What's the funniest thing you've seen at WDW


Original Poster
Lately there have been threads on what's the scariest thing we've seen or what's the worst thing to happen to us in WDW. Why all the negative threads? It's the happiest place on Earth!! So, what's the funniest thing you've seen at WDW? It could be something that by a character, by a CM, or even a guest.

I'd say for me, it was at the Garden Grill. My family was there for the Character dinner (the best in WDW in my opinion). I think Chip took a liking to my wife, because he kept coming around and flirting with her. One time he crawled into the booth behind her and slowly rose up. When she turned around she saw a giant chipmunk behind her she let out a loud scream. I'm sure it was a lot funnier in person than reading about it, but that's someting I'll never forget!


Well-Known Member
My cousin Jack is a riot, he's so fun to be around, at home and at WDW. He says such funny things. And my sister Amy + my cousin Jack= HILARIOUS! So, I don't really have a funny thing I saw at WDW, but some of the things they say are the funniest things I've ever heard (luckily my cousin lives down the street from me so whenever he is home from college I can just go talk to him and stuff, and my sister lives at home when shes not at college)


New Member
True, fun is naturally in great abundance at Walt Disney World, but sometimes my family enjoys making its own fun among other guests -- we enjoy joking around with other Disney guests (in a friendly, unoffensive fashion, heh). For instance, as we're returning from Reflections of Earth via the rear entrance, in unison we'll point toward the sky and gaze at absolutely nothing, gasping in astonishment toward what we've seen [nothing]. Then, we'll watch to see who was fooled by our ruse. Often, many guests returning home assume we've seen more fireworks, heh.

Well, all right, that's not exceptionally funny, but my family and friends are easily amused.

A slight variation on this is the "Bush Baby Hoax," designed specifically for the Animal Kingdom, although we've executed it elsewhere. One of us will point into the bushes, exclaim that we've spotted a bush baby, and the others will quickly rush to marvel at it. Meanwhile, one of us takes a snapshot of our victims who are also drawn to the spot. Example:

<img src="">

As far as I know, there are no actual bush babies in Walt Disney World.

I found that pretty funny. As for my funniest Disney moment -- well, I've no idea. I can't recall.


Well-Known Member
The funniest thing that happened was at the Hoop Dee Doo Review. One of the singers came & sat on my husband's lap while she sang. We thought for sure they would pick on my BIL because he had been giving them trouble all evening long.


Active Member
One time at the Magic Kingdom a few years back it was, anyway it was after Fantasy in the Sky and you know how everyone just flows down Main Street and when we got to near Tony's and Town Hall and all that, I hear this commotion and all of a sudden I see Chip and Dale running through the crowd with security in front of them and behind them there were these two crazy teenage girls chasing them:lol: It was kinda funny and a little weird at the same time.


New Member
Originally posted by barnebd5
I hear this commotion and all of a sudden I see Chip and Dale running through the crowd with security in front of them and behind them there were these two crazy teenage girls chasing them:lol: It was kinda funny and a little weird at the same time.

Heheh, that's hilarious. Chip and Dale clearly need bodyguards to defend them from Fat Cat's hired assassins, I suppose?


New Member
I'm new here, but I was thinking about this yesterday. (what was funniest as opposed to worst or scariest since I couldn't contribute anything to those ) The funniest thing I remember was during my first visit. At AK I was waiting with my 18 m.o. DD outside Dinosaur (then called Countdown to Extinction) for my DH and younger sister to finish riding. As we sat, I spied a mouse scurrying from bench to bench (as in a rodent) looking for food. No sooner did I spot it, then I saw two CM's with walkie-talkies tracking it on either side. I pointed this out to my DH as he joined us, and we speculated that Mickey must be the only mouse allowed to stay in the parks at WDW! :animwink:


Well-Known Member
Well I have a couple of things that happened in our last trip:

1) I was there with my cousin and her boyfriend, my cousin's sis and her husband, and my cousin's mom...we were going on TT and my aunt was worrying about it because she hates BTMRR and Space Mt because of the drops but we told her that TT doesn't have drops it just goes sideways a little and we finally convinced her...once we were out of the building we kept hearing "Me engañaron! Me engañaron!" (translation: "You lied to me! You lied to me!")...needless to say that was the best time we have had on TT :lol:

2) The day before we went to MK and my cousin's boyfriend was on a mission: to meet "The Mouse"...we weren't planning on going to Toontown but the guy was dying to meet Mickey so we made our way to Toontown and he was like "come on guys come on guys!"...we finally made it to the judge's tent and we let him go in front of us and when he went up to Mickey he humbly shook his hand and said "hello sir how are you doin?" all quietly like he was meeting the President or something :lol: ...for a week he showed us the picture he took on his cell phone and was like "that's Mickey man, that's the man! I mean the mouse! That's the mouse!"...we thought it was funny lol


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Calamar
...For instance, as we're returning from Reflections of Earth via the rear entrance, in unison we'll point toward the sky and gaze at absolutely nothing, gasping in astonishment toward what we've seen [nothing]. Then, we'll watch to see who was fooled by our ruse. Often, many guests returning home assume we've seen more fireworks, heh...

I do this type of stuff all the time to people and they always believe me! :lol:


New Member
Originally posted by Calamar
True, fun is naturally in great abundance at Walt Disney World, but sometimes my family enjoys making its own fun among other guests -- we enjoy joking around with other Disney guests (in a friendly, unoffensive fashion, heh). For instance, as we're returning from Reflections of Earth via the rear entrance, in unison we'll point toward the sky and gaze at absolutely nothing, gasping in astonishment toward what we've seen [nothing]. Then, we'll watch to see who was fooled by our ruse. Often, many guests returning home assume we've seen more fireworks, heh.

Clever, I may have to try that one. My dad does that kind of thing... however, I believe he really thinks he sees something... poor guy. :confused:

Stand at the bottom of Summit Plummit long enough and you will have something funny to post on this thread. :drevil:


New Member
During my time working for da mouse, I had many very good laughs. The ones I remember right now:

** While being the escort for the Three Wise Men during the Holiday season, a friend from home was on honeymoon in Epcot. I had no idea she had got married or anything at all. I was in the middle of the performance, the kings were giving their speech in front of a crowd at the entrance of the pavillion, when all of a sudden, we all hear this LOUD voice yelling my FULL NAME and running to hug me! I stepped aside to greet her, but that was it, I had called everyone´s attention! :eek: When I took the kings backstage the four of us were laughing and they were telling me I ruined the presentation, but made it a lot funnier for them! :D

** Another time escorting the same three, I was supposed to go on stage ringing a bell to call people´s attention to the performance in front of the pavillion while they took their places and I introduced them to the crowd that gathered there. Well... as we were waiting for the time to come out from backstage, I left the bell on top of the garbage can and there was no way to go back to get it, so I took what I had handy: a pair of 'maracas' (rattles?) from the Huitzilin performers that was on the little stage (from their previous show) and started shaking them to attract people. I felt like a brazilian dancer shaking that white ruffle in my costume! :lol: According to the kings - who had a good kick out of it - that was the crowdest show! :lol: :eek:


New Member
I remembered another one!

While working in Guest Relations in Millennium Village, an american lady in her early 60's was ran over by a kid at the entrance of MillVill, so she was very upset and went to complain to us. She had bruised her knee a little so we gave her a wheelchair while listening to her story. A cast member from some country in Africa -can´t remember where exactly- was passing by and tried to cheer up the lady doing something that is not allowed to do: touch the guest. ...and she touched her in the head! We were like :eek: and noticed the lady trying to avoid this girl´s hand, butit was too late.... she had touched HER WIG which moved out of place!!! :lol: Her husband tried desperately to discretely put it back on place, but couldn´t... Meanwhile, we were holding the laughter, specially me, who had to take her to see the nurse minutes later! :D


Jacks Sally

New Member
I cant recall a really funny moment I had or saw but
I love your "Bush Baby Hoax" Calamar(Your silly):lol:
I know I'd be looking to find the lil bush baby;)



New Member
I was in Crystal Palace, last trip, and the whole time Eeyore was flirting with me!! (Someone PLEASE confirm that there is a woman in that costume!!) The first time Eeyore came to the table, me and my siblings posed, and he/she whatever was stroking my chin wierdly. Later, when I was going up to get food, I passed Eeyore again, and he/she whatever tried to tap my @$$, but I moved out of the way. God, that was scary!


New Member
Originally posted by SIR90210
I was in Crystal Palace, last trip, and the whole time Eeyore was flirting with me!! (Someone PLEASE confirm that there is a woman in that costume!!) The first time Eeyore came to the table, me and my siblings posed, and he/she whatever was stroking my chin wierdly. Later, when I was going up to get food, I passed Eeyore again, and he/she whatever tried to tap my @$$, but I moved out of the way. God, that was scary!

No one loves Eeyore. :(


Ok, I wasn't going to say this, but on my last trip to the world my at the time boyfriend and I noticed a small lizard. We thought it was cute and all. Two steps later we saw two lizards... well lets just say i saw more then I ever needed to see. The funniest part was that a little boy saw them too and when his mother saw what was going on, she grabbed her son and walked away... very fast.


New Member
Ah, I've just remembered some other funny Disney moments ...

After a parade at the Magic Kingdom, a huge crowd was traversing Liberty Square, walking toward the exit -- well, that's sad, not funny, but let me continue.

The most prominent member of this crowd was a heavy bald guy, pushing a stroller while screaming (in a thick New York City accent) into an old cell phone the size of his head. "Aw, I can't [expletive] b'l-ieeve this! This is such [expletive] garbage! Hey, 'ow's everyone back at home? Well, guess what, there can't be [expletive] anyone up there 'cause everyone in the [expletive] world in right here in Disney [expletive] World! These crowds are driving me [expletive] nuts!" And so forth ...

Heh, yeah, it's horrible that he was swearing like a sailor in the happiest place on Earth, but I can always appreciate the ironic contrast between the cheerful Disney environment and impatient, infuriated guests. The guy was a character, but I suppose you'd have to be there to see the humour in it.

Hm, and there are some other funny tricks my team traditionally executes at Tower of Terror. Feel free to try either of the following, as they're quite entertaining:

(1) If you're riding with other guests who have indicated that this is their first ToT experience, start screaming in terror immediately after the elevator stops ascending for the first time. The newbies will assume that they've reached the drop (while this is far from the truth), and some may start genuinely screaming as well.

(2) After the ride, start screaming at the cast member as soon as the elevator doors open. It's always fun to watch their reaction*.

* Occasionally an annoyed reaction, if you're fortunate enough to go on ToT several consecutive times.


New Member
My dad's all-time favorite cruel Disney prank which has proved to be pretty darn funny to watch): He would take a hand-full of pennies and roll them one by one down the sidewalk and watch the little kids flock to catch them. I'm sure the parents of the little kiddies just loooove him. But, that's my dad for ya. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
May not sound funny to some, but to see it was hilarious. On the exit to Big thunder a girl in front of us threw up. And about 10 seconds later, as we were looking back, this guy comes along and slips and falls in it. All over him. Im sure I looked like a real jerk for laughing, but darn was it funny.


New Member
Originally posted by EpcoTim
May not sound funny to some, but to see it was hilarious. On the exit to Big thunder a girl in front of us threw up. And about 10 seconds later, as we were looking back, this guy comes along and slips and falls in it. All over him. Im sure I looked like a real jerk for laughing, but darn was it funny.

:lol: You made me laugh instantly! :lol:


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