Pretty cool how everything is lining up exactly how it was on the original blue prints. It's cool to see how even the temporary wall follows the Castle Wall exactly.
Okay, I'm calling no way on the "Snow White Mine Train" thing once and for all (not that I don't think it will happen, but it would make more sense that it would go in the back corner where Pixie hollow originally was).
If you look at the blueprint overlay, you'll see they're sticking to the Phase One plans exactly. I've drawn two circles in areas on either side of the chateau where retention ponds are and you'll see they are currently digging them EXACTLY where they were on the original blueprints (there may be a slight movement due to the distortion of the blueprints while scaling them in Photoshop – the left pond is just slightly higher on the blueprint layer than the hole being dug). You'll also see there's a "box" right where Cinderella's Chateau is on the blueprint. This may just be construction equipment, but it seems an odd coincidence.
Now it's very possible the show building is now going to be the Mine Train building instead of the planned meet and great (they could very easily make alterations to what's inside of the building without necessarily having to change the footprint of the building itself), but so far evidence would point to everything proceeding in Phase One as was originally drawn on the blueprint. If we do get the Mine Train in this location, I'm betting most of the building itself (chateau, cottage, show building) will remain as they are.
Perhaps the meet and great is gone out of the large show building and the Aurora's cottage will now be the dwarve's cottage and the entrance to the Mine Coaster through the back of the building? I would think the chateau could stay and become a much smaller meet and great for Cindy (after all, the chateau was really just the entrance to the larger show building in the original plans).