In 2012, we were waiting in line to get on the boat back to our resort from MK after a LONG day (I'm talking end of EMH in the height of summer so maybe 1am), so obviously the line was long and crowded. Suddenly, a family of 6 starts pushing their way to the front, passing about 4 or 5 families in the process before finally stopping in front of us (we couldn't stop them as they were being fairly forceful). Immediately there's an uproar and people are shouting at them that it's not fair and to wait in line like everyone else (CMs hear and do nothing, btw). They then begin shouting BACK saying 'We've had a long day too!' trying to justify it!! Then, the cherry on top of the cake, my dad makes a disgruntled comment to the rest of my family (nothing in any way rude or about the family in front, just complaining about being tired) and one of the women in the family who had pushed in front turned to her friend immediately and pointedly said, very loudly, 'you know, it's funny how EUROPEAN people always think they can have an opinion' (We're English). I'm sorry, what??
I'm sorry, they would have ended up swimming back to the resort if I'd been there!!!