eleven more days to go to our first trip to DW and I am finding myself dreading it more and more. At first I was SO EXCITED,, but after all the booking, scheduling, iterneraries,,, and books of tips,,, I am overloaded.
What was I thinking?? How in the world will this be fun???? There is NO WAY I can memorize all the do's and don't and go this way and go that way,, get a fast pass, catch the bus,,, wait in line, run to the mountain,,pack your blister mole skin, don't come off looking too stupid, stake out your spot for the parade, ,, put your fingers where?????
Now i just wish i would have booked a week at the beach or something.
What was I thinking?? How in the world will this be fun???? There is NO WAY I can memorize all the do's and don't and go this way and go that way,, get a fast pass, catch the bus,,, wait in line, run to the mountain,,pack your blister mole skin, don't come off looking too stupid, stake out your spot for the parade, ,, put your fingers where?????
Now i just wish i would have booked a week at the beach or something.