What about World Showcase?


Well-Known Member
I guess I have a slightly unique opinion in that I think World Showcase should stay pretty much as it is without getting inundated with rides. Don't get me wrong, I love rides, but I see WS as a more of a place to relax, learn some stuff about other cultues, and have some beverages ;)
I like the setup of having two separately themed areas .. after M:S and Gemini are added I think it will be a nicely arranged park. I just got back from Disney about a month ago and had a brilliant time at Epcot. If every country had it's own ride I think it might lose a little bit of it's overall "separation" of areas (FW/WS)


New Member
Originally posted by Brooke
i dont really like the world showcase. i prefer rides, and it only has two really boring ones. i can shop and eat anywhere, i go to theme parks to ride rides. but i can see how other people would like it if they werent really into rides like myself. i say it needs some rides...

yeah but its the atmosphere...where else can you go that makes you feel like your in several diff country in the US? I like WS just as much as the other part


New Member
Before my first trip to WDW, the thing I really looked forward to in EPCOT was the world showcase. The thing I like most about it is stopping to see the various performers in each country. I can't walk through Japan without seeing Matsuriza! The only 360 I've seen is Canada's, so I really can't comment on those. Adding a ride or two betweem Germany and Morocco couldn't hurt, but as far as I'm concerned, as long as the live acts keep performimg, I'll be perfectly happy with WS just as it is!

By the way, Maria, LOVE the new avatar!:kiss:


New Member
Originally posted by BRER STITCH


Whoever said World Showcase had to appeal to the 18 and younger crowd?

How about more stuff to appeal to the 21 and OLDER crowd?!?!?!



Last I checked WDW was a place for families, and many families have kids way under the age of 21, if you get bored to to Downtown Disney, dont ruin the parks!


Account Suspended
I think the World Showcase update is something they want to do as well.

Remember, Disney has to keep costs low. With $500 million being rumored for Discoveryland, they have to wait to recoup some of that first.

But I believe that they named it Project Gemini for a reason. Gemini implies two, whether it be the splitting of the park or two updates, one to each side.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Brooke
its FUTURE world. the future in the 80s is gonna be different now.....i think out of all of disney epcot's future would (along with tommorrowland but it doesnt need it now) should be updated the most.

whoa...why do i feel like i'm being somewhat attacked here? did you even read all of my post? true, i DON'T want FW to change...BUT, as i said, i know that eventually it'll have to. i realize that the future in the 80's is different than the future of today and that the tomorrow of the 70's was different than the tomorrow of the 90's, and that's why they changed TL. In fact, i was all for the change of TL...i think they did an outstanding job with it! i don't see them having to change it again for about another 20-25 years or so. but this still doesn't change the fact that i think PG is a bad idea. they're completely taking away what made FW great, and STILL makes it great...the organized balance between the east and west sides and the smooth, clean lines of the buildings (from the aeriol perspective) they can do whatever they want to with how the buildings look or how the park looks overall (which i think they should stick with the chrome/metal thing rather than go with trees) but when they take away the balance and the clean lines, then they take away part of the spirit of Epcot, imo. but as it looks now, if the proposed PG goes through, we'll never have to worry about FW again...or the future of it for that matter...i predict we'll be stuck with Discoveryland for a loooooong time.


New Member
Im 17 and WS isn't exactly my favorite, but at the same time I think that what disney really needs to focus on is definitely future world.. world showcase is just fine and theres no use them trying to do everything at once. it would be impossible and everything would just come out half done... As for the mexico pavillion, i actually went in about a year ago for the first time . I had passed it im sure many times in previous years but its easy to miss when your a little kid just looking for the flashiest country.... i think people miss the mexico pavillion because unlike some of the other countries where you"walk through" mexico is really all in a building. but i was suprised-- i thought it was well done. the ride needs updating, but it wasn't terrible, but the inside is very pretty with the sky and everything. i did notice, though, last august in epcot that the maelstrom was under construction-- now THAT was a ride that needed an update..ud wait 30 minutes thinking the ride was something special to find out it really WASNT. Does anyone know about that? It looked like there was serious construction being done but who knows.:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Imagine, you just reminded me of our first trip to WS...back in 92 or 93 it was...when the double decker buses still chugged along the paths. we didn't know you could actually explore the countries (stupid us apparently thought the other guests walking around inside the countries was for show or animatronics or something) so we just rode the bus around through all the countries and thought that was it! we didn't know until the next trip that there was more to it than that!
Mexico is definately one of my favorite pavilions! it's almost like it's a secret pavilion...only one that a lot of people know about :)

Hank Scorpio

New Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
Imagine, you just reminded me of our first trip to WS...back in 92 or 93 it was...when the double decker buses still chugged along the paths. we didn't know you could actually explore the countries (stupid us apparently thought the other guests walking around inside the countries was for show or animatronics or something) so we just rode the bus around through all the countries and thought that was it! we didn't know until the next trip that there was more to it than that!
Mexico is definately one of my favorite pavilions! it's almost like it's a secret pavilion...only one that a lot of people know about :)

Buses in WS???? :veryconfu :king:


Active Member
Those buses had to go. You could walk around the entire Showcase in the time you waited for the bus and rode to the next stop. Same with the boats. I always thought of Mexico as a secret pavillion too because El Rio Del Tiempo is somewhat hidden. Personally I'd change only about 1/3 - 1/2 of the ride. The beginning is cool - those first screens of the Aztecs/Galaxies are really trippy. Then it becomes IASW. But I like the screens of the market place and the divers - it reminds me of If You Had Wings. And maybe it's me but that gives me the "Disney Vibe", which has always been what I call "outdated futuristic", like Tomorrowland was more like "ConcreteLand" when I first saw it 20 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Michael72688
Last I checked WDW was a place for families, and many families have kids way under the age of 21, if you get bored to to Downtown Disney, dont ruin the parks!

Check again.
You missed the point of the original post AND my response.



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Hank Scorpio
Buses in WS???? :veryconfu :king:

yup! :) they still have one going, actually...the Junkanoo...only they had several going at once, of course, and without all the characters and decorations :D

and durhay's right, they were REALLY slow...but they had to go slow to make sure they didn't run over any pedestrians. they still have the boats though don't they, durhay? you make it seem like they've stopped running as well. :veryconfu


Active Member
Originally posted by Dizknee_Phreek
....they still have the boats though don't they, durhay? you make it seem like they've stopped running as well.

I assume they're still there. I just stopped noticing. I did think the buses went away though.


New Member
Personally I think the World Showcase needs more updating than Future World. The buildings are great but the movies they show suck! They need real attractions! If I want to watch a movie about China I'll get one from the library or what the History channel. I go to Disney World to go into different adventures. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a ride in Mexico? Japan? America? If they put 3 or 4 ride attractions in World Showcase it would be awesome!!

If they did add rides to World Showcase I think they shouldn't be thrill rides though. Maybe one could be but I think World Showcase attracts adults and elders and should continue to be accessible to them. But it can interest kids and teens at the same time. My little brother would love a slow moving ride about the American revolution or something of that nature.

I think Future World needs updating too even though the Discoveryland idea sounds a little stupid. Those Disney Imaginers can come up with better ideas than that!


New Member
Originally posted by Luke1984
Personally I think the World Showcase needs more updating than Future World. The buildings are great but the movies they show suck! ...

I always walk out before the movie starts :snore:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Before I post another reply, I would like to thank everyone for their comments, on the thread I posted.

Now, I understand that as we speak, Future World is crumbling, not literally (eventhough some may think so) but you know what I mean. Now, imagine for a second its ten years in the future, Gemini is almost complete, and what once seemed like a perfect World Showcase, is now the part of Epcot that is crumbling. I think that Disney should focus on the park as a whole, and fix the current problems with the park, and fix those which may arise in the future. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm sick of Disney reacting only after things occur. They should look ahead and not wait for things to go bad. Like everything else I have and will ever post, this is just my humble opinion.:brick:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by durhay
I assume they're still there. I just stopped noticing. I did think the buses went away though.

ah! gotcha! lol, yeah i stopped noticing too. and yeah, the buses are definately gone...and really i can't tell if i miss them or not. it's been too long, so i can't remember if they added or took away from the park. *shrugs* but regardless, they're gone.


Well-Known Member
Luke, just thought i'd tell ya that i agree with you! the pavilions themselves isn't in need of updating, but their attractions certainly are! personally, i've always hated 360 movies...every one of them that i've seen has been boring, and standing in one place that long doesn't help my aching feet after walking in a park all day. but Disney could make these awesome! i'm not sure of how at the moment, but they could think of something. we've already discussed Mexico's (though i do find it to be the most interesting of the WS "rides") Norway's i've never liked. Impressions de France is the only movie in WS worth watching, imo. i've only seen it once, but i really liked it. American Adventure is by far the best WS attraction! as for adding more attractions...maybe a few, but i don't really think all the pavilions need one. i think a water ride in Italy with gondolla boats would be great! and like you said, Luke, maybe one thrill ride, but that's it for that type of ride.
pretty good points, Luke!


New Member
Although I think FW needs more help than WS, it would be "nice" to see some new attractions or at the least a new pavillion, as its been over 15 years (i think) since Norway was added. But WS's strength esp. up until a year ago and the drop in tourism, has always been the amount and variety of entertainment. As I said before I noticed such a change from pre 9/11 to post. For ex. i remember walking from country to country and each time seeing some kind of performance. It was so much fun,...from NOva Era (i can't believe what disney did to them), the comedy players in italy and england, a singer in the pub, a arab pop group in morocco, jazz singers in AA, etc. and this was all in one mornign asnd i'm leaving stuff out. But then again i guess at the time the millenium events although they had ended the effects were still being felt on the park.

As for WS, as much as I'd like to see some new rides and updates, other than movies what can you do without being too corny. In the end the only thing you can really do is "travel channel" type stuff. Maybe you can do it in a creative way and i guess thats what imagineers are for. But for ex. a 3 D movie of a country would seem kind of ridiculous and crass. I know i'm in the minority in that i actually, even as a kid, loved the movies, esp. Canada's 360. But no one else i know does so obviously there is a problem. But first things first ...lets hope Disney fixes FW first. I for one am somewhat in favor of PG and hopes alot of it comes to fruition.


New Member
Originally posted by objr
Before I post another reply, I would like to thank everyone for their comments, on the thread I posted.

Now, I understand that as we speak, Future World is crumbling, not literally (eventhough some may think so) but you know what I mean. Now, imagine for a second its ten years in the future, Gemini is almost complete, and what once seemed like a perfect World Showcase, is now the part of Epcot that is crumbling. I think that Disney should focus on the park as a whole, and fix the current problems with the park, and fix those which may arise in the future. I don't know about everyone else, but I'm sick of Disney reacting only after things occur. They should look ahead and not wait for things to go bad. Like everything else I have and will ever post, this is just my humble opinion.:brick:

Although I understand your logic... World Showcase will not be crumbling. It's a very unique place. It is propably one of the most profitable Amusement/theme park "lands" ever. They are always keeping it kept up. If I understand correctly, a portion of Gemini will add Spain and possibly re-vitalize the old Odyssey Restaurant, plus China is being updated, and Mexico is in talks about update, so although I see your concern, I really don't think there is one. The World Theme is a very time tested approach that should survive through the "Discovery" conversion. I think WS will be maintained and improved as it always has been. Perhaps a new parade, a new menu here and there, but in all, the need is not there and it should be OK. That's merely my thoughts on the matter, but take them as you will.

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