What about World Showcase?


Active Member
Originally posted by netenyahoo
I think WS could use more rides. There is only Mexico and Norway with rides and those are next to each other. Sure it is great to just explore the countries and eat and shop, but I'd much prefer a ride than a movie. I'd also like to see more countries to represent more of the world. I'd like to see Russia, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, India, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe country like Hungary or Czech Republic. That is quite a few countries, but they don't have to be big and maybe some could be joined together.

Mexico needs an update, and that has been recognized by WDI for some time. They announced a few years back that the ride would be revitalized, and then the details of the Three Amigos synergy were released. Let's face it, the Latin American countries paid for most of the movie in a deal with Walt himself, so why not take the next logical step. And remember, in the beginning, EPCOT Center was a total departure from anything Disney-realted. Not until the mid-90's was ANYTHING representative of Disney added to the park. The park has begun down the path of re-invention since the mid-90's and the fruition of the change is Project Gemini.

As for World Showcase, the countries represented are done so with sponsorship backing from the countries themselves. The countries represented are there becasue those countries governments and tourism boards decided that they wanted to be there. There have been other countries announced at various times, but those countries governments have pulled the financial backing before groundbreaking. In fact, WDI used to put up signs when an agreement was met with new countries to be showcased. These countries that had an initial agreement but then backed out include Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Spain (although Spain seems to be back on) and Switzerland.

And yes, BOTH Israel and Egypt agreed at the same time, and interestingly enough, both countries were to be placed side by side. If you look back at the original EPCOT Center plans, the corner where the outpost is was actually supposed to be a representation of the African continent with the financial backing of a conglomerate of African nations, but it fell apart when South Africa pulled out.

The history of what never was is sometimes more interesting than the reality of what is.


New Member
The future problem that I forsee is that if FutureWorld gets the changes that Project Gemini suggests, then it will become more "theme park" ish and The World Showcase may seem a little out of place. That's what I don't want to happen. Epcot has always been a park about learning about new technologies and other places... Project Gemini just seems to ask the question, "How many miles per hour can we get these people going?"

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by EchoOfOphelia
The future problem that I forsee is that if FutureWorld gets the changes that Project Gemini suggests, then it will become more "theme park" ish and The World Showcase may seem a little out of place. That's what I don't want to happen. Epcot has always been a park about learning about new technologies and other places... Project Gemini just seems to ask the question, "How many miles per hour can we get these people going?"

I agree, that's why it doesn't happen in that way...

There will be a few changes and rehab..
Look at M:S and SE.......

So relax.. by the time they have changed it all, the way it was planned, we'll be old and grey...
There's still a lack of funds for the complte makover, so don't worry...


New Member
I really like EPCOT as it is, maybe a few technological advances would be good here and there, but World Showcase is my favorite place to go, I like learning about other cultures. Adding another nation to it would be pretty cool but where would they fit it into the already complete arch of countries? They might have to put it behind a pavilion :p If I were to pick another country that would be featured in World Showcase, it would probably be either Spain, Greece, or Russia.:)


Active Member
Originally posted by DisneyWonders07
I really like EPCOT as it is, maybe a few technological advances would be good here and there, but World Showcase is my favorite place to go, I like learning about other cultures. Adding another nation to it would be pretty cool but where would they fit it into the already complete arch of countries? They might have to put it behind a pavilion :p If I were to pick another country that would be featured in World Showcase, it would probably be either Spain, Greece, or Russia.:)

Spain is most defiantely in. The pavillion will have some sort of mountainous bobsled ride to it. That much has already been leaked. Russia will never happen because the governemnt is way to unstable, and adding to my previous post, your suggestion of Greece jogged my memory. Greece was one of the original nations to be represented, but the Greek government changed their minds, as funding was not of major importance to them.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dox
Although I think FW needs more help than WS, it would be "nice" to see some new attractions or at the least a new pavillion, as its been over 15 years (i think) since Norway was added. But WS's strength esp. up until a year ago and the drop in tourism, has always been the amount and variety of entertainment. As I said before I noticed such a change from pre 9/11 to post. For ex. i remember walking from country to country and each time seeing some kind of performance. It was so much fun,...from NOva Era (i can't believe what disney did to them), the comedy players in italy and england, a singer in the pub, a arab pop group in morocco, jazz singers in AA, etc. and this was all in one mornign asnd i'm leaving stuff out. But then again i guess at the time the millenium events although they had ended the effects were still being felt on the park.

you're one of the very few people i've ever seen on these boards mention Nova Era the whole time i've been a member!! they were my absolute favorite! it's still hard for me to believe what happened to them! that was just dirty! and i'm still very angry about it :fork:
but you forgot to mention Off Kilter! you did see them didn't you? if you didn't you'll have to make a special trip down there just to catch one of their shows! they're awesome!
you do know that most of the entertainment you listed is still there, right? except for Nova Era and the jazz singers (though i was never aware of the jazz, so they may still be there and i just don't know it)
but i agree, the various entertainment is one of the best aspects of WS!


New Member
Unfortunately I missed Off Kilter on my various trips the past few years. I did see some other Canadian group that played violins/fiddles etc. who were just awesome and i've caught their show a few times.

NOVA ERA was awesome!! I used to have their CD but lost in on 9/11.

As for the amount of entertainers at Epcot, maybe it is the same amount but in perusing the entertainment guides from 2000 and 2001 , the 2002 guides show that there are much fewer acts and the frequency of performances was also much less. Put it this way, it was so depressing walking around the World Showcase, we only spent one day at epcot and not even a full day, and I was there for six days.


New Member
i think if they do put ireland they should try to open on st. patricks day lol

i know as being part irish i would love to see that built

they already have my other backgrounds ITALY,GERMANY, AND OF COURSE U.S.A

42 trip and im only 21 years old im one spoiled disney brat

one week to go
three days at Polynesian
four days on the Disney Wonder :sohappy:

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Imagine20
I feel a little stupid asking this cause you all seem to know-- maybe i'm a little young-- but what's Nova Era?:veryconfu

Latin for New Era


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dox
Unfortunately I missed Off Kilter on my various trips the past few years. I did see some other Canadian group that played violins/fiddles etc. who were just awesome and i've caught their show a few times.

NOVA ERA was awesome!! I used to have their CD but lost in on 9/11.

As for the amount of entertainers at Epcot, maybe it is the same amount but in perusing the entertainment guides from 2000 and 2001 , the 2002 guides show that there are much fewer acts and the frequency of performances was also much less. Put it this way, it was so depressing walking around the World Showcase, we only spent one day at epcot and not even a full day, and I was there for six days.

9/11? just curious but how did you lose it then?

yeah, i do believe you're right on that! now that i think of it, i used to see entertainment all the time in WS...like everywhere you turned there was something going on, but now it seems like it's less frequent. budget cuts i suppose. but i've especially noticed with the japanese drums...i used to hear them all the time, but now i hear them maybe 3 or 4 times a day, that i can remember. maybe it's not any different, but it seems that way to me.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Imagine20
I feel a little stupid asking this cause you all seem to know-- maybe i'm a little young-- but what's Nova Era?:veryconfu

:) Nova Era was a band not too long ago in Italy...they were amazing! played "classical music with a groove"! absolutely some of the most moving music i've ever heard! you can check their site out here if you're interested: http://www.novaeramusic.com/


New Member
Dizknee_phreek: Thanks for the link..i'm ordering a CD today.

As for 9/11, the firm i worked for back then had their offices there on the 53rd floor. Luckily for me, I was still on my way to work that day, and hadn't left home yet. No one in my office was hurt thank god. As for my nova era Cd, it was in my office as I used to listen to it while working. Obviously, I don't miss it, as my office friends and I are fine.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by dox
Dizknee_phreek: Thanks for the link..i'm ordering a CD today.

As for 9/11, the firm i worked for back then had their offices there on the 53rd floor. Luckily for me, I was still on my way to work that day, and hadn't left home yet. No one in my office was hurt thank god. As for my nova era Cd, it was in my office as I used to listen to it while working. Obviously, I don't miss it, as my office friends and I are fine.

oh, no problem! :) here's the Off Kilter link if you're interested in checking their site out too: http://www.offkilter.net/

omg! that just...renders me speechless! all i can think to say is thank God you and your co-workers are all ok!

did you get the first Nova Era cd, or the second? or both?


New Member
When I was younger, I never much enjoyed the World Showcase. Now, it is one of my favorite parts of WDW. I think a few more rides would be nice, but I also like the fact that without all of the attractions, more people stay around to watch the performances and learn more about the cultures.

I truly enjoy the food, shows, and meeting people from other nations. While in Italy, three cast members approached my wife with a baby bottle in hand, they wanted to know the word for it so they could put it into lost and found. I truly felt like I was in another country. It's a great experience every time. In fact, I always stay at the beach club so that we can enter into EPCOT right through the International Gateway.

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