what is love?

How does 'true love' feel?

  • an overwhelming emotion

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • subtle and calm

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • merely trust and respect

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • it varies from one person to another

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • something different from these options

    Votes: 12 34.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
ok, i know there's been several posts on love and such...but i wanna know...how does one know what 'true love' feels like? i'd love to know your opinions! now, this is true love to YOU, not nessasarily (sp?) a definintion or anything


Premium Member
I believe true love means all of the above for me at least and more ! It means going 440 miles for 5 years to visit someone you love every month before you can get married, it means knowing in your soul that the other person is right for you, it means patience, respect, friendship, passion, understanding , forgiveness , knowing you cannot live without this person and growing together in a marriage or relationship. For me it means 14 years this year with my only love my hubby ! I hope every one here has found or can find their one true love ! :animwink: We hope to renew our vows next year at Disney !!!:)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Re: Re: what is love?

Originally posted by tenchu
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt, me no more!

Everyone sing along! :lookaroun

:lol: :lol: :lol: LMAO!!!! that's hilarious! i didnt' even think about that when i named the thread!! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I've just realised i put that second comma in the wrong place.

Kudos to all those quoters who'd like to change it!



Well-Known Member
I don't think there is any way that you can possibly describe love. Sure, it's all the things listed...but more...and so much more that you can't possibly start to list them all because even if you did...there is still that unexplainable feeling. It's just one of those things...when you're in it...you know...when you're not...you KNOW...but you don't realize what you don't have until you've had it once and lost that. (Sings Cinderella's "Don't Know What You've Got...Til it's gone.... :lol: )

I dunno...it's kinda like when you see or think about someone...you get those butterflies in your stomach, the fireworks start to go off in your head, and you just feel warm and fuzzy inside...that's the "FEELING" but that doesn't EXPLAIN or DEFINE love.

I hope that summed it up :) (Wait...did I just explain the unexplainable by saying that the unexplainable is actually unexplainable?) :hammer:


New Member
True love is me and my boyfriend. We love each other so much, and we hate each other too. When you can hate something about someone, look past it, and see the good things, you know you are in love. You have to accept certian things. Also, when you feel emotions for that person, like, when someone hurts my BF, I feel hurt too, and ed off at the person who hurt him. Sacrifice. Thats love.


Well-Known Member
Okay...true love to me. I'm not sure I can put it into words. True love transcends the mere physical (although physical can be good :animwink: ), but it is a union of...spirt?...soul?...insight?...whatever you want to call it. I can be with my wife, and we can make eye contact, and I can feel the connection between us. So can she. And no, it's not the pitter-pat of puppy love, or anything like that. It's a feeling of joy, elation, but at the same time serenity and contentment. Even as I try to explain it, I'm still not doing it justice. My wife is the only person with whom I shared this feeling. True love, I guess.

And no, I'm not old enough to have been a flower child and I've never done LSD!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by crazygirley
True love is me and my boyfriend. We love each other so much, and we hate each other too. When you can hate something about someone, look past it, and see the good things, you know you are in love. You have to accept certian things. Also, when you feel emotions for that person, like, when someone hurts my BF, I feel hurt too, and ed off at the person who hurt him. Sacrifice. Thats love.

i love all of these explainations for the unexplainable! thanks for responding with your inputs! :wave:
but this one seems to stick out for some reason...i really wanted to keep this thread relatively general (as in not bringing MY life into it) but it seems like i've gotta weigh into this one.
would looking past something you hate about a person also include a person's friends? ya see, there's this person that i'm friends with but we don't share mutual friends. in fact, he has few friends that i actually like...they're not bad people or anything, just not 'my kind' of people, ya know? and i have actually given them a chance, so that's not the issue. i've known this guy all my life, but we just started becoming somewhat closer in the past 5 years or so. so far i've been able to accept everything about him (even his funny little quirks, but Lord knows, i have plenty of those myself!) that is everything but his friends...i think i can look past it, but at the same time, i don't know if i can ever be completely fine with them. i'd never try to keep him away from them...after all, they're his friends. i'd certainly hate it if he tried to keep ME from MY friends! ok, lol, i really have no clue where i'm goin here with this. i guess what i want to know is, is it possible to truely love and accept a person, and not really accept their friends?


Well-Known Member
Man,...I don't really know what "love" it is.

I only know it's side effects:

It makes you think, say and do thinks you wouldn't normally dream of.
It keeps you awake at night.
It makes your brain run at a thousand kilometers an hour.
It kills your appetite.
It makes you stop thinking of yourself.
It takes your mind off things that you normally enjoy doing.
It makes you reevaluate everything you ever believed in.
It makes you wanna be a better person.
It can make you feel like you are in heaven.
It can make you feel excruciating pain.
It makes you feel alive.

Yeah,...It's a really strange word and I really can't tell you EXACTLY what it is.

I only know that I "love" it!!

CT : - )
:hammer: :D


New Member
Love? I could go real bitter and cynical on you and say it is this horrible and evil thing that I no longer like or trust.. but I'm actually not in the mood to go in that direction LOL...

Love is something that is extremely special... even if it doesn't last forever for the moments that it is there you know that someone cares about you and you about that person and it's the best feeling in the world to have... and losing that love is the worse feeling in the world.

Love is unpredictable, crazy, insane, challenging, honest, scary, fabulous and explosive.. but it is also quiet, understanding, simple, sweet and romantic.

When you are in love all this can be true at the same time... and when you lose that love you can feel as if your whole world has been ripped apart and you don't even know how to piece it back together again...

Does that work? lol


Well-Known Member
When I was a teenager, I hated it when people said "you'll just know when you are in love." You know what? It's true! You can't put a feeling on it or describe it--you really just know. I've been in love with the same person for over 20 years now and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Some day your prince--or princess--WILL come, and you will know it when it happens.


Re: Re: what is love?

Originally posted by tenchu
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more!

Everyone sing along! :lookaroun

LMAO TENCHU!! I started singing this too! Great minds think alike? Or should I be frightened?


A few thoughts about love-

Love is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity -- Helen Hayes

The essence of love is kindness -- Robert Louis Stevenson

If you judge people, you have no time to love them -- Mother Teresa

Love possesses not nor would it seek to be possessed; For love is sufficient unto love.... Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself -- Kahlil Gibran

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