What's Up With Primeval Whirl?


Well-Known Member
Its just SO NOT Disney - You can find this sort of attraction at any fairground park. AK needs some rides - but I'd rather wait for a properly thought out / well themed Disney experience than have this type of ride put in to make do.


New Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
The only good thing I can say about Dinorama is that it is relatively tucked out the way, and I can avoid seeing it on my trips to AK. :)

Are you feeling OK, Boss? It's so RARE to see you post anything negative unless you're purging the disgruntled from the forum. :eek:


New Member
its true if disney was going for the carnival fair grounds tacky feel then yes they certainly accomplished that, it really is just a cheap way to get another ride into the park for the time being while they are waiting on everest to bring the crowds in. it just does not feel like a disney ride at all, in looks or feel. im really hoping to see it replaced in the future with something disney can be proud of instead of something disney sits around and counts the money they saved on it.

i really like the idea of the AA dinasours around the area, or even just in a ride(epcot already had it kinda). perhapes maybe another dark ride with dinos in it but with much more of an educational safe feel compared to dinasour the ride. at least that would feel like disney


Originally posted by disneyman23
its true if disney was going for the carnival fair grounds tacky feel then yes they certainly accomplished that, it really is just a cheap way to get another ride into the park for the time being while they are waiting on everest to bring the crowds in.
Along that thought, it's kind of hard to believe they were going for a "cheap carnival" theme. Especially when we know that Walt vetoed a run-down-mansion look for HM since he didn't want anything looking run down in MK, whether it was intended or not. So if Walt didn't want something looking run-down, he probably would have rejected an intended "cheap and tacky" look too. I hate to resort to a "what would Walt do" argument. But it does make me wonder.

Originally posted by disneyman23 i really like the idea of the AA dinasours around the area, or even just in a ride(epcot already had it kinda). perhapes maybe another dark ride with dinos in it but with much more of an educational safe feel compared to dinasour the ride. at least that would feel like disney [/B]

I think the difference between Dinoland and JP at IOA is that in IOA, the theming tries to get you to believe that the dinosaurs are alive. Whereas Dinoland, the theme is dinosaur fossils. They are not trying to convince us that there are any real dinosaurs in the park. Even on Dinosaur! you have to go back in time to see real dinosaurs. Don't get me wrong, I love JP in IOA. But AA dinosaurs in Dinoland would be a little inconsistent with the existing theme.


New Member
yeah i agree, that is a very good point johnvree--the themeing of dinoland is indeed more the fossile idea, thus the AA dinos wouldnt really fit in well-good call


Premium Member
Originally posted by Tramp
Are you feeling OK, Boss? It's so RARE to see you post anything negative unless you're purging the disgruntled from the forum. :eek:

LOL sorry Tramp, I dont have many things to be negative about when it comes to WDW, but Dinorama is one of 'em! :)


New Member
My family and I were walking past the dino rama...and we were like what the heck, lets try that primeval whirl. My 23 year old sister thought it was for little kids and didnt feel like going...but we sorta forced her to go on it..... Well that ride had us cracking up the whole time....it was just so crazy. lol its nothing exciting...but it did put smiles on our faces.


I am trying very hard not to completely lose my s**t here, but it seriously disturbs me to see the number of people who just don't GET IT. The whole concept of Dino-rama is such a "screw you" to everything Walt stood for, and having it AND PP at DCA open the year we were supposed to be honoring his 100th birthday can be viewed as such a slap in the face to true Disney fans.

Take this quote of Walt's, for example (Thanks, Woody13 ): "A word may be said in regard to the concept and conduct of Disneyland's operational tone. Although various sections will have the fun and flavor of a carnival or amusement park, there will be none of the 'pitches,' game wheels, sharp practices and devices designed to milk the visitor's pocketbook."

Doesn't it bother anyone that, in the Pressler/Eisner era of making a quick buck, stuff like this no longer applies?!

Here are some others....Food for thought while I go lie down (this makes my head hurt):

“When I started on Disneyland, my wife used to say, ‘But why do you want to build an amusement park? They’re so dirty.’ I told her that was just the point–mine wouldn’t be.”

“Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.”

"I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things." (This applies to a lot of things, including copycat rides and sequels...)
I was at Animal Kingdom last tuesday and I didn't think PW looked half as bad as some of you make it out to be. I didn't go on it because it was pouring rain and didn't feel like getting a wet butt. Sure its not the best attraction Disney has ever made but thik about it. Animal Kingdom cost what around a reported $800 million. Well Disney needs to make that back in a hurry to justify the cost to shareholders and the only way to do that is to get poeple into the park. People weren't coming as quickly as Disney hoped because it was lacking rides, so they added these cheaper rides because they couldn't afford to put anything of quality in at the time. So now that Animal Kingdom is making money we are getting better rides like E:E which we may be able to thank PW for, for helping bring in profit. Personally, I think that PW will be around for a few more years and then will be replaced after E:E is opened. Having cost much less, they don't feel bad getting rid of it in a hurry compared to getting rid of M:S for example

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by STGRhost
I am trying very hard not to completely lose my s**t here, but it seriously disturbs me to see the number of people who just don't GET IT. The whole concept of Dino-rama is such a "screw you" to everything Walt stood for, and having it AND PP at DCA open the year we were supposed to be honoring his 100th birthday can be viewed as such a slap in the face to true Disney fans.

Take this quote of Walt's, for example (Thanks, Woody13 ): "A word may be said in regard to the concept and conduct of Disneyland's operational tone. Although various sections will have the fun and flavor of a carnival or amusement park, there will be none of the 'pitches,' game wheels, sharp practices and devices designed to milk the visitor's pocketbook."

Doesn't it bother anyone that, in the Pressler/Eisner era of making a quick buck, stuff like this no longer applies?!

Here are some others....Food for thought while I go lie down (this makes my head hurt):

“When I started on Disneyland, my wife used to say, ‘But why do you want to build an amusement park? They’re so dirty.’ I told her that was just the point–mine wouldn’t be.”

“Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money.”

"I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things." (This applies to a lot of things, including copycat rides and sequels...)

So, so true! You took the words straight out of my mouth! A slap in the face for us fans!


Does anyone know whether DAKs attendance has changed since Dino-rama opened? And if it's stayed that way (assuming it went up significantly, which I doubt) or leveled off again? I just can't see Dino-rama being the big draw some people are trying to make it seem.


Premium Member
Originally posted by STGRhost
Does anyone know whether DAKs attendance has changed since Dino-rama opened? And if it's stayed that way (assuming it went up significantly, which I doubt) or leveled off again? I just can't see Dino-rama being the big draw some people are trying to make it seem.

I agree, I cant see Dinorama having any impact on attendance at all. Sure it adds a little extra capacity to the park, but I really doubt it would bring in new visitors.

A $100 million ETicket such as Everest, sure to bring in new visitors.

A $10 million carnival like Dinorama, no way. ;)

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
Something that just occurred to me--take it with a grain of salt:

Back in Walt's day, the whole tacky, loud carnival atmosphere was in its heyday, and so Walt avoided it like the plague. He wanted to get away from what everyone else was doing, and evoke a different feel in his parks. Obviously, one of Walt's great passions was evoking nostalgia--thus, the quaint railroad running around Disneyland and the use of Main Street as the portal to the rest of the park. These evoked a sense of a bygone era, a place and time no longer available to most people.

Nowadays, that loud carnival atmosphere is clearly on the decline. Coney Island is a shell of its former self; political correctness and consumer advocacy have forced carnies to tone down or clean up their atmoshere; the old, quaint midway atmosphere is disappearing, being replaced with high-concept theme parks and the race to build the most thrill rides.

My point is that--for a lot of people--walking down a midway, with its dirt paths, loud barkers, smell of hot dogs and cotton candy, and sounds of screaming kids on a bunch of corny, unthemed thrill rides, evokes a sense of nostalgia. I know that just thinking about it takes me back to the few weeks every fall when the traveling fair would stop in my town as a kid.

So does Dino-Rama accurately capture this sense of the classic midway? Probably not. I don't like the idea of charging people to play games after they've already paid full park admission. But the area does evoke some of that...and I think that's the reason why, despite the fact that it's so garish and cheesy-looking, I can't make myself hate it.

The fact that Walt strove to avoid that type of atmosphere gives me some pause...but maybe if we remember that it was a different America that Walt lived in, it could help bring the debate into context. I'd bet dollars to donuts that, if Walt were alive today, he'd probably focus a lot of his energy on building well-themed attractions that did more than thrill the senses (in response to the current trends in the industry) instead of making such an effort to avoid the feel of the carnivals.

OK, I'm done. :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by NemoRocks78

tj229er--Dinosaur isn't closing for good, it's going under a rehab until June. It's still here! :D

I'm going to WDW next week. Will it still be open? And what exactly will they being doing to it when it closes?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Wilt Dasney
Something that just occurred to me--take it with a grain of salt:

Back in Walt's day, the whole tacky, loud carnival atmosphere was in its heyday, and so Walt avoided it like the plague. He wanted to get away from what everyone else was doing, and evoke a different feel in his parks. Obviously, one of Walt's great passions was evoking nostalgia--thus, the quaint railroad running around Disneyland and the use of Main Street as the portal to the rest of the park. These evoked a sense of a bygone era, a place and time no longer available to most people.

Nowadays, that loud carnival atmosphere is clearly on the decline. Coney Island is a shell of its former self; political correctness and consumer advocacy have forced carnies to tone down or clean up their atmoshere; the old, quaint midway atmosphere is disappearing, being replaced with high-concept theme parks and the race to build the most thrill rides.

My point is that--for a lot of people--walking down a midway, with its dirt paths, loud barkers, smell of hot dogs and cotton candy, and sounds of screaming kids on a bunch of corny, unthemed thrill rides, evokes a sense of nostalgia. I know that just thinking about it takes me back to the few weeks every fall when the traveling fair would stop in my town as a kid.

So does Dino-Rama accurately capture this sense of the classic midway? Probably not. I don't like the idea of charging people to play games after they've already paid full park admission. But the area does evoke some of that...and I think that's the reason why, despite the fact that it's so garish and cheesy-looking, I can't make myself hate it.

The fact that Walt strove to avoid that type of atmosphere gives me some pause...but maybe if we remember that it was a different America that Walt lived in, it could help bring the debate into context. I'd bet dollars to donuts that, if Walt were alive today, he'd probably focus a lot of his energy on building well-themed attractions that did more than thrill the senses (in response to the current trends in the industry) instead of making such an effort to avoid the feel of the carnivals.

OK, I'm done. :)

You're 100% right. That's the idea also behind parts of DCA and also Disney's Boardwalk (the original idea was to have a midway with it)!


New Member
Originally posted by DisneyFan 2000
So, so true! You took the words straight out of my mouth! A slap in the face for us fans!

Well, Im a big disney fan, and it doesnt slap me in the face.

I dont see How it can be "cheap" cause it obviosly cost alot to build it(Primival Whirl). And maybe it doesnt have a theme, but it still is about dinosours, and it is in Dinoland.

Hopefully theyll keep it for as long as they are planning on keeping Dinoland. Cuz it is a good ride, and IMO has a pretty good affect on that side of the park.

No affence to the guys who got upset just awhile ago, cuz people were disagreeing with you. But you cant say a slap in the face to all disney fans, cause Im a huge fan and it dont slap me in the face one bit. Please next time, speak for yourself.

Now, I am not trying to start anything, I was just simply stating my opinion. And I apoligize if anyone gets offended by what you have just read.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by MrDisney16
I was at Animal Kingdom last tuesday and I didn't think PW looked half as bad as some of you make it out to be. I didn't go on it because it was pouring rain and didn't feel like getting a wet butt. Sure its not the best attraction Disney has ever made but thik about it. Animal Kingdom cost what around a reported $800 million. Well Disney needs to make that back in a hurry to justify the cost to shareholders and the only way to do that is to get poeple into the park. People weren't coming as quickly as Disney hoped because it was lacking rides, so they added these cheaper rides because they couldn't afford to put anything of quality in at the time. So now that Animal Kingdom is making money we are getting better rides like E:E which we may be able to thank PW for, for helping bring in profit. Personally, I think that PW will be around for a few more years and then will be replaced after E:E is opened. Having cost much less, they don't feel bad getting rid of it in a hurry compared to getting rid of M:S for example

I don't think PW is supposed to be temporary. Anyone have any more information on this? I think an attraction called the "Boneyard", a rollervcoaster kind of like Big Thunder Mountain was originally supposed to go there. Who has information about this?

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