darthjohnny said:
I can't even remember how the story of AE ended.
from: http://www.angelfire.com/fl4/glassmonkeyface/disney/XS/script.html
Spinlock: People of Earth, quiet! Listen to me please! Don't scream! If you remain perfectly quiet, it probably won't eat you. No, no! I told you to be quiet! (The alien jumps on your back and breaths on your neck. It then licks you with a snake like tongue. A flash of light sparks from the tube)
Dr. Femus: Spinlock! We've got power.
Spinlock: Good, how do we get it back to the tube?
Dr. Femus: Just leave it to me. Tube speakers activated.....screaming now. (Dr. Femus screams and it echoes through the tube. The alien steps on you once more as it heads toward the sound of its new prey.) It's back in the tube!
Spinlock: Boost the power, hurry! Good work. More power!(The creature begins to spark)
Dr. Femus: The creature is about to explode!
Spinlock: Drop the shield! (The shield comes down, but not in time to stop the explosion of the alien which sprays everyone. The screens take a moment to flicker back on.) Well, you see, there you have it. A little glitch here and there, but I think you get the idea, the potential of XS technology, and all of that. We certainly apologize for the inconvinience, but after all....
Dr. Femus: It does take time to seize the future.
Spinlock: Yes.
Dr. Femus: Thank you so much for coming. Please exit out the open doors and don't forget your belngings.
Spinlock: The ones who haven't been eaten. Good luck and good eating.
Dr. Femus: Thank you.