Listen to the politicians, but realize they may be using one of the oldest tricks in the book, under promising/over delivering. We need widespread testing, right now we don’t have it, once we have it things will change. When will we have it? That’s the uncertainty that is causing them to make these statements.
It's a really hard question to solve, because - and I'm saying this as someone who is a scientist by trade - biology is really, really, really hard. It's one of those things where politicians/media/laypeople are trying to say blanket terms like "testing" that make almost no sense to the people who are actually working on this stuff.
Testing of what? There are multiple ways to "test" for the disease, depending on what question is being asked. A different test has to be used for the question, "Do you have it?" than from the question, "Have you had it?" than from the other question, "Where do you have it?" than from the question, "How bad do you have it?" Like, each of those things is its own test!
That doesn't even go into the reality that tests results are really only probability statements, because it's really hard to account for the infinite number of ways each person's body is its own unique specimen with unique nuances to their operation. So it's somewhat of an art and statistics game what doctors and officials do once they see the numbers from the test.
I'm not aware yet that there's been any broad consensus of which "test" is agreed upon to be the best method for going forward. And I mean, if we haven't even got that, I don't know how quickly we can get rid of the uncertainty. It seems to be the wild wild west right now, where everyone seems to be developing something for market, even things where the overall usefulness seem to be a reeaaaaal stretch, simply because governments are willing to pay for
anything as soon as possible.
Maybe this approach is the best way to go: a great broad race in the hope that something good actually stumbles out. Maybe it would be better if some government agency says, "we are testing only for this, because its most useful in the long term for the greatest number, so everybody only work on this type of test" and we target a more focused approach.
Who knows
