What is your best Walt Disney World Tip?


Pack twice as much money and half as many clothes as you think you'll need!!

Try not to carry anything into the park that has to be searched. It will save alot of time bypassing the bag search.


Well-Known Member
Not trying to be a drug pusher here, but, if you don't walk a lot, take an Advil before you go to the park. Your feet will love you! Better yet, start walking 30 minutes, 3 times a week WAY before you go.

And go on Buzz Lightyear during the parade!


New Member
If you like the thrill rides at mgm.. go on ToT and RnRc while people are inline/ at Fantasmic. During the SUMMER we got on ToT 5 times in a row and RnR 3 times in a row after that... all within an hour or so.


If you or anyone in your party is prone to blisters. Buy moleskin bandages before you leave. As soo as you get a "hot-spot" on your foot, cover it with the bandage. Doing this will ensure that you will be walking...not hobbeling..the next day.


New Member
Plan ahead and enjoy the planning! My daughter and I start planning for our next trip about a week after we get home from DW. We have such fun deciding where to eat and what days to do what. She is on the phone 180 days out at 7 am to make our dinner reservations. Read different discussion boards for great ideas.:animwink:


Active Member
If you have ever been to WDW before and got one of those refillable mugs from your resort save time and money...bring it with you on all of your other trips and just refill it. No one will even ask you about it. :lookaroun

KIDDING!!! :lol:

Ok #1 like everyone says just have fun, especially if you have been before. Go nice and easy and by the end of the day you won't be as tired and cranky.

#2 Bring a small first aid kit with you, you never know when you are going to need bandaids etc. And hand sanitizer (I'm a germ phobe)

#3 Many people on these boards so not agree with me on this one, but if you want to eat somewhere and you can't get a reservation just show up and see if there are any available seats (this works better at non traditional eating times). Many places will accept SOME non reservation people and there can be no shows and last minute cancellations. It hasn't always worked for us but has about 90% of the time. And like I always say you don't know if you don't try.

#4 Bring a sweatshirt or a lightweight jacket, even if it is SO hot you are 100% sure you'll never use it. It can cool down fast while waiting for those parades, shows etc. If you don't wear it it has several other uses...you can sit on it instead of sitting on the ground during shows, parades etc..it is good during Fantasmic if you are too close and getting the spray from the lagoon, and it is good to throw over yourself if you don't want to get drenched on Kali River Rapids and don't want to buy one of those ponchos. My husband who never wears a sweatshirt because he is always hot always brings one to the parks and always uses it for one reason or another.

I think thats it for now.

Jimmy Thick

Well-Known Member
The concierge is your friend for those that can afford it. You would be shocked at just what a great one can do for your trip.

One great example is getting ADR's at restaurants that have no availability, like when you walk up to the guest services at Epcot looking for a ADR. I just call my Concierge, who gave me her personal cell phone number and she makes magic happen.

Pay the extra cash, use the concierge! This is the best example at Disney World where money really talks, but its worth it.


New Member
Research and find out where you are going, what parks hold the most interest for you and your traveling party, and by all means, don't get Disney World mixed up with Magic Kingdom. ha. Read and know the transportation options of monorails, boats, and busses. Talk to a travel agent and get a couple of good Disney books. Have a great time and relax whenever you feel like it. A week long Disney vacation isn't really a marathon...although sometimes it feels like it.


Active Member
Since has been suggested couple of times; when going on a lazy Disney trip (to enjoy, not to rush) and and to relax at the park, Prior to the fireworks or parade, Do a stop like an hour or hour and a half and just look for a great spot for fireworks or a parade. Maybe after finding that spot you and your party can take turns to go around to the shops or to get some food.

If you like pictures, get plenty of batteries, rolls (iso/asa 400 or 800) or Memory Cards, I have know people getting at least 100 rolls of film and 2 GB memory cards full of memories.

A rain poncho is your friend no matter what, have one on a back pack or a bag. After all is Florida, it may rain.

Stroller rental is cheaper if you do length of stay. take something extra to mark your stroller like a bandanna, balloons, some ribbon. Have your kids write their name on a Badge and or drawings, Keep that badge (or name tag with you it can be a nice object to use for scrap booking)

Sometimes parents get lost, Tag your kid with an Id badge with a mobile number is fast way to contact you. Also have a picture taken that morning if you have a digital camera so they can easy identify or help you out in search.

Radios are good for a big party you can get an some of this walkie talkies and give them to your members so they can wonder around and call to meet somewhere or do some other stuff. (Nextels work as good, also mobiles but a radio will be more reliable)


plan ahead but be prepared to update your plans each night depending on what you've accomplished each day...No matter how much you plan ahead you're not going to be able to stick to that plan without some adjusments...Just a fact of life at Disney.But that's not a bad thing. I think the most inportant thing is to go with the flow & enjoy the magic
( Hey Belle Notte just started playing on the musak here at work maybe it's a sign that I should go to WDW now tee hee)


Here's one we try to do -- take the red-eye and leave the night before your vacation is to start. Instead of travelling on your first day, you'll get a some sleep on the plane and will spend your first Disney day relaxing by the pool, admiring the resorts and just taking it easy in Disney style.

Then have a great first night dinner, stroll the beach at Poly, maybe hit up a lounge (I recommend River Roost or the Bel Vue Room) and get to bed early for your first day in the parks.

Never fails us!
So many good tips so far!!

I can attest to needing a small first aid kit...A couple of years ago, my DD fell and skinned her knee on Tom Sawyer Island and a very nice lady gave me some ointment and a band aide. I never travel without a small kit now.
I don't know if this will qualify as a tip, but here goes...
If at some point you can afford it, try to stay at an Epcot resort like Beach Club, Boardwalk, or Swan-Dolphin. The accessibility to the Studio's, Epcot, and mini-golf is worth it. Extra bonus, as DVC members, the first time we stayed at Boardwalk, we were able to stay in a Boardwalk view room and were able to see Illuminations almost every night from our room. Nice:).
My other tip is, be nice. I think that most people are nice, but sometimes it can be like the whole Pay It Forward thing. I know that this can't always happen and people like to beat up other people while in line for the Teacups and whatnot, but in general I think that everyone would like other guests to be nice, so I like to start off by being the nice "other guest".:ROFLOL:


New Member
This is for after you get back home:.....Carry a small photo album 'brag book' around with you of great trip pictures to whip out when the expected question comes up...."Why did you go to Disney AGAIN???!!!!! Haven't you been there already? Aren't you sick of that place? Isn't once enough?" Ha Ha. The laughs on them.


A ride-riding method we've always found that works - if the stand-by line is listed at more than a 30 minute wait, grab a FastPass. Doing this, we've never had to wait more than 30 minutes for a ride and have been able to ride everything we want to.


Active Member
Sunblock, Very very important, helps to keep a nasty sunburn and a little refreshed. Also reapply at midday. Water mister are amazing (specially if you add ice to them).

Take your time going out of the park, specially at night, let the big crowds work their way and then on your own pace.

Comfortable shoes, (if their are new, use them prior to the trip, a lot) and socks...

If staying on property Extra Magic Hours!!!

If you are planning on buying souvenirs and send them, Also the stores can do that for you (don't do it if overseas).

Have lunch and dinner at odd times, like 11:00 am or 2:00 less crowd.

At MK see the rope drop ceremony, is a nice touch to start the day (I think all the parks do them. Except on EMH Mornings).

If driving, do a mix CD with your favorite Disney music, and do sing along (that helps the kids not to get bored).

Do extra activities if you can, Mini Golf, Disney Quest, Water Parks.

If with kids, make them do a journal of their trip. Also if possible give disposable cameras or cheap digital ones, so they can document their trip.

If going on a special occasion with kids, have them do t shirts for them and other members of the family.

Ask a Photopass cast member to take a group picture of your party.

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