What did you do?

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
And I've been making my DD part of my weekend runs - she accompanies me on her bike or scooter so that she sees that my getting into shape is a family affair.

I agree that's very important. My DD (now 14) knows that I'll never be a speedster, but I run for the sake of running to keep my body, strong and healthy, as well as for enjoyment. It's a great message to send daughters especially without making them obsessed about body image. I always love when DH and/or DD accompanies me on their bikes. DS used to run with me, but now I'm too slow for him. :-)


Premium Member
Thanks everyone for your advice/suggestions. I was able to start running again tonight and managed to do a very slow 2.5 miles (4 km) on the treadmill. Even my very first week training I think I ran a faster pace! But I managed to stick to the training schedule of 5 reps of R4W2 with a 5 minute walking warm up and cool down. So despite being sick for a week in the end I only missed one long run and one timed run. :)


Well-Known Member
5.5 miles at 9:15min/mile. Runkeeper tells me that is my second fastest pace that that distance range! Yay!

We have run two 5k races as a family. Always a disaster but I always think it will be great. My DD13 hates running but forgets until midway on the race and brakes down miserable. My DW stops to help her and I keep running only to get in trouble. Meanwhile DD10 keeps running slow and steady and does great. Don't think family running was meant for us, but occasionally DW and I will do a weekend run together.
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JillC LI

Well-Known Member
5.5 miles at 9:15min/mile. Innkeeper tells me that is my second fastest pace that that distance range! Yay!

We have run two 5k races as a family. Always a disaster but I always think it will be great. My DD13 hates running but forgets until midway on the race and brakes down miserable. My DW stops to help her and I keep running only to get in trouble. Meanwhile DD10 keeps running slow and steady and does great. Don't think family running was meant for us, but occasionally DW and I will do a weekend run together.

Great pace. We've run one family race and it was a bust too. Never again. HOWEVER, what does work out great for us now are duathlon or triathlon relays. DS and I like to run. He will also ride the bike. DH likes to bike. And DD is the family swimmer. So we mix and match, or sometimes DS competes on his own and the rest of us form a relay team. You might want to consider that down the road.

As for me, yesterday was my longest run post-torn MCL. I did 4 miles. Granted it was at a snail's pace, but I had no knee pain. My cardiovascular system, on the other hand, was dying by the end. LOL. Gotta get it back in shape.


Well-Known Member
Great pace. We've run one family race and it was a bust too. Never again. HOWEVER, what does work out great for us now are duathlon or triathlon relays. DS and I like to run. He will also ride the bike. DH likes to bike. And DD is the family swimmer. So we mix and match, or sometimes DS competes on his own and the rest of us form a relay team. You might want to consider that down the road.

As for me, yesterday was my longest run post-torn MCL. I did 4 miles. Granted it was at a snail's pace, but I had no knee pain. My cardiovascular system, on the other hand, was dying by the end. LOL. Gotta get it back in shape.

No pain is awesome! I've never had a major injury and I'm not sure I'd have the stamina to come back. I'm impressed.

I like the triathlon relay idea. That sounds fun and the kids could get into it.


Premium Member
Did my long run of 5 miles this afternoon in a bit less than 1h08 - had a few sun showers (a bit more would have been nice) and made it home about 10 minutes before it started pouring. The nice thing about the weather being so iffy is that there are less people out strolling the areas I like to run, so I did a lot less dodging this weekend ;).


Well-Known Member
Yoga festival over the last few days, so schedule all screwed up. Fri I was on SUP board for 6 hours, and Sat I was lugging 5gal water jugs and 30 lb bags of ice all over the place. Not runs, but decent work outs. Sun did a 4miles with the jogger, no clue the pace, it was a group run through hills led by a 2:25er so make up a number, with a yoga class after.

Today was bike.

As for me, yesterday was my longest run post-torn MCL. I did 4 miles. Granted it was at a snail's pace, but I had no knee pain. My cardiovascular system, on the other hand, was dying by the end. LOL. Gotta get it back in shape.

No pain is good news.


Well-Known Member
Just finished my weekly long run, a PR 10 miles at 10:25/mile. Feeling good, but didn't have much left at he end. Can't believe I made it all the way!

Training for a half marathon in November. I'm torn whether I should keep my long runs steady from now until then, or up them to 13 miles and then hold steady. Seeing as this will be my first, I have no experience. Different training plans have different strategies and I'm been making my own plan: one long run (6+ miles), one mid length run (3-6 miles), one short run(3 miles), one day of weights/elliptical, two off days, and one light run / family run.

Any thoughts of where to max out that long run? I have 5 months until the race, though plan to enter a few 10k and 5k races along the way.


Well-Known Member
Just finished my weekly long run, a PR 10 miles at 10:25/mile. Feeling good, but didn't have much left at he end. Can't believe I made it all the way!

Training for a half marathon in November. I'm torn whether I should keep my long runs steady from now until then, or up them to 13 miles and then hold steady. Seeing as this will be my first, I have no experience. Different training plans have different strategies and I'm been making my own plan: one long run (6+ miles), one mid length run (3-6 miles), one short run(3 miles), one day of weights/elliptical, two off days, and one light run / family run.

Any thoughts of where to max out that long run? I have 5 months until the race, though plan to enter a few 10k and 5k races along the way.

I'm in maintenance mode until later in July. During summer I'll max at 5 miles for my weekend long run until the training plan starts.

But that's me. Everyone is different.


Well-Known Member
I'm in maintenance mode until later in July. During summer I'll max at 5 miles for my weekend long run until the training plan starts.

But that's me. Everyone is different.

Thanks. Yup, that's what's seem to notice looking on line. Even when I'm at the gym, my trainer thinks I'm crazy for spending so much time running and the other trainer thinks it is awesome. (Guess which one runs marathons!)


Well-Known Member
Couple easy miles today, sinus/head all full/cloggy, not much fun.

Just finished my weekly long run, a PR 10 miles at 10:25/mile. Feeling good, but didn't have much left at he end. Can't believe I made it all the way!

Training for a half marathon in November. I'm torn whether I should keep my long runs steady from now until then, or up them to 13 miles and then hold steady. Seeing as this will be my first, I have no experience. Different training plans have different strategies and I'm been making my own plan: one long run (6+ miles), one mid length run (3-6 miles), one short run(3 miles), one day of weights/elliptical, two off days, and one light run / family run.

Any thoughts of where to max out that long run? I have 5 months until the race, though plan to enter a few 10k and 5k races along the way.

Pick your training plan and follow that. They will usually include your current weekly mileage when helping to determine your target pace and distance. I'd say most will shoot for a 12-14 about 2 weeks before your race, with a week or two of taper. Find your own personal comfort level, and then plan to build from there. You really should be able to repeat the distance before you add more. So if you settle in at 8-10mi for that long run, then you would probably be able to ramp up in 2 months or so. If the full 13 miles is comfortable, then by all means hang out there, but an alternate would be to try to keep that 10mi base, but try to knock a few seconds off the pace each month. Depends on what you are shooting for.

Personally I'm working on getting back to that half readiness, which for me will usually involve doing basically a half Goofy every weekend. 10k or so Sat, with a half Sun. 10k on pace, with the longer run about 30 seconds off. Then to ramp up for a full, I'll alternate between increasing the short mileage one week, with the long mileage next week. So about 3-4 months of adding a 1/2m on Sat on week, then 1m on Sun the next. In an ideal world I'd get the long runs back up to 16 or so and keep them there making that mileage add easier, but don't have enough time in the schedule now for the extra miles.

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
Just finished my weekly long run, a PR 10 miles at 10:25/mile. Feeling good, but didn't have much left at he end. Can't believe I made it all the way!

Training for a half marathon in November. I'm torn whether I should keep my long runs steady from now until then, or up them to 13 miles and then hold steady. Seeing as this will be my first, I have no experience. Different training plans have different strategies and I'm been making my own plan: one long run (6+ miles), one mid length run (3-6 miles), one short run(3 miles), one day of weights/elliptical, two off days, and one light run / family run.

Any thoughts of where to max out that long run? I have 5 months until the race, though plan to enter a few 10k and 5k races along the way.

Congrats on the PR. I would look for a Half M training plan that you like for November. Given that you have 5 months until your Half and you are already up to 10 miles, you don't need a plan that starts at very low mileage and just gets you to 13 miles in time for the race. I'd find a plan that is good for someone with a strong base already. The one thing I definitely would NOT do is 13 miles every weekend for 5 months. You will burn out. Many training plans (and the ones I prefer) have a step up, step down process where you increase overall mileage and/or long run distance one week then step down a bit the next week, only to bring it up again the following week. It gives your body and your mind a break.

As for me, 4 miles last night outdoors - gorgeous weather.


Well-Known Member
Couple easy miles today, sinus/head all full/cloggy, not much fun.

Pick your training plan and follow that. They will usually include your current weekly mileage when helping to determine your target pace and distance. I'd say most will shoot for a 12-14 about 2 weeks before your race, with a week or two of taper. Find your own personal comfort level, and then plan to build from there. You really should be able to repeat the distance before you add more. So if you settle in at 8-10mi for that long run, then you would probably be able to ramp up in 2 months or so. If the full 13 miles is comfortable, then by all means hang out there, but an alternate would be to try to keep that 10mi base, but try to knock a few seconds off the pace each month. Depends on what you are shooting for.

Personally I'm working on getting back to that half readiness, which for me will usually involve doing basically a half Goofy every weekend. 10k or so Sat, with a half Sun. 10k on pace, with the longer run about 30 seconds off. Then to ramp up for a full, I'll alternate between increasing the short mileage one week, with the long mileage next week. So about 3-4 months of adding a 1/2m on Sat on week, then 1m on Sun the next. In an ideal world I'd get the long runs back up to 16 or so and keep them there making that mileage add easier, but don't have enough time in the schedule now for the extra miles.

Congrats on the PR. I would look for a Half M training plan that you like for November. Given that you have 5 months until your Half and you are already up to 10 miles, you don't need a plan that starts at very low mileage and just gets you to 13 miles in time for the race. I'd find a plan that is good for someone with a strong base already. The one thing I definitely would NOT do is 13 miles every weekend for 5 months. You will burn out. Many training plans (and the ones I prefer) have a step up, step down process where you increase overall mileage and/or long run distance one week then step down a bit the next week, only to bring it up again the following week. It gives your body and your mind a break.

As for me, 4 miles last night outdoors - gorgeous weather.

Thanks both. I guess I'm torn. My goal was originally just to finish under 2:30. But there is a part of me that would really like to finish under 2:10. Probably too aggressive. But an oldish man can dream. If between now and then I can pick a few second here and there, I'd be thrilled. I know there will be weeks when the long run suffers because of this or that. It is summer, after all. No way I'll put in 10 miles or anywhere near there on any given day during our Disney trip this summer--in Florida--in the summer heat. So I'm thinking the better I can build my base the more easily I'll recover from a set back week or there.

For today, felt great though my legs were a bit heavy when I first woke up. Did 1.50 miles on the elliptical and at many cookies. I assume cookies are part of my training too!


Well-Known Member
2.75@2i, 2@7:13, .75@7:08.

Thanks both. I guess I'm torn. My goal was originally just to finish under 2:30. But there is a part of me that would really like to finish under 2:10. Probably too aggressive. But an oldish man can dream. If between now and then I can pick a few second here and there, I'd be thrilled. I know there will be weeks when the long run suffers because of this or that. It is summer, after all. No way I'll put in 10 miles or anywhere near there on any given day during our Disney trip this summer--in Florida--in the summer heat. So I'm thinking the better I can build my base the more easily I'll recover from a set back week or there.

For today, felt great though my legs were a bit heavy when I first woke up. Did 1.50 miles on the elliptical and at many cookies. I assume cookies are part of my training too!

One of the better ways to figure out your pace for a race is to use a convertor/calculator like the one here -> https://www.mcmillanrunning.com/ (I believe this is still the one that runDisney uses to convert 10m & 1/2 times to figure out corral placement for the full.) Based on your 5k/10k you can figure out what you can realistically expect for a 1/2 time. If those put you closer to a 2:30, then knocking 20mins off might be a stretch. Not impossible, but you would need to follow a dedicated training plan to the T. Really ends up depending on your overall fitness, and how much your body can adapt.


Well-Known Member
4 miles at 9:20/mile. Today was a mid range day, but I also had a time crunch and had to see my daughters pageant at school.

2.75@2i, 2@7:13, .75@7:08.
One of the better ways to figure out your pace for a race is to use a convertor/calculator like the one here -> https://www.mcmillanrunning.com/ (I believe this is still the one that runDisney uses to convert 10m & 1/2 times to figure out corral placement for the full.) Based on your 5k/10k you can figure out what you can realistically expect for a 1/2 time. If those put you closer to a 2:30, then knocking 20mins off might be a stretch. Not impossible, but you would need to follow a dedicated training plan to the T. Really ends up depending on your overall fitness, and how much your body can adapt.

The prediction for me based on my long runs would be 2:14-2:19. (My last 10k actually gives 2:07 using the calculator I've been using but that is overly optimistic in my mind, at least at this point in time: http://www.runningforfitness.org/calc/racepaces/rp/rpother) But on race day I figure any number of things could go wrong so I decided to state my goal as 2:30 and give myself some wiggle room for being "happy". That said, I think I might be able to shave some time off between now and November and 2:10 remains my internal goal.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
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Did my first post injury run Saturday - actually was a very brisk (pace of 17'08" on treadmill at 2% incline) walk - but it was a 5k and took me a little over 50 minutes (was interrupted by phone call from DD, so had to slow pace). And started back at gym with trainer Monday. Man, were my legs sore after just a 20 minute session; it's been over a month since a real gym workout. Start physical therapy tomorrow to get the stiffness worked out of my arm, so I will eventually be able to fully extend it. But everything is healing on target. And more importantly, no need for surgery since radial head has stayed in the joint. Yippee!!! Still have stiffness/soreness in the morning when I first wake up... now I know what folks with arthritis go through.

Anyone running the Wine & Dine Half in November? I noticed that runDisney still has last year's training schedule on the website. I like the convenience of downloading the schedule into my calendar, but 2015 isn't going to cut it. And the training for a first time Halfer starts in early July. Yeah, I could manually add the 19 weeks to my calendar, but I'm lazy and the download function is so simple.... I did send runDisney a quick email asking when they'd update for 2016.

Will be glad when I can actually run. Right now anything other than a brisk walk creates too much motion in my arm to be comfortable. Tried it last week and boy, did my left arm let me know it's still healing.....

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