What makes SGE so horrible?

Tim G

Well-Known Member
I've seen the attendance figures from the last 12 months, untill september the numbers were rising, from october they went down and december hey will go up again, as every year...
They will be re-evaulate in 2010.

C.O.P however is drasticly going down... but that hasn't got nothing to do with this thread... :D
What is the deal???? It is a RIDE at an AMUSEMENT PARK! Why does everyone bash this ride? I am a thirty year old who is amazed everytime I ride it. The AA's are great, the special effects are great and #1 the kids love it. If you don't like it.....stay off of it. People act like it is such a substandard "Six Flags" type ride, but its not.


Account Suspended
I've seen the attendance figures from the last 12 months, untill september the numbers were rising, from october they went down and december hey will go up again, as every year...
They will be re-evaulate in 2010.

C.O.P however is drasticly going down... but that hasn't got nothing to do with this thread... :D

I originally thouh the Meet/Greet on the ramp outfront brought more people in.. then I realized they stood in line and when the show loaded and often didn't go into it. That made me sad, and then I realized I had no desire to see it either.. Life goes on, eh?


Account Suspended
What is the deal???? It is a RIDE at an AMUSEMENT PARK! Why does everyone bash this ride? I am a thirty year old who is amazed everytime I ride it. The AA's are great, the special effects are great and #1 the kids love it. If you don't like it.....stay off of it. People act like it is such a substandard "Six Flags" type ride, but its not.

It's not an amusement park. I think that's the fundamental flaw in your outlook on the situation.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I think that Stitch replacing AE is a sign of dumbing down of WDW.

I have no other examples to cite and I just hope that it's not the start of a trend.


Here we go agian....
My thoughts are thus, SGE is a good ride and not a bad idea but after riding it and two incantations of AE I just feel like SGE was thrown together real quick and shoehorned into AEs spot and and I think thats why some are against it. I understand the need for a more kid friendly ride but AE was a very original idea and really did what it said it would do it was a great sensory thriller. AE was a great ride IMO and others agree but a lot of people do like SGE and I don't hate it but I'm not in love with it however I did love AE. Yup I think that explains it.

Now on another note Corrus aren't you retired....or is WDI much like the CIA or FBI where you can never really retire.....attendance numbers?? :lookaroun hahahah.....

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
One thing I really loved about AE was that it was kind of a break from the happy atmosphere of the Magic Kingdom. Don't get me wrong, I like the atmosphere, but going there without riding AE makes me wanna go home and watch a violent R rated movie. That's the thing about AE, it had a good dark atmosphere which helps you not get "kiddied out" at the MK.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Now on another note Corrus aren't you retired....or is WDI much like the CIA or FBI where you can never really retire.....attendance numbers?? :lookaroun hahahah.....
You obviously don't know how it works in large companies... I AM retired but still consultant if needed...

Which often works that way, so please leave the sarcasm out...



Active Member
One thing I really loved about AE was that it was kind of a break from the happy atmosphere of the Magic Kingdom. Don't get me wrong, I like the atmosphere, but going there without riding AE makes me wanna go home and watch a violent R rated movie. That's the thing about AE, it had a good dark atmosphere which helps you not get "kiddied out" at the MK.

:lol: Hahaha, I dunno about having to go watch an R rated movie, but I know exactly what you're saying. Even though it's the Magic Kingdom, that doesn't require every attraction to feature cute and cuddly singing characters. It was a nice diversion for a more grown up crowd, who didn't mind their 'Disney magic' with a hint of darkness... BWAHAHAHAHAHA! :fork:


Well-Known Member
I was too young to ride AE the only time I went to the MK when AE was around, but the people I know who went on it liked it for the reasons mentioned, and the video I've seen of the ride looks cool.

That past three years I've been going to the MK, I have still yet to do SGE. I will this year because everyone should atleast TRY it, but while I have seen video of the ride, and don't care for Stitch in general, it is a ride and still should be experienced, heck I'll be more interesting in the architectual outline of the old flight the moon, mission to mars, AE rooms than I will be at stitch and chili dogs. :rolleyes:

As far as the COP.....dahhhh Corrus controls Expo with his COP vibes :hammer: ...it's not the attraction's fault...it's how disney has proceeded with the attraction since 1994, which could be argued that disney would rather send the COP into reedy creek. :dazzle: , but me thinks if they give the ride some TLC, promote, fix it, and add dole whips at the unload attendence will go up. :animwink:


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Who designed AE and decided to change what Tomorrowland was all about?

I wish there was some way to find out who did what at what park.. Like who were the designers.

All I ever really get to know comes from sketches and drawings that are signed in some books, but that doesn't tell the whole story. I know certain imagineers toyed with darker themes and ideas and I'm really interested in seeing who actually got what pushed through.. who is responsible for what...

Like, for example, I can find Mary Blair's work hidden in other people's projects (she worked on other projects besides the murals and small world, just didn't get the major credit for them), because of her unique choice of colors and line style (not neccessarily round-headed singing children.)

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