Hello my circle of FRIENDS!!! :wave:
I had just the most wonderful day today! :king:
I had been missing for a few days as my dog (my rock) hurt her back and needed some medical attention. $450 later she is doing much better (thank God) and so am I. I know she is getting older (I adopted her 10 years ago) but I am not sur ethat I could continue life without her. She has been with me through good times and bad, and believe me.....there has been some bad times

Today she is doing much better (thanks to the wonderful folks at my vet and the miracle of modern medicine sponsored by Novartis). She has not had so much energy in 5 years. I was asked to make her "take it easy" for a few days, so I went to Typhoon Lagoon today where I played "big fat white whale" for a few hours to let her sleep. I got a little sunburned, but "oh well"....it happens.
I must say....I am "newish" to the "circle of friends", although not new to the site, or the concept. I must say that I am so happy to see that so many people with so varied backgrounds can "post" together so peacefully, and some together really for what results in the betterment (is that a word?) of everybody involved.