What is going on with Beastly Kingdom?


Well-Known Member
First I heard that it would be built.
Then I heard that it would not be built.
Then I heard that it would be built.
Then I heard that it would not be built.
Now I am once again being told that it will be built. This time there seem to be solid plans for the land.

I just wish they would make up their minds to build it or not. This is too confusing.:confused:


New Member
Great--was wondering what was going on w/ BK. It looks like the website has not been updated in over a year: any thoughts on this?


Well-Known Member
I really can't see how Disney can not build Beastly Kingdom. In the original announcement of AK & in the logo, a dragon or mystical animals have been mentioned. If you ask me, I think Disney has dug themselves into a hole and can't get out. Hopefully the only way to get out of this hole will be to build Beastly Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
I hope Disney get's the land going because it will give the Animal Kingdom more. This park is a great idea, but you can just get everything done in a half-day.


Well-Known Member
Put the Beast into Animal Kingdom

I think Disney will eventually capitalize on this concept soon. They haven't taken down the Dragon or Unicorn icons in the parking lot+ ticket booth areas, nor have they taken away the rock dragons near Camp Mickey Minnie.

It will be a great day when I cross that bridge from Discovery Island to go into Beastly Kingdom, where I shall explore a world of mythical beasts, everything from the Kraken to the Hydra and
the Chimera, ride with a Dragon, and explore a maze to find the Unicorn, and take off with the characters from Fantasia. It will be a great day, oh yes it shall..


New Member
Wouldn't it be neat if Disney used the concept of BK to create a slightly darker in content park. Now it would have to be only slightly darker, so that it didn't alienate the kids and others of sensitive nature. But surely this aspect of mythological creatures, beasts, cannot be overlooked. Plus it would be a great way to involve a lot of the Disney villans, and there are plenty of those that have been overlooked.

What do ya think?:confused: Is this an oppertunity to good to be missed?:confused:


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of a darker themed land. Disney has had success with Haunted Mansion and Alien Encounter. And with the recent release of Atlantis, which is a darker movie-no cutsey stuff, no random song-and-dance numbers-Disney could head in that direction easily. Plus, how can there be a hero without a villain? It really is good to be evil sometimes!


Well-Known Member
From what I have heard, Beastly Kingdom is go for the next addition to the park. If it is, construction would probably start in 2002 or so, after Dino-Rama is completed. I have heard nothing but a couple of rumors about the rides there, so I don't want to give out wrong info about attractions.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by sillyspook13
From what I have heard, Beastly Kingdom is go for the next addition to the park. If it is, construction would probably start in 2002 or so, after Dino-Rama is completed. I have heard nothing but a couple of rumors about the rides there, so I don't want to give out wrong info about attractions.

As long as its gonna be built, I really don't care if they wait until opening day to tell us what rides are in it.


New Member
I think they will definitely HAVE to build something after Dino-rama is done, because I don't think that will bring people into the park like they are hoping. But last I heard, they are still deciding what could go there.

Last I heard, an Australia section was gaining ground on BK. It wouldn't be as hard to create as the Asia and Africa sections since kangaroos and wallabies are considered the vermin of Australia. Koalas may be another story, but throw in a few platypuses and a couple other weird-looking things and you got a new animal section!!! Knowing Disney, when they have a hit on their hands, they like to put the thing EVERYWHERE. They are desperate to clone Soarin' Over California somewhere in AK and current plans have another coaster (a real one!) going in the park in 2004. A thrill ride, a family ride and an animal trail seems like the easiest way for Disney to expand right now.

The coaster could go in as part of BK, though. Last I heard about BK was that the coaster and land would go in first, with a major dark ride to follow a couple years later. How Disney is that plan??? Disney is SO jealous of Spider-man over at IOA that they are desperate to do something similar in WDW. If they can figure out something, then I would think BK would be the winner in the New Land Race.

If I had to place a bet right now, I would actually go with the Australia section. Soarin' Over California is one of the few highlights of DCA and copying it would be far less expensive than creating something new. Some say a clone could go into Africa also, near the Yawnservation Station (Rafiki's Something or Other now) but being able to advertise A WHOLE NEW LAND seems smarter. One more reason I think Australia has a chance has to do with Disney math:

1 Coaster + 1 Clone + 1 Animal Trail + Trees for Theming = Pretty Cheap!
1 Coaster + 1 New High-Tech Ride + New Fanciful Theming = Not Cheap At ALL!!!!!!!

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