The theming is pretty good. I am not gagging on amazement, but its good overall and very good in some places.
The Mermaid ride is a very good one...but I love the movie and have been thinking Ariel deserved this for a mighty long time. They can now shut down the puppet show at DHS and put something better in there.
The queue is ridiculously long. I don't get that. There are openings in the ceiling. If you're in there while the fireworks are going off, you can see some fireworks through the openings, just like you're in the movie, lol. Very nice touch!! I don't know that I'd have thought of that, but I was simultaneously happy to see that and impressed that they'd thought to do it and accomplished it. Mega Kudos to the Imagineers there!!! I wondered if it would be very hot on hot days and if it could rain in...I wonder if it closes off for those kind of things. I noted that the whole queue area is designed to hide dirt, lol.
The ride itself is not all screens, thank God. It is Disney, so you do ride past some characters on screens, lol...they can't make anything new without that!...but most of it is not. And I liked the water bubbles thing. There is a scene where an animatronic Flounder actually appears to be floating. He's on an arm, but I had to look back ("How'd they do that?!" style) to see it. Loved that Flotsam and Jetsam were in there.

but the best scene is the "Under the Sea" one. Magnificent. Like you're in the movie.
Again, I'm a big fan of that movie and hold Ariel near and dear to my heart...but I was very happy with this ride and intend to ride it over and over again. My first ride through TSMM, I was done. Never needed to do that again, lol.
The BOG dining room is pretty. I like the gargoyles a lot.
Gaston's tavern has the antler it! Also like the statue out front. There was an extremely nice woman working in there, where the tables are. I should have gotten her name and wrote a note about how nice she was. She was short, black and wore a white uniform. If you see her, give her a smile for me.
None of it left me amazed, but it is very nice overall...and new.
I don't like the circus area. I've waited a long time to say it. I kept thinking I'd warm up to it and change my mind. I wanted to give it time. But I don't like it. All that red is annoying and it's all just a little...I don't know the right word...the details are a little busy. "Busy" isn't really the right word, but the correct one escapes me. I do like the garbage cans there, though.