As I was relaxing on a shaded bench across from 50s Prime Time enjoying my Mickey ice cream last week, a woman carries her diaper aged child (about 15 months) over to the railing around Echo Lake. She makes the comment, as I watched her pull a clean one out of the diaper bag, "let's change it and you will feel much better". And she's standing at the end of the bench, 2 feet from where I am resting my hot and weary self, enjoying my ice cream. And proceeds to take off the kid's shorts and change his diaper as he's standing at the railing (and I'm eating my ice cream!). Then her husband walks over with their older son. She hands him the used diaper, which he proceeds to put on the end of the bench. Then lifts his son over the railing so the kid can play with the ducks (and me hoping the kid doesn't tumble into the water). Then lifts his son back over the railing and walks away, leaving the used diaper on the bench. To which I shout - "sir, I think you forgot something!" Trust me, if I had a pair of rubber gloves in my back pack, I would have put them on and tested how well a balled up used diaper did a curve ball.

Fortunately, after shouting it again, the guy realized "you talking to me" and sheepishly comes back to retrieve the diaper. To which I said, "you know, they have changing tables in the rest rooms. Try using one the next time." And no, they weren't foreigners. They were Americans. From the South. Yes, I recognized the accent.
And just when I'd thought I'd seen all the "leggings are NOT pants" wearers.... I was walking behind a couple in DTD. She was a tad on the plump side (trying to be kind) and pushing a stroller. Now it was 100 degrees, bright sun and I, in spite of using an entire can of sunscreen spray, was starting to feel a bit crispy fried. So why would one wear black? Especially black hose? I say hose, not tights or leggings, because they were so sheer, like pantyhose, that I could see the TINY black thongs (more like dental floss) she was wearing underneath. She might as well as worn nothing but the thongs because that's how sheer the hose/leggings/tights were. I can only imagine what the front view was like. Do they make Mickey stickers that big???!!