What about Epcot and AK?


Active Member
Nope. All WS attractions are major. The AA is the most lavish and biggest.

China, France, Norway and Canada all have major motion pictures presented by a variety of innovative means, which all took many years of planning, shooting and editing and contain some of the finest cinematography ever seen in a theme park.

Maelstrom is a short, fun and welcome C/D Ticket and could be a solid D if everything worked as it used to. Gran Fiesta... a D on scope and scale, C on budget and execution. Certainly entertaining for the guest.

Just don`t mention Italy or the UK. Especially the UK. It`s embarrassing.

Again, at the end of the day - without the very unliely 12th country - Italy had a ride planned, as did Germany, Japan has 4 designs sitting on the shelf and the UK 3. Even just pull Africas v2 rapids or Denmarks riverboat if they want to add something new in an open space. Even Morocco has a full diner show on paper - stop the rot now before it gets more embarrassing.

And update IDF!

Circle Vision films weren't very entertaining and seemed outdated. Why sho the scenery on film when they can just create it outside. I honestly don't get it.

Love Maelstrom! But Gran Fiesta.....D?! Dear God, thought it was C at best. Personally, it's a B in my eyes to get out of the heat... :lol:

What's wrong with UK and Italy? I liked these WS parts... :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Won't say I disagree with that...But there ARE attractions besides AA. It's not just a "shopping mall".:rolleyes::lol:

The attractions in World Showcase are boring to children. That's why they added Donald to Mexico. If we're calling Toy Story Mania a D ticket, when it drives attendance at DHS, I can't agree that any attraction in world showcase should be considered a D. Sure, they may reach that level in scope (American Adventure for example), but none of them drive attendance like a modern D ticket. That's what World Showcase needs.


Active Member
Who said I wanted a clone?

Besides, Aladdin is a much rougher fit for Adventureland.

As long as the fix the roughness issues.

Not that much. It seems to work there now, placement aside, the carpets have a lot of fans.

Plus, I think Aladdin would have more fans than an Indy ride would especially if it were an E-ticket.


Active Member
MK needs an adult draw. Indy would be it.

Besides, I don't think it's a good idea to turn Aland into yet another Fantasyland.

Agree with adult (male) draw, but bringing Aladdin into the picture doesn't make ALand the new FLand... why? Just because he's a character? I don't get it/see it.

The way I see it, many adults, just like they love BatB and LK, love Aladdin too. Also, Aladdin is one of the few Disney films that appeals directly to boys. So I think Aladdin would have both a child (boy- which they need badly, too) and adult (male) draw.


New Member
I'm probably in the minority, but I actually like the circle vision films. Personally, the circle vision films (especially Canada's) make me want to visit the countries they are about. They have some re-watchability because you can't see everything the first time through, no matter how quickly your head swivels. I think they give more information about the country than a ride does; whether or not that makes one better than the other is certainly debatable. And maybe they're not as interesting to children as rides are... but WS has become more child-friendly in recent years as it is with the addition of Kim Possible and increases in character appearances.

I've heard of plans for rides in Germany, Italy, and Japan, but never the UK. What are the ones for the UK like?


Well-Known Member
Yeah....I'm going to have to disagree with you. :lookaroun:lol: Yes, most of it is still shopping based, but it is cultral, it is immersive, and there is a major attraction in MOST of the Pavilions.

I do agree that something new is needed, though...21 years is long enough without construction.

See, I guess that's where I disagree. I don't see any "major" attractions in there.

The films really aren't that impressive anymore. They used to be more so, but even Circlevision doesn't excite many these days when you can watch much more updated and complete documentaries about these places from the comfort of your own home via the magic of Cable television. Back in 1982 a travelogue film was something most people didn't see regularly; now, it's almost quaint.

I do like WS, don't get me wrong. And I'm not a "if it's not a big fast ride it doesn't count!" type either. I can enjoy walking through, seeing the sporadic demonstrations, but then again - I don't generally travel all the way accross the country to see little groups of ethnic dancers; I live right near Boston and NYC, so I see all that type of culture all the time.

In recent years, though, I just can't help thinking of it as one big (VERY well-themed) shopping mall. It's pretty to walk-through, and you can distract yourself for a few minutes just poking about each pavilion, but it really needs...something. Like I said, although I enjoy thrill rides, they aren't the only thing in the world to me - another nice boat ride, some fun attraction, anything that moves and is entertaining.

I totally get why so many people are enamoured with WS, and in some ways I am too - it is a nice, quiet way to spend some time. But it really needs some oomph - something new to experience, something to make walking around all that way (past Mexico and Norway) something to look forward to other than the absorption of Disney-fied culture.


Agree with adult (male) draw, but bringing Aladdin into the picture doesn't make ALand the new FLand... why? Just because he's a character? I don't get it/see it.

Aladdin mixed with the Tiki Room. Too many cartoons.

The way I see it, many adults, just like they love BatB and LK, love Aladdin too. Also, Aladdin is one of the few Disney films that appeals directly to boys. So I think Aladdin would have both a child (boy- which they need badly, too) and adult (male) draw.

Maybe, but ask almost any boy who he'd rather meet and go on an adventure with, Aladding or Indiana Jones, and I'm willing to bet 9 out of 10 will say Indy.


Active Member
See, I guess that's where I disagree. I don't see any "major" attractions in there.

The films really aren't that impressive anymore. They used to be more so, but even Circlevision doesn't excite many these days when you can watch much more updated and complete documentaries about these places from the comfort of your own home via the magic of Cable television. Back in 1982 a travelogue film was something most people didn't see regularly; now, it's almost quaint.

I do like WS, don't get me wrong. And I'm not a "if it's not a big fast ride it doesn't count!" type either. I can enjoy walking through, seeing the sporadic demonstrations, but then again - I don't generally travel all the way accross the country to see little groups of ethnic dancers; I live right near Boston and NYC, so I see all that type of culture all the time.

In recent years, though, I just can't help thinking of it as one big (VERY well-themed) shopping mall. It's pretty to walk-through, and you can distract yourself for a few minutes just poking about each pavilion, but it really needs...something. Like I said, although I enjoy thrill rides, they aren't the only thing in the world to me - another nice boat ride, some fun attraction, anything that moves and is entertaining.

I totally get why so many people are enamoured with WS, and in some ways I am too - it is a nice, quiet way to spend some time. But it really needs some oomph - something new to experience, something to make walking around all that way (past Mexico and Norway) something to look forward to other than the absorption of Disney-fied culture.

Agree on all counts, except I love this shopping mall... :lookaroun:lol:


Active Member
Aladdin mixed with the Tiki Room. Too many cartoons.

Our Tiki Room is an abomination. No disagreeing here, but I still don't see it as "cartoony" at all.

Maybe, but ask almost any boy who he'd rather meet and go on an adventure with, Aladding or Indiana Jones, and I'm willing to bet 9 out of 10 will say Indy.

Doubt it. To me as a 10 year old, I saw both Indy and Aladdin and I was much more drawn to Aladdin. I loved every aspect of that movie and it still is my favorite movie of all time.


Doubt it. To me as a 10 year old, I saw both Indy and Aladdin and I was much more drawn to Aladdin. I loved every aspect of that movie and it still is my favorite movie of all time.

That was you. I don't see kids dressing up as Aladdin for Halloween any more. I sure saw a lot as Indy.

This is a foolish argument, but I feel like you are really overestimating Aladdin's popularity with today's kids, while simultaneously underestimating Indy's.


Active Member
That was you. I don't see kids dressing up as Aladdin for Halloween any more. I sure saw a lot as Indy.

This is a foolish argument, but I feel like you are really overestimating Aladdin's popularity with today's kids, while simultaneously underestimating Indy's.

:rolleyes: I still doubt it! :lol: Whichever would be great for MK, tbh.

You have to admit though that the Disney Decade movies have a strong hold on the now-adults that are buying tickets for their kids. I have a feeling if they loved the movie as a child, then they'd want their children exposed to it, too.


Park History nut
Premium Member
Circle Vision films weren't very entertaining and seemed outdated. Why sho(w) the scenery on film when they can just create it outside. I honestly don't get it.
Okay... so they`ll build The Great City, Hong Kong Island, or the Rockies in WS? Leave it to the beautiful photography.

Don`t forget both were updated in the last 6 years. And maybe they inform and inspire more than entertain. Nothing wrong with that ;)

What's wrong with UK and Italy? I liked these WS parts...
There isn`t much to do... unless you get lucky and catch street theatre.

The attractions in World Showcase are boring to children.
Fine with me. Let them run around shooting cell phones and let me enjoy what there is in peace.

They used to be more so, but even Circlevision doesn't excite many these days when you can watch much more updated and complete documentaries about these places from the comfort of your own home via the magic of Cable television.
You can`t look behind you at home. Big, flat screen hi def docus may be one thing, but ultra high def 360 views can`t be beat. Yep, Travelogues are everywhere but CV for me at least is still far better and immersive. It is a dying breed - enjoy it while you still can.

Bork Bork

Active Member
Regarding EPCOT, there's some awesome concept art for WS attractions. But the one I want to see most is the Rhine River Cruise in Germany. The show building's already there. I ride that in my dreams :snore: frequently since Germany is my favorite pavillion.



Regarding EPCOT, there's some awesome concept art for WS attractions. But the one I want to see most is the Rhine River Cruise in Germany. The show building's already there. I ride that in my dreams :snore: frequently since Germany is my favorite pavillion.



Germany is by far my favorite, and the Rhine would be a terrific ride.


Active Member
Call me crazy, but I really want a Hunchaback ride in France.

I feel like Hunchback is probably one of the most realisitic (although not from its original source) Disney movies, and the architecture in the movie (Frollo's Home, the village, Cout of Miracles) would be a great fit in France!

EPCOT Explorer

New Member
Epcot needs a total Imagination redo. Everything redone. And a nice simulator to replace WoL *cough*Storm Riders*cough* then make a new small dark ride for WS... Pinocchio for Germany or a Mulan dark ride for China.

DAK needs smaller attractions. Animal trails.... please no! I love the idea of a Bambi dark ride and another E-ticket water ride like Pocahontas. Besides those, I'd still love Beastly to be realized over anything else anywhere.

DHS needs small dark rides, too. Like an Up dark ride or MIHaGS. Also, Golden Mickeys is the perfect attraction for DHS preferably right where AI is.

MK does need some thrill and I'd like to see in Adventureland *cough*Aladdin*cough*...

We want originality! :animwink:

Also, a nice small ride for ALand like Raging Spirits would be awesome!
How are rides based off movies original and above all...cultural?

That's where you loose me.:shrug:

The attractions in World Showcase are boring to children. That's why they added Donald to Mexico. If we're calling Toy Story Mania a D ticket, when it drives attendance at DHS, I can't agree that any attraction in world showcase should be considered a D. Sure, they may reach that level in scope (American Adventure for example), but none of them drive attendance like a modern D ticket. That's what World Showcase needs.
So? No everything in Disney has to be for kids...and Disney itself should really start to realize that. So far...They've been good about WS and that.

AA ALWASY playes to a pretty full house. Or at least it has for me.:shrug:

See, I guess that's where I disagree. I don't see any "major" attractions in there.

The films really aren't that impressive anymore. They used to be more so, but even Circlevision doesn't excite many these days when you can watch much more updated and complete documentaries about these places from the comfort of your own home via the magic of Cable television. Back in 1982 a travelogue film was something most people didn't see regularly; now, it's almost quaint.

I do like WS, don't get me wrong. And I'm not a "if it's not a big fast ride it doesn't count!" type either. I can enjoy walking through, seeing the sporadic demonstrations, but then again - I don't generally travel all the way accross the country to see little groups of ethnic dancers; I live right near Boston and NYC, so I see all that type of culture all the time.

In recent years, though, I just can't help thinking of it as one big (VERY well-themed) shopping mall. It's pretty to walk-through, and you can distract yourself for a few minutes just poking about each pavilion, but it really needs...something. Like I said, although I enjoy thrill rides, they aren't the only thing in the world to me - another nice boat ride, some fun attraction, anything that moves and is entertaining.

I totally get why so many people are enamoured with WS, and in some ways I am too - it is a nice, quiet way to spend some time. But it really needs some oomph - something new to experience, something to make walking around all that way (past Mexico and Norway) something to look forward to other than the absorption of Disney-fied culture.
I do agree that it needs some oomph, but I have to say that even while the Circlevisions are a bit outdated, they still are relevant to the theme park. They are perfect examples of what EPCOT tries to do.
Okay... so they`ll build The Great City, Hong Kong Island, or the Rockies in WS? Leave it to the beautiful photography.

Don`t forget both were updated in the last 6 years. And maybe they inform and inspire more than entertain. Nothing wrong with that ;)

There isn`t much to do... unless you get lucky and catch street theatre.

Fine with me. Let them run around shooting cell phones and let me enjoy what there is in peace.

You can`t look behind you at home. Big, flat screen hi def docus may be one thing, but ultra high def 360 views can`t be beat. Yep, Travelogues are everywhere but CV for me at least is still far better and immersive. It is a dying breed - enjoy it while you still can.

Well said, Mr. Smith. :D And yes, I do think that they are dying out...:( However, I should and would think that they be allowed to stay, if purlely for nostalgic purposes. They are VERY EPCOT Center, even now, and I hope that they remain, if just for nostalgic purposes. I think Steve coined the term "museum piece" before? This is it. :eek:


Active Member
How are rides based off movies original and above all...cultural?

Well, Mulan is sort of cultural. Pinocchio, meh.

The whole Mulan movie is about fighting China's cultural/gender norms and fighting for what you believe is right for you, so I don't see it as that far from a stretch. The movie does also embrace many Chinese cultural references.

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