What ride has the most meaning to you


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Original Poster
The ride that has the most meaning to me would probably be Space Mountain for two reasons

1. the first time I went on it was with my dad....I was scared to death...I screamed the whole ride! We got off the ride and my dad and I got outside...he asked me you wanna do it again....I said YES!!!
2. Happened a year ago when I went on my senior trip to grad nite...it was the first ride my friends and I went on...there was 5 of us and we were sitting in the rockets and my frend Jen said here's to a great Grad Nite...Here's to a perfect start!!!! It was the perfect thing to say bc that was the best vacation of my whole life!


New Member
Mine would have to be PotC. It was my favorite ride at Disneyland when I was 11, in 1968, and it's the ride I longed for for 28 years until I was finally able to ride it again at WDW. So each time I ride it now, I think back to Disneyland, and 1968. Gives me the "warm-fuzzies"


Well-Known Member
My favorite ride USED to be "Journey Into Imagination" - although I like the 3rd (current) version of the ride, the original was the best for me. My favorite ride now is a tie between Peter Pan and PotC - both long on fantasy and imagination!:)


Originally posted by Tenny317
The ride that has the most meaning to me would probably be Space Mountain for two reasons

1. the first time I went on it was with my dad....I was scared to death...I screamed the whole ride! We got off the ride and my dad and I got outside...he asked me you wanna do it again....I said YES!!!

The same thing happened to me. I did not want to go on, but after I did, I kept going back on.


New Member
The ride that has the most meaning to me is Splash Mountain. It was the first thrill ride I ever went on. It took a lot of convincing for me to get on. After I rode it, I was ready to ride almost everything at WDW. Since then, it has become one of my favorite rides.


New Member
My Fave!

The ride with the most meaning for my DW and I is the original Figment (JITI). We wrer the Last park guests to ride the original before it was closed for rehab. WE had our picture taken, received a Magical Moment Certifcate and a VERY large stuffed Figment. WE will never forget the magic of that moment! :D


New Member
Original Poster
Re: My Fave!

Originally posted by Naviator
The ride with the most meaning for my DW and I is the original Figment (JITI). We wrer the Last park guests to ride the original before it was closed for rehab. WE had our picture taken, received a Magical Moment Certifcate and a VERY large stuffed Figment. WE will never forget the magic of that moment! :D

Oh wow that is extremely amazing! That is something nobody gets to do!


New Member
The ride that has the most meaning for me has to be star tours, i know thats its getting a little dated now, but the first time that we went to Orlando was to the Disney MGM studios. and the first ride that we went on was star tours. Its now a bit of a tradition in my family and when I got in september im gonna take my girlfriend on there, just for tradition! :lol:

Boo's Mom

New Member
for me its Haunted Mansion. Its my dad's favorite ride in all of Disney and one of my favorites too. another special one is RRC its one of the few "thrill" rides my dad will ride with no problem, plus they play aerosmith :D


Well-Known Member
No other attraction has ever quite enthralled me as much as Spaceship Earth - both the architecture and the actual attraction within...

It is my "classic," in the truest sense of the word, both inside and out. A fascinating building, a fascinating story. :D



New Member
it's a small world - it was my mom's favorite - and she is no longer here - but when i go on it - i remember all the times she went on it and how happy she was!!


Well-Known Member
I think Tower of Terror for me. We went for the 25th anniversary, and this was ToT second versions. They gave you two full drops for the anniversary, this of course before the new random programming.

I remember riding in the back of the car, and almost yelped when I saw it looming over to my left, and this was just about sunset on crystal clear day.

Thatw as the first ride I went on, after we checked into the hotel we had some special pass or something, and we got into MGM for some discount rate, it was now sunset and it was bathed halfway in sunlight. This is before fast pass, and there was ONLY a 5 minute wait. I swear to god. It was amazing, at one point we were the only "guests" in the lobby. We rode the ride over and over again like about 7 times, and ended with walking back out in the warm breeze staring straight up and the flickering hotel signgs.

We of course got the ride picture, lol this when they had the lap bar, and of course my mouth was like a gaping hole, and my eyes wide open. Gotta love the early teen years!:king:


Well-Known Member
There are so many rides that give me a lot of meaning. I cannot pick one. I'll try to keep my list short (sorry for not picking just one):

Peter Pan's Flight: I use to go on that ride all the time at DL when I was a little girl. When my dh and I went to WDW and the last ride we went on was this ride and I cried like a baby the entire time. God, I'm such a baby.

Country Bears Jambore: This isn't exactly like a ride. But every time my family and I would go to DL we would always go and see this show. Though they shut this show down at DL and put the Winnie the Pooh ride in its place. It just brought so many memories when I saw this at WDW and I taped the show for my mom.

I'll be nice and keep this list short just for you.

General Grizz

New Member
Most meaning? Definitely Horizons.

On the attraction value, ride had it all - entertaining characters, magnificent sets, artistically rich portrayls of various visions, and the inspiration Walt Disney himself was known for spreading.

On a personal level, it was a family favorite. The "Choose Your Own Ending" was always a great debate (I always chose Desert, by the way), and we always heard a few screams from the older members of the family during the DNA spinning-cycle.

Every time I hear that theme song, I can picture the Horizons family - but also my own. :wave:

Frees Fan

Mine is the HM....that's one of the first rides I rode and have been in love with it every since. When I was a kid, I actually wanted to live there when I grew up!



Well-Known Member
Mine would have to be HM, because it's a "nostalgia" ride for my cousin Marcia and I. When we were younger we used to pretend HM was our summer "residence" :lol: and whenever we were in line for it we'd say "I hope the maids have kept the house in shape or they're fired!" and stupid things like that. Today whenever we go together we still have to go on that together.

RnRC and SE are two other ones just because I was amazed the first time I rode them.


New Member
I have two:

Carousel of Progress and Spaceship Earth

Carousel was one of Walt's favorites. It really calls to me. I sit riding through, thinking, "Why can't life be as simple as this."

Both bring a since of hope for the future. They are so set in the greatness of progress and the ability of humanity that all our current problems seem to disappear.


New Member
I watched the video from the original JII the other day and filled up, it was one of my grandfather's favorites. I can clearly remember the joy the whole ride gave him and him singing along to "One Little Spark". My current fave isn't a ride but the finale to "Fantasmic". The crowds reaction when the boat comes out, the music and the lights, and especially when Mickey says "Some imagination huh?" Gets me everytime. Let's just say I cry alot at WDW.

P.S. - I've been "stalking" these forums for awhile and I think you are a wonderful, funny and bright group. I'm glad I found my kind of Disney nutters.:D

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