What bugs you most when at WDW


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Cast Members who get on a power trip, or behave as though they think they are a celebrity or a person of extreme importance simply because they work at a Disney theme park. I hate to break it to you, but getting a job at Disney is not the great achievement that it used to be. It's not that difficult nowadays. It generally doesn't require a degree, or any special education or training. For many, the job they perform is to ask, all day long, "How many?" and then direct people to a numbered row to wait for their ride vehicle. And yet, many treat the job as though it's of earth-shattering importance. Some are so arrogant, you would think they were responsible for splitting the atom or something. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
I know that when I am on vacation at Walt Disney World I should relax, have a good time. Well I always do but I am sure there are some thing that can bug some people & here are to things that kind of bug me. The 1st one is people not knowing what they would want to order at a quick service location (Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe) when standing in line for a good amount of time. I don't ever say anything to them out loud, I just think to myself you think by know you would know what to order. The 2nd one is when I am waiting patiently in line to have my picture taken with a Disney character, when little kids always go right in front of when it's my turn & the parents don't say to them get back he was next or even say appologize on their kids behalf. That's when I say excuse me it's my turn. I know Cast Members are not supost to say anything, but sometimes I wish they would tell the kids that what they did was wrong (in a nice tone of voice) if the parents won't tell the kids they did something wrong.
Those are good ones. I also hate it when the parents with kids for some reason think there more entitled to the characters since they have kids.

Another things that goes along with that. I hate it when people are talking on their cell phones when their the next people in line, and then when they get up to the counter they continue to talk on their cell phone. Not only is it annoying to the cast member that just has to stand their and smile, but it's also annoying to the 20 people behind them waiting to get food! :mad:


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Valawen9 said:
I HATE when they open the doors for Philharmagic and everyone piles in like a stampede...I always end up getting pushed around and separted from who I'm with. I guess I'll have to learn to be more aggressive.
:lol: People become savages when at Disney World. If they would actually wait a couple seconds, they would actually get a better seat in the middle of the row.


Well-Known Member
TTFN-Tiggger said:
I have to agree with you on both. Also when you are taking a pictue and someone pays no attention and walks right in front of you. Nice picture of someones head instead of your favorite Disney icon.
I agree.

But I also hate when I stop because someone is taking a picture, and then it takes them 10 years to push the button. Or they want to get like 5 pictures with different people in each picture, and they expect you to just wait until their done.

I hate when people won't let you through when their just sitting their waiting for the parade. I'm not talking about stealing people's spots, because I woud never do that, I'm talking about one time when I was trying to exit the park, these people were sitting down waiting for the parade, and they wouldn't even let us get through them so we could exit the park.


New Member
pluto77 said:
:lol: People become savages when at Disney World. If they would actually wait a couple seconds, they would actually get a better seat in the middle of the row.

That's what I usually try to do...I let a good number of people pass me and then I'll go down a row and end up being right in the middle where I wanted to be.:D


New Member
As to the "not moving down the row" thing, a couple of times I've walked up to the people (who planted their behinds right in the center) and I'll let the line pile up behind me while I wait for them to get up and move... not the nicest thing to do - but some people just tick me off... (not to mention that's usually the time a CM announces that everyone needs to move to the end of their row...) ;)


New Member
jesserin said:
As to the "not moving down the row" thing, a couple of times I've walked up to the people (who planted their behinds right in the center) and I'll let the line pile up behind me while I wait for them to get up and move... not the nicest thing to do - but some people just tick me off... (not to mention that's usually the time a CM announces that everyone needs to move to the end of their row...) ;)

Good idea:animwink:

The only time it really doesn't bother me when people do that is when the theater is dead...and in that case I've heard the CM say it's ok to stop in the middle.


New Member
That picture taking thing where people walk in front of you can be tricky. I've been there before and see someone trying to take the perfect picture of someone that is 50 feet away. If you're just walking around you have no idea what they're doing.


New Member
its good to hear that i am not the only who gets a little annoyed at Disney World. my biggest annoyance would have to be people, my parents included, who just stand there in the middle of the park looking bewildered at a map??


Well-Known Member
I try not to let things get to me when we are at WDW, but it does happen. Most are things that others have already posted..
curb stealers and no decision makers. My big thing though is getting stuck next to someone who is allergic to deoderant and soap and water for a long period of time. Nothing puts you in a bad mood like B.O.


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Original Poster
This doesn't really bug me, but it's something where you wish you tell some parents what you think. Almost everytime I have been on the Haunted Mansion there are little kids always crying or screaming when your standing in that room when it goes completly dark saying, I don't want to go on this, however the parents don't care & will force the kids to go on the ride. If the kids doesn't want to go why are you forcing them & scaring them to death.


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mpaul32001 said:
People who claim to need wheelchairs who don't need them and just get them so they can get on rides faster! I HATE THAT!
That is also something that bothers me, exepect some off those people who can get up from a wheelchair, might not be able to walk far distances. It's a problem which a lot of people try to abuse which is unfair for people that truly need them. I remember one time I saw a little boy sitting in a wheel chair, then he got out & his little sister got on. I wish I said why are you sharing a wheelchair when your kids can walk? That there was down right disgusting & that family should be ashamned of themselves.


Active Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
That is also something that bothers me, exepect some off those people who can get up from a wheelchair, might not be able to walk far distances. It's a problem which a lot of people try to abuse which is unfair for people that truly need them. I remember one time I saw a little boy sitting in a wheel chair, then he got out & his little sister got on. I wish I said why are you sharing a wheelchair when your kids can walk? That there was down right disgusting & that family should be ashamned of themselves.

Bad assumption to make.:dazzle:


Active Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:

Well, unless you are a doctor that personally treated the people in wheelchairs in question, it is not right to make assumptions about who "needs" one, and who does not.

Some people don't need a wheelchair to walk for let's say an hour. But may need one after that.
You never know for sure.


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Original Poster
bsandersjr said:
Well, unless you are a doctor that personally treated the people in wheelchairs in question, it is not right to make assumptions about who "needs" one, and who does not.

Some people don't need a wheelchair to walk for let's say an hour. But may need one after that.
You never know for sure.
True but when I see kids taking turns going in & out of a wheelchair it seems kind of funny to me.

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