What about World Showcase?


Originally posted by BRER STITCH


Whoever said World Showcase had to appeal to the 18 and younger crowd?

How about more stuff to appeal to the 21 and OLDER crowd?!?!?!



Well said!:sohappy: :sohappy: I love World Showcase. Lets face it, one will probably go to WDW more times as an adult than you will as a child.


New Member
Originally posted by MinnieFan
Lets face it, one will probably go to WDW more times as an adult than you will as a child.

That is SO true!!! I never thought about that. What a good defense.:sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by agdbeanie
That is SO true!!! I never thought about that. What a good defense.:sohappy:

Been staring us right in the face for some time now... can't believe no one has said that earlier. Of course, you could say that you must cater to the kids so they will want to continue coming back as adults. :lookaroun :zipit: :brick: BUt you don't have to say that. :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by spider-man
What about the 26 - 27 crowd. :lol:

Seriously, you can't change the world. Besides WS does relatively well. China is getting a new movie. Spain may be coming, and some countries are considering updates to attractions or adding rides. But overall FW is where EPCOT is really hurting right now. Odyssey is being rumored for something good as well. Just rumors though.

Spain? There's already a Spanish Speaking country.. They should do Eygpt or something exotic, like nothing else. That would be awesome.. Egypt


New Member
In reference to some of the posts above, has anyone heard about forthcoming changes to WS?
I for one don't think WS needs that much work. Part of the appeal for WS has always been the drinking, the food, the drinking, the shops, the drinking, the attractions and did I mention the drinking??
The funny thing is that early on at epcot they didn't sell beer/wine on the streets. You had to go the restaurant or bar. But once they realized that ppl were doing the "drinking around the world" game, suddenly outdoor kiosks started popping up, making it easier.
IMO WS is great. My only criticism is that on my trip in 8/02 i noticed a great decrease in outdoor entertainment compared to my last 2 trips in 2001 and 2000. I remember during both those trips being so impressed with the variety of entertainment. I even remember commenting to my friends that it felt like every time you arrived at a country something new was going on. But last time....it was depressing. If anything the WS just needs an update on the mexico ride...3caballeros is great idea..if you've seen the movie you realize the movie was about getting to know latin america/mexico and a few extra attractions here and there. I wish they would have come through with the Mount Fuji or Switzerland with the Matterhorn.
i think that al of the WS should be upcated. A little bit here and there and you have got a great place to come to. it is alsready a great place but little updating cant hurt anything(except money)


Well-Known Member
a few replies here...take them as you will....

yes, there IS already a Spanish speaking country...but look at it this way, there are 2 English speaking countries...USA and UK...the difference is the culture. USA and UK are represented as two completely different cultures...same goes for Spain and Mexico...they may have the same languages, but they're represented as two different cultures (as they should be) Mexico as the more primative/Incan/Mayan culture, and Spain as a Spainsh village (complete with bread and wine samples :D ) so true, same language, but two different countries with two very different backgrounds ;)

as for Mexico's ride, i do think it needs some updated touches...to be honest, i've always found the first part to be a bit boring (and yes, those screens look terrible now!) and i've never really liked that they made it Epcot's version of "It's a Small Mexico After All" with the little doll type figures and such. but i don't think 3 Caballeros is the answer here....i agree with big3red...it's supposed to show Mexico's culture and heritage...if they'd just spruce it up a bit, i'm sure they could make it one of the best attractions in WS! i just hope they don't take out the music at the end of the ride...i love how upbeat it is!

and isnt' Epcot already lopsided attraction wise? i mean, FW has the attractions that WS lacks, and WS has the shopping and dining that FW lacks...they balance each other out. as it stands now, WS has only 6 attractions (not including the music/entertainment details) where as FW has SE, LS, Land/Circle of Life, JIYI, HISTA, TT, WOL/BW, UoE, and soon to be M:S. it's already uneven...PG isn't going to change that aspect except for making it a little more uneven (again, in terms of attractions) but WS has never been all about attractions and to me it seems like it stands on its own pretty darn well.

Maria, you are exactly right! kids LOVE learning about the different countries! i know i did when i was a kid! it was such a joy for me to get a little passport and have it signed and stamped! i didn't care about the lack of attractions...there was just so much to behold that it kept me occupied
...and it wasn't because it was 'new' or 'up-to-date'...how can you update history and heritage? it was because it was different from my 'norm'...the sights and smells and sounds were new and exciting to me..and they still are! you know why? because i live in KY...i don't live in China or Norway or France...i don't even live in the US that's portrayed in AA...that's why it will never be out of date...because there is no date to it...it's timeless.


New Member
I think WS could use more rides. There is only Mexico and Norway with rides and those are next to each other. Sure it is great to just explore the countries and eat and shop, but I'd much prefer a ride than a movie. I'd also like to see more countries to represent more of the world. I'd like to see Russia, Egypt, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Australia, India, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe country like Hungary or Czech Republic. That is quite a few countries, but they don't have to be big and maybe some could be joined together.

Mexico's ride does need to have a refurb, but I think it should stay with the theme only update and fix it up. The idea of having people welcoming and explaining the pavilion is an excellent idea. Maybe have a paper that explains more about the country too. Most people don't know very much about other countries, so any info would be great for people.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Re: Change

Originally posted by crazy2363
I've heard rumors of Discoveryland becoming a park within itself and WS becoming strictly for shopping and dinning.
That's indeed a rumour, nothing more...


New Member
Dizney Phreek - that was an awesome post. I loved hearing your thoughts on WS. I was in 6th grade when Epcot opened and I for one loved the WS as a kid. I brought a flag from every country that year and i still have them now! I also took along a polaroid camera and took polaroids of each pavillion in FW and WS. Umm... that made me sound like quite the disney geek but hey i still am.


Well-Known Member
hey dox, disney geeks are the best, man! i've been one since 92! i remember, years ago, we took 13 rolls of film...and that was way before the addition of Animal Kingdom, so less stuff to take pictures of...but even today you know what the majority of my waredrobe is? yup, t-shirts from Disney World...and i refuse to get rid of any of them...if i outgrow one, i put it into storage. and i get upset when anyone from my family decides to get rid of one of their shirts...i usually adopt it and, well, put it into storage as well :lol: if that's not geeky, i don't know what is! and by gosh, i'm PROUD to be a Disney Geek!! :king:


New Member
Well, dizknee_phreek...my summer wardrobe up here in NYC, the past few years consists of Mickey/Disney World Polo Shirts and Mickey Hawaiian button down shirts, and a few t-shirts. People up here in Manhatan give me the strangest looks esp. the Hawaiian shirt wiht mickey all over it.


New Member
I personally hope that they don't change Future World. I've always viewed Epcot as a place of learning. They had gotten rid of my favorite ride, Horizons. I know that Mission Space will be great, but it doesn't fit in with Epcot. Of course, this is my own humble opinion.



I go to World Showcase for the food. The opportunity to sample the different foods and culture from around the world is an attraction in itself. The films and rides are just a bonus in my opinion.:D
And dox, I also have a hawaiian mickey shirt.:lookaroun Mine is red and it has not only Mickey but Donald and Pluto on it. I think I got it from MGM.:cool:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mag1575
I personally hope that they don't change Future World. I've always viewed Epcot as a place of learning. They had gotten rid of my favorite ride, Horizons. I know that Mission Space will be great, but it doesn't fit in with Epcot. Of course, this is my own humble opinion.


i completely agree, mark! i don't want them to change FW either...but unfortunately change is enevitable at Disney...it must keep up with the times...BUT not at all the way PG is supposedly doing it. there's other ways of updating the park but keeping the same spirit that it had on opening day! as long as they keep that sense of learning (along with family and imagination) then i'm fairly cool with their changing it...just as long as it keeps pretty much the same symmatry with the buildings and such. i've always liked that about Epcot.


New Member

Do the host countries have to pay to have an attraction added to their pavilion? Is it a possiblity for ones that do not currently have one to add an attraction? I mean, do existing countries have enough land to add an attraction if they want it?

If they aren't required to have an attraction, why are not more countries represented? It can't cost that much after the inital constuction can it? Do they have to pay rent or anything?


New Member
i dont really like the world showcase. i prefer rides, and it only has two really boring ones. i can shop and eat anywhere, i go to theme parks to ride rides. but i can see how other people would like it if they werent really into rides like myself. i say it needs some rides...


New Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
i don't want them to change FW either...

its FUTURE world. the future in the 80s is gonna be different now.....i think out of all of disney epcot's future would (along with tommorrowland but it doesnt need it now) should be updated the most.


My girls and I love Epcot and always spend every evening in WS but we always say it needs more rides. The Mexico ride should be updated maybe a small drop added. I don't like the "Small World looking"area where that carousel is either. It's A Small World has the exact same Carousel except with French Can-Can dancers. The attendence on this ride should tell them that it's in need of a rehab. There is always a line on the Norway ride! Maria's ideas are great about more tours and educational info. for kids. My daughters who are 9 love learning about the countries and really enjoy speaking with the castmembers.

If every country had a ride or movie it would be better but we will continue to spend our evenings in WS. I was in WDW last week and spent a week there in November during the Food and Wine. I'm using my Annual passes to the Max.

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Havent been to Epcot for a few years now, but last time I was there I thought it was the park that lacked out of the big disney four.

FW was just crap and needs updating. From what i've read on here lately, it hasn't changed much since I was last there so I am all for project gemini if it ever goes ahead. I think it will be great, especially with the disney magic that's bound to go into every little detail.

As for WS, well I did think this was quite cool and interesting and about the only reason i'd go back. However, I agree that it lacks some decent rides. In my view there should be at least one ride in every country of the World Showcase. That would be cool.


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