Im glad Im not the only one whos experienced these things.
Back in 1976, I witnessed someone step over the railing to stick his camera under the water at 20,000 Leagues to take a picture. He hadnt snapped the shutter when several CMs removed him bodily and "escorted" him away :lol:
In 1997, we were happily munching on lunch in the Crystal Palace while talking to a lovely family from England seated next to us. All of a sudden, the fathers mouth dropped open and a hoopla ensued behind us. Aghast, the man started to point and shout "HES PUNCHED POOH!!" Yep. Someone suckerpunched poor Pooh right in the kisser. Of course he was "escorted" out.
Parades and shows are just such a bear to have to deal with. I have gotten to a good spot on the curb early, only to have people come and sit IN FRONT of me. Not even on the the STREET. When the CMs told them to move, they turned to me and said "Can you move back, please?" Umm...NO! Another time, we were standing in front of the Castle watching the show when this woman with a baby carriage with balloons tied to the handle pushed her carriage in front of me. Naturally, her balloons went in front of my face, so I moved them. She starts SCREAMING at me. I said, "Look, sweetie, I was here first. If you keep this up, I WILL have you removed from this park for assaulting me with your balloons." I mean, you had to hear this maniac SCREAMING at me for moving her balloons!!
The best was the Easter Parade in 2000. There were several families that got there early to stake out our spots. We were standing and talking and as usually happens, people come and it starts to crowd in. Somehow, the woman next to me's kids got displaced and were behind people who had come later. They wouldnt let the kids back in because they were there first (insert eyeroll here) so I turned around and grabbed the kids and shoved them in front of me. They were like 8 or 9. 2 little ones. Naturally people grumbled. So as we are watching the parade, I had kindly removed my wide brimmed straw hat so as not to block the views of those behind me. Suddenly I get shoved from behind and someone starts yelling "MOVE!" The woman next to me turns around and sees two woman trying to shove between us. "NO! We have been here for an hour! Go somewhere else!" Well, they kept trying to push past us and complained that they couldnt see if we wouldnt let them thru. The woman looked down at my hands and looked up at me...and I proceeded to put my big, wide brimmed straw hat right back on my head :lol:
You dont want to have to be unkind or spiteful, but we all pay the price of admission and we are all entitled to see a parade or a show or see a character at a breakfast. Everyone knows what time a parade starts. Its your responsibility to get there in time to get a good spot. Dont be thinking other people have to move because you came late. Grr. This sort of thing just frosts my cupcakes!!
Sorry for the long post, but I had to get that out of my system! :lol: