Hi all. Checking in again

Still following my normal protocol of 3 runs per week: two are 3-4 miles and one is 6-8 miles. This weekend I ran 8.5m and felt strong enough to continue quite a bit longer in the refreshingly cool air but decided not to push it because running these local hills always hurts my lower back so it wasn't worth it. But I'm feeling good. I'm happy that DD is continuing her newbie running at college, and DS (21) has decided to run his first half marathon so suddenly old mom can provide some advice to him (I couldn't when he was just running short speedy races). Glad to see everyone is doing well. Try to be patient
@Edward Jackson - you'll get back up to speed when your body is ready.
Since you are new to all this, I'll share my thoughts with you and you can do with them what you please

If you complete 4 miles the week before for the first time, I think you will be ok doing a run/walk of 5 miles the following weekend. But you will notice that the training schedule generally has you increasing your long run one week and then dropping it down the next week before ramping it up further the following week. That is to allow your body time to adjust. So just take it easy for the 10K.
We runners love numbers. Distance, time, overall pace, pace per interval, etc. But the truth is that for a new runner who is trying to complete a distance for the first time, the only thing that matters is finishing. So have fun keeping track of the numbers, but for now the only one that should matter is distance.
Love my fuel belt. Just seal the tops tightly! I always put fruit punch gatorade in them, and I learned my lesson when one spilled and turned me pink from the waist down! LOL
Those pace suggestions are for someone who is an experienced runner and is trying to accomplish a time goal, not just a FINISH goal. If 13:30 is your comfortable pace, then I would just do most of your runs at that pace. I did nearly every run at the same pace when training for my first marathon.
Good luck to you! I can sense your excitement about all this and it's great!