What's after EVEREST?


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Original Poster
What are some of the possibilities for EVEREST when it opens? Can anyone tell me? If so what are some? I found out on DisneyCorner.com that their are several major thrill attraction coming to the Walt Disney World Resort Disney Future so take a look at it please and tell me what ya think.


New Member
Some of those rumors on disneycorner are far-fetched. Monorail expansion, no. It is cheaper for Disney to run buses than build more monorail. 5th theme park, no. Disney is trying to build up MGM and AK more, get the parks to near full capacity. But I like the idea of the Journey/Center of the Earth and Austrailia areas, and Brother Bear Raft ride.


Active Member
Hmmmm, I'm not quite so sure how much validity I'd put into these. Most of those have been rumored and floating around the net for a while (i.e. Monorail Expansion). But I do like the idea of a Brother Bear raft ride to mask the soarin building although I don't know if there'd be room back there.


Im hoping for new rides and 1 section at Mk, the 20k old area to be maybe renovated with a new land. Redo MTTF and take some old 20k section and make it a nice TOONTOWN.


New Member
Nemo Confirmed?

Has a Nemo submarine been comfirmed for Disneyland in CA? I thought it was still a rumor.

Also, Brother Bear rafts sounds cool and I would really like to see Disney's America get built sometime in the future.


New Member
Answer to Nemo

Yes, Nemo has been confirmed.

I'd like to see any kind of raft ride at Epcot's Canada. Epcot needs another outdoor thrill ride, and this could be it.

Disney's America sounds cool, but I have no idea where "Katy, Texas" is.


I think the rumours on DisneyCourner.com aren't the most reliable resources... I dont think Disney has any intention of building a new park at the moment because, as figmentfan said, they are trying to build up the other parks before they think about opening a new park.



Well-Known Member
Katy, Texas is where Roger Clemens is from. Why not just kidnap Clemens and have him throw batting practice to people that want to face a Hall of Fame pitcher


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Ok what do you think about the Indiana Jones Adventure? They even have the date of year. Disney Future Replacing the Epic Stunt Show??

That rumor has been circulating for a little while. It's a definate possibility, but with TWDC, there's no telling what direction they'll go in. There are always rumors that come and go. Anybody remember the Cinemagique coming to the Studios rumor? :lol:


New Member
Bring it Back!!

As if this would ever happen but... I really really wish that Alien Encounters would come back. The fact that it was too scary is what makes it great. Disney needs another thriller show that will scare the pants off of people, and now look at what it is... Lilo and Stitch. Having a fuzzy alien burp in your face is soooo much more intense than having a huge killer alien come running wild through the crowd. (I was being sarcastic by the way).


New Member
I would think that next, we would begin to see maybe one or two (maximum) of the many planned "Project Gemini" changes to EPCOT. Im thinking along the lines of something happening to the Body Pavilion - the last time I was there (Feb), the Pavilion looked like a pathetic shell of what it once was. Most of the interesting things were gone (bikes, the video screens, many of the exhibits) and pretty much all that remained was Cranium Command, Body Wars, Making of Me, the bathrooms, and a few people walking around. It really chokes me up to see them opening the pavilion that way - it doesnt do proper testament to what it once was, even though it was never the most popular area.

I would say this would be the next change, however, they did just refurbish bits of it. Seems like they have a huge building for three small attractions.

Im not too fond of what they did with the Land Pavilion either, but at least its still around.


Well-Known Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Do you think that the Indy Adventure could come in 2007 and the Brother Bear Raft Ride could come in 2007 as well?

You will soon learn that constantly beating the Indiana Jones Adventure rumor will quickly make people here dislike you if you don't stop.

To answer your question, no and no. According to recent statements, something will be happening to Star Tours in the near future. Also, something needs to be done with Universe of Energy and Wonders of Life before Disney builds a ride to hide a building that can barely be seen unless you are looking for it. WoL and UoE are bigger eyesores in my opinion!


New Member
WDWFanatic007 said:
Do you think that the Indy Adventure could come in 2007 and the Brother Bear Raft Ride could come in 2007 as well?
No and no. On Brother Bear, a Disney spokesperson said that a new film is being considered for Canada. They aren't going to do that and build a ride for Canada. Also, these things need sponsors. I'm not sure what corporation is going to sponsor an attraction for Canada. As for Indy, I don't see this. It's the same ride as CTX (Dinosaur) with a different theme. From a marketing standpoint, I don't think another Indy attraction would be a benefit. People would probably just hear "Indiana Jones" and still think it was the stunt show. I think before that they would spend their money on attractions for Monsters, Inc or the Incredibles, something like that.


Well-Known Member
tomm4004 said:
No and no. On Brother Bear, a Disney spokesperson said that a new film is being considered for Canada. They aren't going to do that and build a ride for Canada. Also, these things need sponsors. I'm not sure what corporation is going to sponsor an attraction for Canada. As for Indy, I don't see this. It's the same ride as CTX (Dinosaur) with a different theme. From a marketing standpoint, I don't think another Indy attraction would be a benefit. People would probably just hear "Indiana Jones" and still think it was the stunt show. I think before that they would spend their money on attractions for Monsters, Inc or the Incredibles, something like that.

I doubt that they want to put any more Pixar related movies into the parks until they work something out...

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