Weight limits


New Member
robynchic said:
I mean, I don't mean to rail on the heavy people (some of my closest friends are BBW), but when you look at a serving portion in restaurants nowadays...here's some perspective:
A single portion of red meat is about the size of the palm of your hand, or about the size of a deck of cards.
A single serving of bread, rice, cereal, or pasta is about 1/2 a baseball.

Think about that, and how much you may see on your plate in a restaurant. It's no wonder people are getting obese nowadays. And with video games and computers, kids aren't playing outdoors more.

Then they wonder why America is the fattest country!


New Member
DisneyFreak529 said:
Then they wonder why America is the fattest country!

...and don't get me started on the overwhelming amount of large/overweight kids getting pushed around in the double-wide strollers at WDW. These kids are the future too-fat-to-fit-in-the-ride adults at WDW.

When I was a kid, the double/twin strollers were single file, not side-by-side. This design prevented this disturbing trend of fat kids getting even fatter by being pushed around instead of walking. And I'm not talking about 3-year olds who ought to be in strollers. The kids I've seen are easly 9+ and more than capable of walking.

Hell, my parents had trouble keeping up with me at WDW, not the other way around.


Well-Known Member
yeah seen many of those "large" lazy stroller kids ... and some adults in motor scooters .... was quite disturbing .. ok we also have heavyweights over here .. but not sooo many :eek:

I'm working on my weight ... 1,81m with(~6') 102KG(224lbs :eek: )
We over here have hardly any All-You-Can-Eat Buffets. They tempt into eating more than you should.

Though I have to commit that I really enjoy going to Golden Corral, Ponderose, Las Vegas Buffet etc. whenever I am in WDW. You really get a lot for your buck.


New Member
I'm also a bit (ok a lot) winnie the pooh shaped and let me tell you Disney has always been fantastic in accomadating (i can't spell sorry). Anyway I was wondering if anyone had been able to sneak a peek at the Everest cars? I hope they are fat friendly :)

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
trdisneyfan said:
...and don't get me started on the overwhelming amount of large/overweight kids getting pushed around in the double-wide strollers at WDW. These kids are the future too-fat-to-fit-in-the-ride adults at WDW.

This is often the gist of what I write when people ask about getting strollers for 5 year olds.

My normal 5 year old kids did just fine WALKING all day at WDW. When they got tired, we were all ready for a break anyway.


Well-Known Member
Okay as a fattie I feel the need to defend us lazy people who can't keep our hands off cookies (or so it seems some of you think).

Portions in this country are out of control, yes. And obesity in children is dangerous, yes. But please don't make it sound like 'oh, just eat more sensibly' or, 'hey, smaller portions' or 'I know it's hard to lose weight, but..' because some of us are hefty due to health problems NOT caused by being fat. There are thyroid problems that go untreated (or cannot be treated), there are metabolism problems, and there are eating disorders. And, no, anorexia and bulimia are NOT the only eating disorders. There are disorders and mental illnesses that cause you to overeat.

And because of these problems, sometimes even dieting doesn't help. I am 5'7", 248lbs and have a history of adult-onset diabetes and thyroid problems in my family. I have followed many a diet, including the Weight Watchers Point system, including doctor recommended diets; I have DRASTICALLY altered my eating habits and exercised regularly, and I can no longer lose weight like I used to. My doctor admits I am overweight, but for now I have no health problems because of it.

Sorry I had to rant, but what I was reading was depressing the heck out of me!


New Member
I've only seen a few people having issues with the tight squeeze cars that have the real narrow entrances like Snow White and Splash. I don't see why the others would be a problem. Although sometimes Space Mountain can be a bit tricky to climb out of, even for those of average weight. But most rides have tons of room like the honey pots (Pooh's ride), Haunted Mansion and the Peter Pan ride vehicles.


New Member
I have seen people turned away at Aladdin and Dumbo, I believe there is a weight limit on them.

Many a times I have felt bad though because of our tiny turnstiles at Pirates as well, don't hesitate to ask to go through the chains instead, we're happy to unclip them for you instead of having someone get hurt!


anyone else feel uncomfortable in TEST TRACK?

singles rider, I was in the front part, with 2 other peple.

On the side of each end there is a traction step that is suppposed to help you get in, but I found it scratched my upper arm during the ride


New Member
robynchic said:
Think about that, and how much you may see on your plate in a restaurant. It's no wonder people are getting obese nowadays. And with video games and computers, kids aren't playing outdoors more.

Hey, playing outdoors is exactly why the Gameboy was invented! ;)

Though... large portions aren't the only reason why people are obese. Genetics does figure in some (as the kid wrote in the book in Ringu, "My dad's fat, my mom's fat, so I am fat, too!"). I'm a pretty good example. I don't think I eat that much at all. I eat two meals at the most and they're never that big. I hate being stuffed, so I eat pretty small meals. Just enough so that I'm not hungry anymore. I don't snack in between meals all that much either. I very rarely get desert and that's usually only when it comes with the meal (don't like being a food waster).

But both of my parents are a bit overweight. And my sister has struggled with her weight as well -- and, believe me, she eats about as healthy as you can.


Well-Known Member
PigletIsMyCat said:
I suppose.... I haven't even been to Universal yet. Not planning on it anytime soon either. DH is already shopping for Dramamine (sp? I don't use it, so I can't spell it lol) for our Disney trip. He's nervous about RNRC and REFUSES to get on the Teacups with me if he doesn't have any.

As a man & former Long Islander, I suggest you give the hubbie a swift kick in the rump and tell him to get on those rides.

My philosophy with my wife is a "battle of attrition". I know if I ask her and/or annoy her enough she will eventually give in just so I shut up. Or I don't give her an option to begin with. :lol: :lol: :lol:

This makes going on rides much easier in the long run as they realize it's nothing to worry about and go on them again and again.

Though this did backfire with my mother a few years ago. She went on Tower of Terror, came off sick, but NOT :hurl: and went to :snore: :snore: for 14 hours.


New Member
I am 6'6" appprox 320 lbs and the attractions that make me uncomfortable alot or alittle are:
FYI---most of mine is a big gut....I'm pretty well fit everywhere else. :)

Space Mountain...leg room...back seat is the best for me...there is a little nook on each side of the seat in front of you, perfect for your legs.

Test Track...alittle in the leg room - except for when im front center

R-n-R coaster - I'm very broad shouldered, and that dang over the head/shoulder protection dont go down far enough for me at times....but I still got to ride.

Splash Mtn...alittle in the leg room is tough...I have to cross my legs, which isnt very fun through that long ride.

It kinda stinks to not be able to stretch out your legs on some attractions.

Everything else I mostly can deal with.


New Member
first off, i am not ''large'' per se. big, and out of shape, but i do play on my schools soccer team and football alot so i am working on it. i have never felt uncomferatable at WDW on anything.

second, you really cant point fingers on obesity, it is not one persons fault. you could be that way genetically, not choosing to play outside, having your parents feed you the wrong foods as a child, having a diesese the inhibits your matabolism.

third, large ppl dont enjoy it, trust me, it kills not to be able to finish a run around the same time as your team, or not being able to keep up with ppl, it is not fun.


New Member
At Islands of Adventure they have one or two special large seats on the coasters on the 3rd and/or 6th row. It has two seatbelts on it. I barely fit into those larger seats and my brother does not fit. I'm glad I am able to squeeze in there though cause I love those coasters!

At Universal (both parks), the rides that may not be accommodating to larger guests (like The Hulk, Deuling Dragons, and The Mummy) have seats that you can try outside the attraction so you know if you will fit or not.

At WDW I have not had any problems on any ride but Snow White which has very little leg room! Also my brother is uncomfortable on Space Mountain (leg room) but I am perfectly comfortable.

Here is a trick about RNR. The seats in the front half in each car has WAY more leg room than the back half. We request to sit in the front seats each time we ride. The harness, which is usually the problem on coasters, is actually quite comfortable. I wish more coasters were as size friendly!


New Member
I have a turnstile question. I've noticed on a few rides at EPCOT these things similar to turnstiles, but you don't have to push through a bar, you just walk through. And it appears there is an "eye" on the inside that perhaps counts how many people go through? I probably didn't explain that very well but hopefully you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, does it work on the same theory as a regular turnstile? and if so, jeez I wish they'd use those in the other parks! Those turnstiles at POTC and the Main street train station are awful!

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