What to do about a husband that doesn't like Disney!


Active Member
Does he golf , fish, like nascar, swim, ESPN? let him do these while you're at parks. Have nice dinners. I guess I'd have to know what he does like to do to make recommedation


New Member
Hi blackerbys17,

I hope you still read this message I jumped in a bit late. I have a similiar situation with my wife, she does not like Disney, not anywhere near me. However, I found a way for her to love it, atleast when we are there. When we got engaged at the MK it was all a surprise to her, I was supposed to be down there for work and took her along because it spanned over a weekend. I made that day completely around her, I did not push any attraction, restaurant, or show, she made all the decisions. That whole day I just concentrated on her, made her feel loved, showered her with the pleasure that was being with her all day. We had the best meals (Royal Table), I took pictures with her with the sights of the MK, but most of all, even though we were there because of me, I made sure she knew that it was her that I was interested in. This can be difficult since you are spending the day at the most magical place in the world, but don't foget you are spending it with the most magical person in your life.

Your DH will come to love Disney, we all do, just give him time. In that time make sure that it is him (and your kids) that you are truly in love with. The surroundings will eventually have an effect positively on him. Whatever may spark his attention anywhere on grounds run with it. It was the greatest pleasure to hear my wife say things like "I think it is really great how Disney pays particular attention to little things like doorknobs" this is then I knew that she was in my world now.

That day that we got engaged was the best time I have ever had at Disney, and we saw no more than 8 attractions that day, but I was with the most beautiful, wonderful, and important person in my life.


Well-Known Member
I had a gorgeous girlfriend for the longest time. I decided to take her to MK..... she HATED it. If there was a stronger word for hate (maybe detest, loathe?)...then yeah. She thought it sucked and hated the kids, the crowds, the heat. She liked some things (Philharmagic,etc) but none of it was enough to convince her to ever come back. She said she would never return even if they paid her.

I dumped her.

PS. She sucked in more ways than just this by the way, so don't think I am some insane disney fanatic who would resolve to such a thing.... but this was one of those things that just shocked me. A guy I can kind of picture not liking disney... but a GIRL!?!?!?!?


New Member
I had a gorgeous girlfriend for the longest time. I decided to take her to MK..... she HATED it. If there was a stronger word for hate (maybe detest, loathe?)...then yeah. She thought it sucked and hated the kids, the crowds, the heat. She liked some things (Philharmagic,etc) but none of it was enough to convince her to ever come back. She said she would never return even if they paid her.

I dumped her.

PS. She sucked in more ways than just this by the way, so don't think I am some insane disney fanatic who would resolve to such a thing.... but this was one of those things that just shocked me. A guy I can kind of picture not liking disney... but a GIRL!?!?!?!?

Yeah as much as I hate making gender stereotypes, I must say that is really weird that your ex girlfriend didnt like disney. I think I know the type she must have been though.....

Anyway, to the original poster.... DOES YOUR HUSBAND LIKE ANYTHING? Disney has EVERYTHING under the sun to offer! I mean jeez-people who don't like Disney World completely confuse me. I can SLIGHTLY understand if you have never been before and think it's a "kiddie park" but if HE HAS been and still doesnt like it...then whoa.


New Member
I have a question: Do you playfully go back and forth about how much DH "hates" Disney and how it's always "too crowded" and there are "long" lines and so on? Or are your tifts about visits to Disney more heated?

If you you answered yes to the latter, I would say DH should stay at home and you go with the kids and the grandparents and have fun because it sounds to me (keep in mind this is via the internet) that your honey really doesn't like Disney and forcing the issue will only ruin your vacation.

If your bantering is more playful (which I think may be the case as he even took the time to post on here under your screen name) then I think you just need to find something that he likes about Disney and exploit it.

I was aprehensive about taking my BF 3 years ago because he isn't real cutsey, clap your hands to the music, hug Mickey kind of guy. But I was pleasantly suprised. He has his limits, and I respect them (no Teacups, Country Bear Jamboree, character meals, IASW rides are limited to 1 per trip, and we sleep in) but these are all things I am willing to compromise on anyway.

You said you spent 4 days at WL on property and only 1 night at the parks? That would kill me! Only you know how to appease your husband if he truly doesn't like to go to WDW, then spending the money and draggin him along seems like a waste to me. I vowed not to visit WDW with BF if he acted up or gave me any grief on our first trip, but he suprised me and this December will be our 4th visit together. I hope you can find a happy medium, but otherwise I would start to look at cruises....start with DCL, of course.:kiss:


I must agree with a previous poster regarding husbands that do not go with their families to Disney for whatever reason. They are basically selfish and most likely self absorbed. How can someone like that not suck it up and put on the "happy face" for a week, if for nothing else other than to see the joy and happiness on his wife and kids faces as they make their way through Disney parks. I mean some of the best themed dining in the world is there and I don't know a guy who can't put up with whatever to have a great sit down meal. It's a shame how people like that are so much all about themselves and can't sacrafice a little for their families. I mean I'm probably the biggest kid there is, so I have no issues. But the first thing I thought of after booking my trip next month, was getting some character meals reserved for my wife and kids to enjoy, and basically trying to make an itinerary that they would enjoy. I figure whatever we do as long as we are together, it will be a great time. I have never been there myself and am probably more excited than they are to go too as it has always been a dream of mine to go since I was a child but my family could never afford it. How can you have a family vacation when your whole family is not there??
I didn't read all three pages of this thread so I'm sorry if something I say has been already mentioned.

I know how you feel in a way, my Dad doesn't care for Disney too much (when we go, it's usually a week-my Dad usually goes at night to see the fireworks about 2 or 3 days out of that week.) Sometimes if we go in Feb. we schedule it around the time the Daytona 500 is going on so he goes to that and my mom, brother, and I go to Disney. We also go in March when the Yankees are spring training in Tampa, so my dad can enjoy watching them while we're in Disney.

You could let your husband go to beaches nearby while you go to Disney, or let him try the Richard Petty Driving Experience, or maybe you guys would enjoy the Disney cruise?

By reading your initial post, you said that he didn't like MNSSHP, the heat, kids, etc... Why don't you try going to Epcot around the World Showcase in Jan.-Feb.? It's not too hot there and not too many kids in the WS.

Hope you find a solution!!


Well-Known Member
He's probably burnt out from Disney. He only goes because he knows that you enjoy the parks. Why don't you law off the parks for a bit and have a vacation that he may want to go on (over and over again.) I think you're smoothering him with the whole Disney thing. Give him space and he'll warm up to Disney.


New Member
Just go without him...

He can stay home with the 'boys' and you and a couple of friends can go have a great time.

My parents do this type of thing all the time, my mom loves to travel and my dad would rather read a book.

So she travels then a bit later he will buy something he wants (and doesn't need).

It will be 50 years in October so it works for them.

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