP not to video tape).

I guess I'll have to respectfully disagree. If I'm sitting in a ride vehicle or show, I can't "move for a better shot", any more than I would be able to get a better view with my eyes. It's all about courtesy. If there is no external lighting or LCD screen, I'm sitting in my seat properly, then no, it has no effect on other guests unless they get annoyed just looking at me and that's their own issue. :)

I'm not sure where you are coming from with people not liking to be caught on videotape; if people have cultural issues with it they had best steer clear of WDW, because there are thousands of cameras everywhere in the park (you just don't see them). On a broader scale, while WDW is private property and of course they can make any declarations they wish, it is perfectly legal to tape anyone in any public place (ask Britney Spears) so anyone with that phobia would have a long battle elsewhere.

As I said above, I'm willing to bet that I am correct and on Dinosaur the OP was using their LCD screen. Both Laff Floor and Stitch feature filmed content (although in the case of the latter I think the Stitch AA also has something to do with it), and are both no-videotaping allowed. However, besides the OP I have never heard of anyone who wasn't using external lighting (and LCD screens count for that, IMO, since they project light) who has been asked to stop on Dinosaur, so I stick by my assumption that it was because he was using an LCD screen in a dark ride, and not because some weird person was afraid of having their image captured on one of those evil moving picture devices. :)



Because some of us are obsessed, LOL.

I agree, if it was a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, I wouldn't spend it looking at everything through a lens. But many of us travel to WDW quite frequently, and have a lot of fun making our own ride videos and sharing them with others over the internet. It makes the time between trips much more bearable. :)


Haha, thanks for clearing that up!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Perhaps if Disneys marketing wasnt run by idiots there would be broadcast standard properly edited videos available on collectable CDs. You could even include talk throughs by the imagineers as part of the special features.

Unlike Disney to miss a chance to make coin.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps if Disneys marketing wasnt run by idiots there would be broadcast standard properly edited videos available on collectable CDs. You could even include talk throughs by the imagineers as part of the special features.

Yeah so often said ... many would buy those DVD's ... until then the market for selfmade ebay dvd's flurrys :brick:

the funny thing ... the people that rant the most about these video taping threads, are the first to cheer when someone posts a crappy youtube vid from a long extinct attraction :rolleyes:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
Well then here's an example of what happened. Before they changed over to an automated system on LWTL, I've always been able to videotape any part of the ride, this one time in Nov. of 05 we started and I had the night vision, and right away the CM said I could not video. :confused: :shrug: Where as I've done it at least 5 times before. They have to be consistent with what they tell the CM's. And I knew before we entered SGE, that you could not tape any part of the show.


Well-Known Member
I've never been called on it, but I use a tiny camera with no LCD. Most of the time, people don't even notice it, but if you are instructed to stop, just stop and try it again.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps if Disneys marketing wasnt run by idiots there would be broadcast standard properly edited videos available on collectable CDs. You could even include talk throughs by the imagineers as part of the special features.

Unlike Disney to miss a chance to make coin.

I would assume Disney's line of thinking is that the profit of a family actually coming to WDW more often to re-experience attractions than if they had professionally edited videos available at home is greater. Twenty bucks for a DVD that gives away the entire experience versus several thousand dollars to actually come see it is a much different profit margin. They'd have to sell many many millions of them to even make a dent.

It would make little sense for them to, which is why they don't. :)



Well-Known Member
I was on POTC twice on Sunday......Flashes going off every five seconds. I've ridden these rides hundreds of times and it still ruins it for me - what about the family on what will be their only trip to WDW?
There is nothing that spoils the atmosphere more than flash cameras. You're riding through a scene that has lights setup to give great effect that is totally ruined by these things. I have no objection to people using video & non-flash cameras where safe to do so as long as it doesn't spoil the attraction for others but I think that somethings are better left in your memory anyway.

I also cannot stand idiots taking flash pictures of the Davey Jones smoke effect on POTC. Do you know how they make Davey Jones look solid? By shining light on the smoke, it appears solid. Guess what a FLASH does to the wall of smoke? And on Nemo? A flash picture of an LCD screen? Or at the end of the ride, a flash picture against the glass of the aquarium? My fave was on SSE, when you ride through that tunnel with all the neon and fiber optic lights... a flash picture... of lights. :eek: Is there an award for stupidest WDW guest?

A friend of mine went to Devon, England to watch the solar eclipse some years ago. thousands of people showed up because it was "the best" place to see it properly. As soon as the sun had been blocked out the sky was filled with the flashes of 1000 cameras - way to ruin it!

Captain Sparrow

New Member
Pet Peeves

Nice analogy, Philo.

My biggest Disney pet peeve is people taking flash pictures or using LCD screens on rides and attractions, which ruins the ride for EVERYONE around you. I understand that this may be the only time you get to go on this ride for a long time and you want to capture the memory, but using flash and LCD actually cheapens the experience for you and everyone else. Don't be a jerk. Turn the flash off and put the video camera away.

My second biggest pet peeve is people disobeying or disrespecting CM's. These people know the rules and are doing their jobs. VERY WELL most of time, too. Help make their day easier, if only because they're there to help you enjoy yours.

Starwood, it sounds like you're the one who owes the apology.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
There has been one time where I willfully disobeyed the CM telling me to stop. The final Who Wants to be a Millionaire at the Disney/MGM Studios. When confronted, I was pretty up front in my refusal. After a few moments the CM gave up and walked away.

That is the only time I've refused.


New Member
I would assume Disney's line of thinking is that the profit of a family actually coming to WDW more often to re-experience attractions than if they had professionally edited videos available at home is greater. Twenty bucks for a DVD that gives away the entire experience versus several thousand dollars to actually come see it is a much different profit margin. They'd have to sell many many millions of them to even make a dent.

It would make little sense for them to, which is why they don't. :)


I think he may be referring more to ex-attractions. And I don't think the market for that would be any less than some of the other niche stuff they sell - DVDs of the individual Parks, the soundtracks to specific attractions (Cinderellabration, Wishes, Fantasmic, etc.) or Parks, etc. I think professional realeases of original EPCOT attractions would sell very well. If nothing else, they could do them as limited edition Park exclusives and charge outrageous amounts for them. Many of us would still fork over whatever insane price they asked. I know I would for Horizons, World of Motion, Journey Into Imagination, and others.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
I'll never get over the foolishly misguided sense of entitlement some people have.

You tell me not to videotape.
I videotape.
And THEN you have the nerve to tell me to stop!
How DARE you insist I follow your policies while on your property? Jerks!



New Member
This reminds me of an intersting comment a CM while in the HoP.
As with the usual pre-ride jargon...please, no flash photography.
During the show, there were several flashes from various areas of the room.
At the end, the CM asked people to exit to the right, and then said:
"and for those of you who aren't bright enough to know what no flash potography means, just follow the crowd".
People laughed and applauded. It was great.:lol:

That said, I don't understand the reason for no photography many times, but I do know they don't want it and I abide by their wishes. I just wish others did.


Active Member
Ill tell you whats up, the multiple glows from little screens is bloody annoying and spoils dark rides.

Agreed. I LOVE to have a video for attractions, but I for one am against those who use their LCD screens when using the camcorder on a dark ride. If you want to tape a dark ride, and it is allowed, keep the LCD closed and use the "old fashioned" view finder.


New Member
What's going on with the cast members and videotaping? Just got back from the world and cast members ....... me off about videotaping.

1. We went on Laugh floor and CM said FOR YOUR OWN SAFTEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No photography and/or videotaping. What's for your own saftey mean for videotaping?
2. Went on Stitch and CM shouted out to me in preshow 2, NO VIDEOTAPING. Then I heard her say, your welcome. Someone way far from me asked if she could tell me to stop videotaping! What's up with that? Who the HECK wanted me to stop (besides CM?)
3. Went on Dinosaur and NO CM told me to stop. The CM CAME ON THE LOUD SPEAKERS WHEN WE HIT THE FIRST CARNATOUROUS SHE SAID PUT THE CAMERA AWAY! Since when does a CM actually come over a loud speaker and say stop videotaping?

If any of these CMs' are recognizing me, you better give me a full apology! It's a shame that you don't stop the actual videophotographers on the websites. :( :cry:

Can anyone give me a full list of attractions that do not allow videotaping and ones that do, so that if a CM trys to stop me again I'll tell her about this!

They asked you not to video tape....what's so difficult about that?

I have heard that the Comedy Club is still getting fine tuned and that's why they won't allow videotaping....though there may be other reasons. I'm sure they use the "safety" angle to make sure that people listen and follow the rule.

As for Dinosaur....it might be a safety issue. With all the movement, they don't want dropped cameras.

I'm not sure what the reason is for Stitch, but it might be similar to why you can't video tape in Universe of Energy.

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