Active Member
Originally posted by Luau Cove
I you think you won't be that lucky since they tore down the building and spend hundreds on millions to build the new ride...
Well, they could always build a new building (yeah right)... besides, I think that all the props have found new homes throughout the resort.
Here's a sorry list...
My 5 all-time favorite attractions:
1) Mr. Toads Wild Ride
2) Horizons
3) Rock 'n Roller Coaster
4) 20,000 Leaugues Under the Sea
5) Carousel of Progress
I guess I'm screwed... Only 1 of my 5 is still around (well, CoP is there, but it probably won't be for long) And of course, Mission to Mars got knocked down to 6 when RnR debuted.. hehe