Soooooooo...... How much do I have to derail this to get this locked?
A Bus driver told me about Monorail expansion yesterday.
Soooooooo...... How much do I have to derail this to get this locked?
The entire purpose of my starting this thread was to create a conversation about it.
Before now nobody...and I mean nobody...mentioned this as a possibility.
Everyone wants to pretend that the air doesn't move at WDW and it's all peaches and cream and sunshine and rainbows.
But this is a very serious concern and if I helped bring it to the minds of one or more people who may in turn address these concerns directly with Disney then perhaps something good may come out of it and generations will benefit from a safer park.
I feel like I might have some insight into this "problem" since I've spent the majority of the last decade working in the security business in one form or another. I've worked in a top five nationwide shopping mall in terms of revenue generated, I've worked in collegiate and professional sports venues, and believe me when I say WDW security isn't just the best security I've ever seen, it's the best security I've ever imagined. Their uniformed officer presence is imposing, their plain clothes presense is remarkable, and their response times on truly threatening incidents is second to none. If Disney is anything like the security firms I've dealt with professionally (and odds are, they're much better) within 45 minutes of Paris they had their full management team in a closed door meeting talking over every possible way to prevent a similar event from happening on property. Disney also has spectacular relationships with both local and federal law enforcement, which likely gives them access to levels of intelligence that the layperson couldn't even dream of having available (at least indirectly). The job of a security team isn't just to have a response plan for an incident, it's also to stay aware of current events and update those plans when new information becomes available.
In short, Disney knows what it's doing. Their security staff is the envy of the professional security industry, and the events in Paris won't be changing that. They have too much on the line to allow a slip up. Yes, there is a risk, but no more than there was a week or a month or a year ago. If that scares you, stay home. But you're just as likely to be a victim there as you are at a major theme park.
Airport security consistently and routinely fails to detect contraband.I'm not sure. Should Disney and other theme parks go full airport security level when entering the parks?
No amount of searches will prevent the scenario you describe. It can't be stopped and so yes, you are fear mothering because you are trying to use fear to get people to act unreasonably.No one is saying be afraid to come to WDW. But I am saying...the way the parks are set up the terrorist can do horrible, horrible damage with hundreds if not thousands of casualties.
While there are security measures, the gate attendants do not throughly check bags and you can walk in with an iPad or video camera in the "no bag" line without it being checked, swabbed or having to go through metal detector.
You aren't even searched in the no bag line. So what if a terrorist was wearing an explosive vest like the terrorists that recently hit Paris?
So terrorist walk in.....5 wearing explosive vests....they stand around the most populated parts of the fireworks show for viewing. No one is paying attention after all we are all one big happy family at Disney. All is well.
Then when the lights are out and everyone is paying attention to the fireworks 5 massive explosions erupt around the park.
Hundreds are injured or killed.
Then there is panic.
People run up main street.....the only way out......
What happens if two more terrorist are standing at the top of main street where everyone is canalized rushing toward the exit.
Two more vests and two more explosions and now you have even more damage and death. Now where to you go? Staying in is not safe...going out is not safe.
My point, the point that I am hoping everyone....or someone at Disney may notice if they are trolling the what plan do they have in place to prevent something like this from happening?
Again..there are no metal detectors. There are no search points. Anybody can walk into the park with an explosive vest.
These terrorists are animals and they don't care who they kill. All they want to do is kill.
So what does Disney have in place to ensure we are protected or to help prevent such an attack.
Fortunately at the Paris soccer stadium one of the bombers wearing an explosive vest was stopped and frisked before going in. He was not allowed to proceed and had to detonate the bomb at the gate. That seriously reduced the number of casualties fortunately. Just Imagine what would have happened if he gotten in. Well...nobody searches your person when you enter WDW if you are in the no bags line. Nobody.....and somebody should. Hell they should at least wand you.
It's a sad world. Just make the most of's a sad day when I have to be frisked or pass through a metal detector just to go to a theme park
Interesting first post.I feel like I might have some insight into this "problem" since I've spent the majority of the last decade working in the security business in one form or another. I've worked in a top five nationwide shopping mall in terms of revenue generated, I've worked in collegiate and professional sports venues, and believe me when I say WDW security isn't just the best security I've ever seen, it's the best security I've ever imagined. Their uniformed officer presence is imposing, their plain clothes presense is remarkable, and their response times on truly threatening incidents is second to none. If Disney is anything like the security firms I've dealt with professionally (and odds are, they're much better) within 45 minutes of Paris they had their full management team in a closed door meeting talking over every possible way to prevent a similar event from happening on property. Disney also has spectacular relationships with both local and federal law enforcement, which likely gives them access to levels of intelligence that the layperson couldn't even dream of having available (at least indirectly). The job of a security team isn't just to have a response plan for an incident, it's also to stay aware of current events and update those plans when new information becomes available.
In short, Disney knows what it's doing. Their security staff is the envy of the professional security industry, and the events in Paris won't be changing that. They have too much on the line to allow a slip up. Yes, there is a risk, but no more than there was a week or a month or a year ago. If that scares you, stay home. But you're just as likely to be a victim there as you are at a major theme park.
The entire purpose of my starting this thread was to create a conversation about it.
Before now nobody...and I mean nobody...mentioned this as a possibility.
Everyone wants to pretend that the air doesn't move at WDW and it's all peaches and cream and sunshine and rainbows.
But this is a very serious concern and if I helped bring it to the minds of one or more people who may in turn address these concerns directly with Disney then perhaps something good may come out of it and generations will benefit from a safer park.
A Bus driver told me about Monorail expansion yesterday.
Is it just me, or is anyone else beginning to question the OP's motives for continuing to insist on a detailed accounting of Disney's security...
Think of it like this you are many times more likely to be struck by lightening or win the powerball than be injured in a terrorist event.
The scary thing though is one day the terrorists will overplay their hand and the rest of the world will go into a frenzy and decide to kill every last one of them, That will not be one of humanity's better hours
And what was that other statistic, a woman who isn't married at 40 is more likely to be killed by a terrorist than get married.... and many people play the powerball and no one is going to play the lottery if they don't think they have a chance to win it, so by your own example most people probably are justified to be concerned with terrorists because they are more likely to be hurt by a terrorist than win the lottery that they already must think is likely to happen.
As for killing every last one of them not being one of humanity's better hours, I would say it would be humanity's greatest achievement in this century. Eliminating smallpox was a great thing, if we eliminated every last terrorist that would be on that same level.
I understand the need to analyze the potential risk after events like Paris, Boston Marathon, 9/11, etc. Their bubble of oblivion and safety just got popped. I had a Disney wedding scheduled in December 2001, and I wasn't sure if that was still going to happen after 9/11. Everyone will calm down after a little while and go back to business as usual.
Sorry, but this is just crazy.
From the LA Times in 2011
– You are 17,600 times more likely to die from heart disease than from a terrorist attack
– You are 12,571 times more likely to die from cancer than from a terrorist attack
— You are 11,000 times more likely to die in an airplane accident than from a terrorist plot involving an airplane
— You are 1048 times more likely to die from a car accident than from a terrorist attack
–You are 404 times more likely to die in a fall than from a terrorist attack
— You are 87 times more likely to drown than die in a terrorist attack
– You are 13 times more likely to die in a railway accident than from a terrorist attack
–You are 12 times more likely to die from accidental suffocation in bed than from a terrorist attack
–You are 9 times more likely to choke to death on your own vomit than die in a terrorist attack
–You are 8 times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist
–You are 8 times more likely to die from accidental electrocution than from a terrorist attack
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