What are some of the big eye sore's you would like to see removed?


Well-Known Member
Thoughts on MS Architecture?:wave:
Sorry, just saw your response..

Eh..it is okay..I just am not that fond of the whole thing..building, ride..any of it.

Putting my dislike for the attraction aside though...in my opinion it is too big, bulky, and just not attractive to me.

I feel the same about Test Track..except I do enjoy that attraction.



Well-Known Member
I would like to see this

and this go

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Sorry, just saw your response..

Eh..it is okay..I just am not that fond of the whole thing..building, ride..any of it.

Putting my dislike for the attraction aside though...in my opinion it is too big, bulky, and just not attractive to me.

I feel the same about Test Track..except I do enjoy that attraction.

No prob...
Dana, you are a Horizons Fangirl, through and through. :lol:

I find the building to be a great one, grand, orgainic, sweeping....It's just not on the right side of the park. It should be with FW West, and the other "natural" topics, not the engineering and linear ones. (Though the actual attraction fits THAT theme very well.)

Test Track's visual problems would be simply cleared up by clearing away the canopy, and restoring the sleek wheel look of WoM. :D


Well-Known Member
No prob...
Dana, you are a Horizons Fangirl, through and through. :lol:

I find the building to be a great one, grand, orgainic, sweeping....It's just not on the right side of the park. It should be with FW West, and the other "natural" topics, not the engineering and linear ones. (Though the actual attraction fits THAT theme very well.)

Test Track's visual problems would be simply cleared up by clearing away the canopy, and restoring the sleek wheel look of WoM. :D
Yes..I absolutely am...:D

I find it to be too grand..

Oh and I am a huge fan of WOM also..loved the way it was inside and out...:D

Blonde Princess

New Member
1. The leave a legacy pilons at entrance to EPCOT remind me of original Battle Star Gallactica tv show

2. The MK tram loading unloading area along with ticket booths & entrances to monorails and ferry boat....Yuck


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this on my last trip...

The Purple, Green, Red, and Yellow road signs/indicators...TTC has these as well for the ferry and monorail...the designs and color scheme are so early 90's...how long has this set been up? I'd love to see these replaced with something more 2010...something pure Disney but up-to-date


Well-Known Member
My thoughts:

The BAH... Humbug! :fork:
Space Mountain arcade
Epcot War Memorial
Test Track scaffolding. Why the heck did they even build this thing!?
Magic Carpets... and all the "bazaar" facades too. Leave the bazaar theming to Morocco, it does it better.


Swan & Dolphin :lookaroun

Haha aww, I actually kind of have fond memories of the place. I used to run around it as a kid when my mom worked there. It was a very different place then, though (early 1990s).

As for the sundial, it's kind of weird, in that it doesn't work like your average sundial. It uses the curves of the walls to tell the time instead of a flat horizontal plane. Plus, to see the sundial, you have to take a sidewalk across a sea of gravel.

As for the building itself, I'm not crazy about it. It's like the architect was accustomed to rather cold, austere buildings, but then tried to make it more "Disney" by painting it in pastel colors. I feel like Eisner would have been better off skipping the big-name architects, and instead hiring someone from WDI, to make a more themed Disney building.


Well-Known Member
The Purple, Green, Red, and Yellow road signs/indicators...TTC has these as well for the ferry and monorail...the designs and color scheme are so early 90's...how long has this set been up? I'd love to see these replaced with something more 2010...something pure Disney but up-to-date

Yes! The TTC is very dated, ugly, and in bad need of maintenence. Especially the ugly yellow cielings.:hurl:

That's what I'm talking about...the color scheme/design is sooooo dated...


Well-Known Member
How about the Wonders of Life building in Future World?

Definately not opening anytime soon. I was in there all last night, walked under the simulators and through the entire building. There are projects going on in certain areas of the building by Imagineering. Not "projects" per se but they are using it for presentations. The new WDW president had an executive meeting in there today at 1PM and everything was shiny and spotless.

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