What is most likely to be built between 7DMT and Avatar?


Well-Known Member
Oh, the money is there. There's no doubt, the money is there. It's just busy acting as pocket-liner for upper-management. They get hefty little bonuses for increasing capacity and decreasing their budget. That money saved works its way upward till Disney has a better number to show investors at the end of the fiscal year.
I promise: the money is there.

Absolutely. The money is there. The major issue right now is that Disney feels that the money is better spent in places other than what we feel is necessary. Do I love MM+? Yes. Would I have preferred that $2 Billion be spent on new attractions and upkeep? Yes. I would have gladly given up MM+ for new attractions and upkeep of the parks. However, Disney executives felt that the money should be spent on other things. That is the crux of the problem right now. Disney thinks that they know the public and what the public wants. The fact is the vast majority of people they spent the $2 billion for MM+ for have no idea what it is all about, or care. In the end, would the money spent on MM+ bring in more revenue than new attractions? Maybe, maybe not. I choose to believe that it will not, and that the executives need to go before they grind the parks into the ground at the expense of bonuses and other Disney assets.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The money is absolutely there.

When Phil Holmes cancels the SM refurb but still flies into work.

When Wishes is told loose product or cut show time.

When RoE is in danger of becoming an underwater show in certain areas.

When all of Potter One (as an example) cost half the price of a cloned Omnimover, a restaurant, some buildings and a D ticket.

When profits are supposedly up and 150,000+ people a day are paying around $100 each, every day.

The money is there. It's just not going back into the Orlando parks as it should.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
Premium Member
Most people would agree that Disney does a much better job than Uni in regards to theming and experiences for the guest to enjoy.

Put it this way, Disney will always be able to bring that excited flutter to your stomach when you walk under the train station. Uni do not have that effect on people.

Says you!


Well-Known Member
Disneyhead'71 said:
But one Orlando Destination Theme Park Resort is trying hard while the other is just trying hard to take my money.

Just calling it as I see it.
THIS sums up the difference between WDW and UNI in ONE SENTENCE!
Just for the purpose of perspective. There was a long period of time that Disney was investing hand over fist while Uni was sitting dormant. Uni, even though I think are doing a great job of attempting catch up, will never get to the size of WDW unless they spend billions and billions and billions of dollars to do so. Uncle Walt bought all that land at a ridiculously low price because no one knew who was buying it and why. Uni will never have that luxury in the Orlando area. When, and if, all this investing doesn't return what they were targeting, it too will dry up regardless of how many statements and quasi-promises have been made.


Well-Known Member
Just for the purpose of perspective. There was a long period of time that Disney was investing hand over fist while Uni was sitting dormant. Uni, even though I think are doing a great job of attempting catch up, will never get to the size of WDW unless they spend billions and billions and billions of dollars to do so. Uncle Walt bought all that land at a ridiculously low price because no one knew who was buying it and why. Uni will never have that luxury in the Orlando area. When, and if, all this investing doesn't return what they were targeting, it too will dry up regardless of how many statements and quasi-promises have been made.

Mehh --- i don't know about that. What is stopping Universal from making a 3rd park? Revenue keeps going up, who knows. Build a 3rd park, get another hotel or 2 and then the gap is even smaller. And if Universals track record shows anything, it won't be a park with 6 rides and a show....


Well-Known Member
Uni, even though I think are doing a great job of attempting catch up, will never get to the size of WDW unless they spend billions and billions and billions of dollars to do so

As a fan of Uni and Disneyland, I say GOOD. Other than a themed water park to replace the travesty that is Wet and Wild and a few more resorts, I don't want Universal to be the size of WDW. WDW's size is its biggest weakness at this point. With three parks that are beyond stale, it's clear that Disney either can't or is unwilling to keep up with the size.


Well-Known Member
Mehh --- i don't know about that. What is stopping Universal from making a 3rd park? Revenue keeps going up, who knows. Build a 3rd park, get another hotel or 2 and then the gap is even smaller. And if Universals track record shows anything, it won't be a park with 6 rides and a show....
Nothing stopping them other then incredible costs. Don't you think that all the property holders on Uni's borders are planning their villa's in the south of France based on the income they will receive when Uni decides that it needs more room to expand to overtake Disney? I don't think they will even try. I think that they are currently spending money and it is paying off, but like everything in life, there is the law of diminishing returns. Disney is there and that is the reason why they have not been building more and bigger. They don't need to and besides increasing their expenses will not increase their business to any noticeable degree. When you are working with billion dollar budgets, a couple million is parking meter change to them. Uni, on the other hand, has to show massive improvement to justify Comcast spending more money. Comcast is not as big as Disney and will eventually have to slow down. When the return is not keeping ahead of the pace of spending, it will indeed come up for reconsideration.


Well-Known Member
Uni, on the other hand, has to show massive improvement to justify Comcast spending more money. Comcast is not as big as Disney and will eventually have to slow down. When the return is not keeping ahead of the pace of spending, it will indeed come up for reconsideration.

Comcast is not as big as Disney? They have more equity and assets.

Comcast has already said they want at least 10,000 rooms for the resort. They will have to buy more land to get to that number.


Well-Known Member
The money is there. It's just not going back into the Orlando parks as it should.

That's the point IMHO. Even ignoring MM+ and the money spent on that, there is plenty of additional funds that WDW is generating that could/should be reinvested in the parks. But it's not, because it is going to way of corporate bonuses and improved earnings reports for the company. Which has the potential to have significant long term consequences for the resort.

I don't think anyone is asking for the Disney company to go into the red just to buff up the parks. But investing some of the profits that WDW is making back into the resort seems like a reasonable request.


Well-Known Member
Magic Bands
Ride Refurbs
Disney Springs
3 More DVC Resorts/Wings
New Parade
New Nighttime Show
Yeti Still Broken

Thats it, no jokes, no sarcasm just straight to the point. Were not getting anything between Dwarves and Avatar, well at least not anything we want. Sorry but just prepare yourselves for this continuation of the Iger era...

New 3D movie in the Captain EO theater and a new Pre-show too!


Premium Member
Nothing stopping them other then incredible costs. Don't you think that all the property holders on Uni's borders are planning their villa's in the south of France based on the income they will receive when Uni decides that it needs more room to expand to overtake Disney? I don't think they will even try. I think that they are currently spending money and it is paying off, but like everything in life, there is the law of diminishing returns. Disney is there and that is the reason why they have not been building more and bigger. They don't need to and besides increasing their expenses will not increase their business to any noticeable degree. When you are working with billion dollar budgets, a couple million is parking meter change to them. Uni, on the other hand, has to show massive improvement to justify Comcast spending more money. Comcast is not as big as Disney and will eventually have to slow down. When the return is not keeping ahead of the pace of spending, it will indeed come up for reconsideration.

What criteria are you using to determine who is bigger? When looking at just Revenue Comast is much bigger, $63 Billion vs. Disney's $45 Billion. Comcast also has much larger cash flow numbers then Disney.


Resident Curmudgeon
Comcast is not as big as Disney? They have more equity and assets.

Comcast has already said they want at least 10,000 rooms for the resort. They will have to buy more land to get to that number.

Comcast is spending for the long haul, Disney is resting on it's laurels Aside from that I'm really wondering about Disney's financials right about now we have all heard about the 1-2B+ cost of NGE,

But where did the money GO was it spent with contractors or did it go from one Disney pocket to another and then to 'off balance sheet' stuff. If I were a speculator I think I would be thinking about shorting Disney stock about now because Disney sure does not seem to be ACTING like a financially healthy company they have all this cash flow from parks and media business but what are they investing in. Other than Shanghai they don't seem to be investing in movies/cable/parks/IP/media.

Perhaps those better informed have another explanation, Also we KNOW that Iger shopped DL around at least once and @WDW1974 mentioned a convocation of suits at WDW this week. A 'retreat' not likely they would head to Napa or Snowmass because the lot of them would never be seen dead in WDW. So WHAT are they doing there... A sale to a PE company or Hotel company would make the most sense and would better fit today's Disney which is a IP holding company as opposed to a creative company.


Well-Known Member
I mean, i don't necessarily think Disney is in any trouble financially.... their products and merchandise wiill ALWAYS sell. Now, as some other reports of come out, with the MM+ installment, i think next years revenue will very much be just to offset the costs of the "upgrade."


Well-Known Member
Comcast is spending for the long haul, Disney is resting it's laurels Aside from that I'm really wondering about Disney's financials right about now we have all heard about the 1-2B+ cost of NGE,

But where did the money GO was it spent with contractors or did it go from one Disney pocket to another and then to 'off balance sheet' stuff. If I were a speculator I think I would be thinking about shorting Disney stock about now because Disney sure does not seem to be ACTING like a financially healthy company they have all this cash flow from parks and media business but what are they investing in. Other than Shanghai they don't seem to be investing in movies/cable/parks/IP/media.

Perhaps those better informed have another explanation, Also we KNOW that Iger shopped DL around at least once and @WDW1974 mentioned a convocation of suits at WDW this week. A 'retreat' not likely they would head to Napa or Snowmass because the lot of them would never be seen dead in WDW. So WHAT are they doing there... A sale to a PE company or Hotel company would make the most sense and would better fit today's Disney which is a IP holding company as opposed to a creative company.
Putting thousands of glowing Mickey heads in could not have been cheap. What was thelast count? 300 new CMs to cover next gen?


Well-Known Member
What criteria are you using to determine who is bigger? When looking at just Revenue Comast is much bigger, $63 Billion vs. Disney's $45 Billion. Comcast also has much larger cash flow numbers then Disney.
If those number are true, then I stand corrected. I still don't think, not only in spite of that but because of that, if they don't show considerable return on their investment that they will be inclined to continue doing so.


Well-Known Member
Mickey heads probably between 20-35 million, CM's about the same amount but where are the BILLIONS going???
Coding for point of sale and reservation systems. New website. New app. New maps. Adding Wi-Fi to all public areas. MagicBand design. Accessory design. Attraction and queue enhancement design and installation. FastPass+ queue installation and signage. NextGen is a whole mess of items with several reports of others hitching a ride to it so fund unrelated projects. And all of that is a at a Company known for spending money poorly.


Resident Curmudgeon
Coding for point of sale and reservation systems. New website. New app. New maps. Adding Wi-Fi to all public areas. MagicBand design. Accessory design. Attraction and queue enhancement design and installation. FastPass+ queue installation and signage. NextGen is a whole mess of items with several reports of others hitching a ride to it so fund unrelated projects. And all of that is a at a Company known for spending money poorly.

Not quite what I meant, Was the money paid out to vendors OR was it laundered through internal 'transfer payments' For the level of what has been done this is a few hundred million dollars worth of work. and perhaps $100 million in iron.


Well-Known Member
As a fan of Uni and Disneyland, I say GOOD. Other than a themed water park to replace the travesty that is Wet and Wild and a few more resorts, I don't want Universal to be the size of WDW. WDW's size is its biggest weakness at this point. With three parks that are beyond stale, it's clear that Disney either can't or is unwilling to keep up with the size.
Agreed 100%.

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