Congratulations to all of you! Try being 5'2" and weighing 250+ lbs. not much fun either. I've tried and tried dieting and unfortunately, nothing has worked for me.
While I have never had any issues in regards to rides at WDW. I have had some MAJOR problems at other theme parks. After trying to ride 2 of the main attraction rides at a theme park in Arlington, Texas, and not being able to fit, I gave up and realized I basically paid admission to walk around the park. There were even a couple of guys in front of us that were not overweight and they could not fit in the car without being in the very front car for the leg room. I was inspired by your post and my sister and I are going to definitely get our butts in gear.
As for suggestions, I would say SPLURGE all the way...especially if you are taking no kids!!! I would surprise him with a romantic dinner for the 2 of you at Victoria and Albert's at the Grand Floridian. Or at the California Grill on the 15th floor at the Contemporary, and see if you can schedule it for close to when the fireworks start!
We have never done the spa thing, so that might be a neat treat as well.
Anyway, Congratulations and who knows, maybe this time next year, I will be posting my results on here!!!!:sohappy: